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One: finding a “scriptural view of the physical world” (like Hebrew cosmology) and saying that

physics must conform to it

Two: bible gives no basis for “scientific interpretation” of the bible, i.e. reading bible verses as
scientific references

Three: Creation is good, knowable and worth knowing.

Four: Science and religion not nec. Separate. Really just that we cannot learn theological truths
about God from general revelation (science) but only from special revelation (the bible).

“In that case, our understanding is subject to God's self-revelation from the start, and a
priori theological objections to interaction between science and theology should disappear.”

Five: “ Emancipation of Science by Religion?”

God conceals Himself behind natural processes. Hence the world can be understood
scientifically without religion.

God does not have to intervene in the natural world because the natural world is designed to
work well on its own.

“God's activity takes place through secondary causes.”

For God aspect: “The Christian, however, believes that the existence of the world and the fact
that it can be understood by scientific means are expressions of divine grace.”

Six: Wisdom in the Bible informs how a physicist might act.

1. This article discusses the different ways a Christian’s beliefs might influence their view of
physics. It considers whether Christian beliefs drive scientific progress or affect the way one
interprets physical discoveries. The article also considers the proper level of connection between
science and theology, suggesting that theology can inform science in the area of ethics.

2. This article affected my understanding of the relationship between man and God, and the
relationship between man and Creation. That is, it is possible for man to know God, but it is also
true that God conceals Himself behind natural processes. For someone who does not know God,
this explains how they can still work as a scientist “apart from” religion, while for someone who
does know God, this might help explain how unfortunate events seem to happen at random as
determined by the physics of the universe.

3. The article shows God’s grace to us in creating a world that is logical and able to be
understood by humans. The fact that the universe follows universal laws shows its goodness.
4. Are there any ways besides the ethics mention that biblical wisdom could guide a Christian
physicist in physics specifically?

Two: How Christians perceive God’s work in the world. Man and God/man and creation

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