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Addressing Sexual Assault in The Army

Specialist Aptekhmanov, Mark

Basic Leaders Course 04-23

Staff Sergeant Bedoya, Ruben

February 12, 2023


The purpose of this essay is to address why the number of sexual assaults

continue to increase in the Army. Sexual assault is an ongoing problem since the Army

was created in 1775. Sexual assault creates distrust within organizations and prevents

service members (SM) from focusing on missions. According to the United States

Department of Defense Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (DoD SAPR)

program, 7.1 in every 1,000 SM’s were sexually assaulted in 2021. Only one in five

SM’s reported incidents to authorities (Department of Defense 2022).

The reason why sexual assault occurs in the Army is based on both subordinates

and superiors. Both sides stem from environments of SM’s and psychological problems

they may have. Toxic environments promote SM’s to think negative actions are okay.

Quid-pro-quo and hostile environments that target the SM’s livelihood or career can

result in sexual assault. Oftentimes, sexual assault and even rape happens when

alcohol is involved (United States Army 2023). Environments are also based on support

systems and authorities. The lack of either can promote negative behavior.

Psychological problems can stem from mental health issues that result in sexual

assault. Lack of discipline, differences in their upbringing, and cultural differences can

also be factors on why sexual assault occurs.

Our current approach to training reduces risk of sexual assault and harassment.

The approach focuses on creating an environment that has a zero-tolerance policy to

negative behavior. Checks and balances between SM’s ensure that they look after one

another. SM’s who are educated on the subject can recognize signs and stop sexual

harassment and assault from happening. The approach also focuses on creating

necessary resources for victims to report incidents and receive the help they need.

Incident numbers continue to increase, not because there are more incidents, but

because victims are more comfortable with reporting. The Sexual Harassment/Assault

Response and Prevention (SHARP) program in the Army provides victims of sexual

harassment and assault resources following an incident. SHARP also allows victims to

report incidents safely and confidentially (United States Army 2023).

Unfortunately, sexual violence in the military will never end, but we can do our

best to prevent it from happening. SM’s must continue to receive the proper education

and training to stay aware. Having the right resources available for victims is key.

Sexual violence can be fought by creating the right non-toxic environment and having

strict consequences.

Addressing these issues explains why the number of sexual assaults continue to

increase in the Army. Sexual assault stems from a variety of different variables such as

psychological issues, environments, and situations SM’s could be placed in. Victims

should continue to have as many resources as needed when an incident does occur.

Our current approach of training to reduce sexual assault works. The approach only

works if we continue to educate and look after one another to prevent sexual assault

before it happens.


Department of Defense. (2022). Department of Defense Annual Report on Sexual

Assault in the Military, Fiscal Year 2021. Retrieved February 12, 2023, from

Department of Defense. (2022). Enclosure 1: Department of the Army Report, Fiscal

Year 2021. Retrieved February 12, 2023, from

United States Army. (n.d.). Army Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention.

SHARP: Prevention. Retrieved February 12, 2023, from

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