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The diary of Anne Frank - Anne Frank, a Jewish girl,

wrote her experiences while hiding from the Nazis during
World War II in a secret building. Her diary tells the fear,
hope, and resilience of her family.

2). Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela is an

autobiographical book detailing Mandela's life,
imprisonment, and eventual presidency in South
Africa. It's a powerful and inspiring story of
perseverance and the struggle for racial equality.

3). The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama is a

political memoir that outlines his vision for America,
advocating for unity and progress through pragmatic
solutions to complex problems.

4). A Confederate Gilrs Diary by Sarah Morgan

Dawson lived in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at the
outbreak of the American Civil War. In March 1862,
she began to record her thoughts about the war in a
diary thoughts about the loss of friends killed in
battle and the occupation of her home by Federal
troops. Her devotion to the South was unwavering
and her emotions real and uncensored.

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