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Documento para estudiar 2do secundaria

1. Daily Routines
 Vocabulary:
 Wake up---Levantarse  Have lunch---Almorzar
 Brush teeth---Lavarse los  Return home---Regresar a
dientes casa
 Take a shower---Tomar un  Do exercise---Hacer ejercicios
 Have dinner---Cenar
 Have breakfast---Desayunar
 Go to bed---Ir a dormir
 Go to work/school---Ir al

 Example Sentences:
 I wake up at 7:00 a.m. every morning.
 After waking up, I brush my teeth.
 I usually take a shower before breakfast.
 My daily routine includes going to work at 9:00 a.m.

2. Parts of the Body

 Vocabulary:
 Head---Cabeza  Legs---Piernas
 Eyes---Ojos  Hands---Manos
 Nose---Nariz  Feet---Pies
 Mouth---Boca  Fingers---Dedos
 Ears---Orejas  Toes---Dedos de los pies
 Arms---Brazos
 Example Sentences:
 My head hurts.
 I use my hands to write.
 He broke his leg while playing soccer.
3. Foods and Drinks
 Vocabulary:  Coffee---Café
 Apple---Manzana  Tea---Té
 Banana  Bread---Pan
 Orange---Naranja  Rice---Arroz
 Milk---Leche  Chicken---Pollo
 Water---Agua  Salad---Ensalada

 Example Sentences:
 I like to have a cup of coffee in the morning.
 For lunch, I usually eat a sandwich.
 Water is essential for our body.

4. The Weather
 Vocabulary:  Windy---Ventoso
 Sunny---Soleado  Hot---Caliente
 Cloudy---Nublado  Cold---Frio
 Rainy---Lluvioso  Warm---Cálido
 Snowy---Nevado  Stormy---Tormentoso
 Example Sentences:
 It's sunny today, let's go to the beach.
 I don't like going out when it's rainy.
 The weather forecast predicts snow for tomorrow.

5. Pains and Aches

 Vocabulary:  Backache---Dolor de espalda
 Headache---Dolor de cabeza  Sore throat---Dolor de
 Toothache---Dolor de diente
 Fever---Fiebre
 Stomachache---Dolor de
estomago  Cough---Tos
 Bruise---Moretón

 Example Sentences:
 I can't concentrate because I have a headache.
 She went to the dentist because of a toothache.
 He has a fever and needs to rest.

6. Polite Expressions
 Vocabulary:  I'm sorry---Lo siento
 Please---Por favor  May I.? --- Puedo...?
 Thank you---Gracias  Could you...? --- Te
 You're welcome---De nada
 Would you mind...? --- Te
 Excuse me---Discúlpame
 Example Sentences:
 Could you please pass me the salt?
 Thank you for your help.
 I'm sorry for being late.

7. Frequency Adverbs
 Vocabulary:  Sometimes---A veces
 Always---Siempre  Rarely---Raramente
 Usually---Usualmente  Never---Nunca
 Often---A menudo
 Example Sentences:
 I always brush my teeth before going to bed.
 He usually takes a bus to work.
 They rarely eat out.

8. Possessive and Interrogative Pronouns

 Vocabulary:
 Mine---Mio  Its---
 Your---Tuyo  Ours---Nuestro
 His---Suyo  Theirs---Suyo
 Hers---Su  Whose---Cuyos
 Example Sentences:
 This is my book.
 Whose pen is this?
 What is your favorite color?

9. Simple Present

Es un tiempo verbal utilizado para expresar hábitos, verdades generales, sentimientos o

gustos. Para conjugarlo, mantenemos la base verbal. Excepto para la tercera persona del
singular, se añade la terminación -s.
Ejemplo: I read every night before I go to sleep.
10. Simple Past
El past simple se usa para oraciones en las que la idea, el acto o el estado ya se completó.

Sólo tienes que añadir -ed a la forma base o infinitiva del verbo, (o -d si la forma raíz ya
termina en e). La forma infinitiva o base del verbo es como aparece el verbo en el
diccionario, por ejemplo, «walk» (caminar).
[ verbo] + [ed] = verbo regular en pasado
Por ejemplo:
 To walk → walk + ed = walked
I walked into town. (Caminé a la ciudad)
 To paint → paint + ed = painted
I painted a picture. (Pinté un cuadro)
 To love → love + d = loved
I loved my ex-wife. (Amé a mi ex mujer)
Además, los verbos en pasado simple no cambian en función del sujeto, sino que
permanecen siempre igual. Por ejemplo
 I smile, she smiled, he smiled, you smiled, we smiled, they smiled. (Yo sonreí, ella
sonrió, él sonrió, tú sonreíste, nosotros sonreímos, ellos sonrieron.)
Sin embargo, los verbos irregulares son diferentes. Por ejemplo, el verbo “work” es un verbo
regular, por lo que para formar su pasado simple hay que añadir “-ed” al final”: “I worked at
home yesterday”.
Ahora echemos un vistazo a un verbo irregular. Usemos el verbo “buy”:
“I bought a new car yesterday”. Ayer compré un carro nuevo.

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