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International Police Chaplain Human Rights

Kansas City Missouri, 1125
Locust ST. Kansas city, MO.64104
14, impasse Moulin, Lalue, Port au Prince Haïti
C/C To : the Ambassador general of China
In he’s office.
Port – Prince Haïti, Le 03/04/2023

International Police chaplain Human Rights (IPCHR/UN)

Object : request

Dear ambassador, the IPCHR salutes you and congratulates you for
your efforts despite the events in the world

so we take the opportunity to ask you for your help in the matter of
drinking water, we want to feed the pestel areas that are currently
facing moments of drought, to facilitate this task we have targeted the
rivers of ice that are located in the pestel in the Southern department
of the country, we already thank you

Our mission here in Haiti is to give and serve society especially the weakest
and maintain our constant collaboration with all institutions and people
working in partnership at all levels for the respect of human rights in order to
build a better society in Haiti.

Please accept Monsieur le Directeur, the expression of our gratitude and our
distinguished greetings.

Please accept Dear ambassador, the expression of our gratitude and our
distinguished greetings
For the high staff major of the police chaplains in Haiti

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