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A Faint Smile

I noticed a faint smile. It was weak but I didn’t care. He smiled. For the first time I really saw him
smile. This isn’t short of a miracle I thought. But why did he smile?

I went to class, but I couldn’t concentrate. It was this smile. It made me curious, but I was too afraid
to ask him what made him so happy. It must have been something that was very important for him. A
lover, maybe. He has always been one of the quiet kids. No one really talked to him and when he was
sick nobody noticed it at first. He was always there just not present.

But why do I even care so much? I only talked like once to him and only because I was forced to be in
a group with him for a science project. He is kind of smart, I must admit. We got an A+ for the project
and we even won a small price for it. Whatever. I must get my homework done and it’s my turn to
make dinner. I know that a diet consisting of pizza is not considered healthy, but I don’t care. I’m still
alive and what doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger. My parents weren’t happy as they saw the 4
pizzas in the oven. My mom always says that I need to make more divers food, but pizza is a divers
food. You can put almost everything on pizza, and it will just taste fine. My family is other opinion,
but who cares. I wonder if he likes pizza as much as I do. I don’t even know his name. How

I noticed a faint smile. It was weak but I didn’t care. He smiled. But something was different this time.
At first I didn’t noticed but he smiled at me. I blushed.

A smell, sweet like Maple, a soft feeling, as the sun gently touched my skin, a smile as pure as a
daisy. His eyes, as blue as the deep sea, shining in the sunlight. His hair, dark and soft like the fur of a
cat, waving in the cold winter breeze. A voice sweet like honey, gently talking to me.
“Hi”, he said.“Hey”, I replied. Or at least I think I did. To be honest I doubt, that I even said
something. I was stunned, almost hypnotized. I sat quietly in class, gazing out of the window, losing
my self in my mind.

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