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Improve the strength and power of the pectorals, triceps and anterior deltoids
Improve trunk stability
Starting position and instructions
• Take up a prone front support position aligning ankle, knees, hips,
shoulder and ear (bridge)
• Place the medicine ball under one hand to perform a press-up
• Do press-up with one hand on the floor next to the medicine ball pushing
hard enough to land with the hand on top of the ball ready for the next rep
• Repeat for each rep done
• Continue for the desired number of repetitions for each side
Coaching points
• Keep a slight bend in the elbow at the end of the range of movement
• Keep the abdominals and pelvic floor muscles engaged throughout the
• Maintain alignment with ankle, knees, hips, shoulders and ears
• Decrease or increase the size of the ball
• Roll the ball across to the opposite hand between repetitions
• Use two medicine balls and keep a hand on each ball as you perform
Improve body’s ability to generate strength and power in the upper body
Improve trunk stability
Improve throwing ability
Starting position and instructions
• Kneel on a mat
• Hold a medicine ball into the chest
• Throw the ball forward forcefully extending through the arms
• Follow the medicine ball catching yourself in a press-up position
• Complete the press-up, then repeat from the start
• Continue for the desired number of repetitions
Coaching points
• Keep hips in line with knees
• Keep the abdominals and pelvic floor muscles engaged throughout the
• Keep a slight bend in the elbows at the end of the range of movement
• Maintain alignment with ankles, knees, hips, shoulders and ears
• Keep a gap between chin and chest

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