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Devotion: They are devoted to the Quran, studying it regularly and implementing its *

.teachings in their lives

Understanding: They strive to understand the Quran's message deeply, reflecting on its *
.verses and seeking knowledge

Humility: They approach the Quran with humility, recognizing their own limitations in *
.understanding its depth and seeking guidance from it

Purity of Heart: They maintain purity of heart and intention, seeking guidance from the *
.Quran sincerely and without ulterior motives

Prayerfulness: They establish regular prayers and incorporate the Quranic teachings into *
.their daily worship and routines

Patience: They exhibit patience in facing challenges and difficulties, relying on the Quran for *
.strength and guidance

Mercy and Compassion: They embody the Quranic values of mercy and compassion towards *
others, striving to emulate the character of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as
.described In the Quran

Uprightness: They uphold righteousness and justice, adhering to the moral principles *
.outlined in the Quran

Persistence: They persevere in their efforts to live according to the Quranic teachings, *
.constantly striving to improve themselves and their communities

Hope and Trust in Allah: They maintain hope and trust in Allah's guidance and mercy, *
.knowing that the Quran is a source of solace and guidance in all aspects of life

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