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[Docker Masterclass]

Docker Master Class

Summary 07-11-2023

 Docker: 9136 companies reportedly use Docker in their tech stacks, including
Pinterest, Shopify, and Spotify.

 Docker is a Containerization tool, there are others too like Podman and CRI-O.

 Every industry needs to reprovision the OS (terminate and launch) thousands of

times, and after launching OS configuration is also required
 Launching the OS on base metal or using Virtualization is too time-consuming.

 Here is the solution Container (Docker) which installs the OS in less than 1
sec. It also gives the hardware facilities like RAM & CPU and configures the
OS as required. It makes deployment rapid.

 To use the docker we need the OS, we are using AWS cloud for the OS

 Launch the OS/Instance at AWS cloud:

 Login to the AWS account
[Docker Masterclass]

 Search for ec2 service

 Click on Launch Instance

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 Name the OS and select Amazon Machine Image like Amazon Linux

 Choose Instance type (t2.mirco is free) and the key pair can be set as the
default value so that we can log in without a key pair
[Docker Masterclass]

 And Click on the Launch Instance

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 OS is launched successfully, to disable the default firewall by AWS on

the launched instance, select that particular instance and select the
security section

 Click on the security Groups

 Click on the Edit Inbound Rules

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 Make the changes below and click on the Save rules

[Docker Masterclass]

 Connect the OS by clicking on connect

[Docker Masterclass]

 sudo su – root Command to login to the root account.

 whoami command to check which user is currently working.

 yum install docker -y Command to install the docker with the option yes.

 systemctl start docker Command to start the Docker Services.

[Docker Masterclass]

 docker ps -a command to check how many containers or OS are there.

 We can launch multiple containers or OS on the top-up Docker

 To install the OS, the minimum requirement is an OS image therefore we have

to pull an OS image from the image repository .

 docker pull (image_name) is the command to pull any image

docker pull ubuntu:14.04

 docker images command to see all images

[Docker Masterclass]

 docker run -t -i (image_name) command to launch the OS

 docker run -t -i ubuntu:14.04 (launching the ubuntu OS)

 free -m command to check the free memory space.

 docker run -d -t -i ubuntu:14.04 command to launch the container in detached

mode (in the background).

 exit command to exit from the container.

 docker attach (container_Id or container_name) command to go inside the


 ifconfig command to check the IP address of the container

[Docker Masterclass]

 ctl+p+q shortcut key to exit from the container without shutting down.

 ping (ip_address) command to check the connectivity between two OS

 docker run -it --name myos1 centos:latest command to launch the OS with
custom name.

 Configuration OS as a Web Server

 yum install httpd command to install httpd server

 docker pull httpd command to use a preconfigured web server of


 docker run -dit --name webos1 httpd - launching the

preconfigured web server
[Docker Masterclass]

 docker inspect (container_name) - command to check the IP address and more


 curl command to run the webpages on CLI

 docker run -dit --name os1 -p 1234:80 httpd – giving the port number to the
[Docker Masterclass]

 docker pull jenkins/jenkins:lts command to pull the Jenkins image.

 docker run -dit -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 jenkins/jenkins:lts – command

to setup the Jenkins .
[Docker Masterclass]

 docker stop (container_name) – command to stop the container.

 docker rm (container_name) – command to delete the container.
 docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q) – command to delete all the exist containers.
 docker rmi (image_name) – command to delete the image.

 Dockerfile: Dockerfile is a way to create our own images.

 Docker-compose – Docker-compose helps us in automation in the docker


 Installing Docker-Compose
 Run the given command below to install the docker-compose command
 sudo curl -L
compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo mv /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/docker-compose

 yum install git - command to install the git command.

 git clone command

to download the particular project using the given URL.
[Docker Masterclass]

 cd example-voting-app/ - command to go inside this folder.

 vim docker-compose.yml – command to do the manual changes in the file.

 docker-compose up -d – command to run the code in the detached mode.

 How Netflix is getting benefits from containerization:

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