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Improve strength and endurance and functional trunk stability

Improve balance and coordination
Starting position and instructions
• Lie face up on the floor holding a sandbag on straight arms above your
chest. Get into a sitting position with arms straight, keeping a slight bend
in the elbows, above head
• Bring both legs underneath as if in a squat position keeping knees in line
with feet and stand up
• Reverse the movement to lie down again
• Repeat for the desired number of repetitions
Coaching points
• Keep the abdominals and pelvic floor muscles engaged throughout the
• Keep a slight bend in the elbows
• Keep knees in line with feet
• Increase or decrease the weight (sand content) and size of the sandbag
• Start from a seated position
• Start from a kneeling position
Improve strength and endurance and functional trunk stability
Improve grip strength
Starting position and instructions
• Deadlift and clean the sandbag to shoulder level
• Widen the foot stance to wider than hip width apart, slight bend in the
• Stand tall with good spinal alignment
• Press the sandbag over the head until the arms are straight (slight bend in
• Return to the start position, level with shoulders
• Repeat for the desired number of repetitions
Coaching points

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