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Timeline of oasisamerica, aridamerica, and mesoamerica

This timeline explores key events in the history of Oasisamerica, Aridamerica, and Mesoamerica, highlighting
cultural developments, civilizations, conflicts, and modern-day challenges faced by indigenous communities and
nations in the region.



 Maya-Classic Period ⚤ Femicides

in Ciudad Juárez

 Toltec
Influence in Mesoamerica

 Aztec Triple Alliance Formed

 Teotihuacan
 Zapatista
Uprising in Chiapas

 Spanish,Conquest of Tenochtitlan

 Mexican
Independence from Spain
- ,
 Porfirio Diaz
- ,

✊ Mexican, Revolution


 Zapatista
Dialogue with Government

 Maya Calendar
End Date
 AMLO, Presidency in Mexico

 Maya Train
Project Launch


 Hohokam
Culture Flourishes
 Ancestral
Puebloans Settlements
 Gadsden, Purchase

⛅ Great -Drought Impacts Ancestral Puebloans

 Water, Scarcity in the Southwest

✊ Pueblo ,Revolt Against Spanish

 Hoover ,Dam Construction

- ,

 Arizona, SB 1070 Enacted

⚖ Arizona, Immigration Law SB 1070

✋ Standing
Rock Protests
- ,
 Navajo ,Nation COVID-19 Impact

 Arizona, Election Audit Controversy


 Chaco
Canyon Developments



 Maya Classic Period

The Maya civilization experiences its Classic Period characterized by artistic, architectural, and scientific achievements in
the southern lowlands of Mesoamerica.

Image source: Maya civilization (

 Teotihuacan Peak
~ Teotihuacan, a major city in ancient Mesoamerica, reaches its zenith with impressive pyramids, urban planning, and
influence across the region.

Image source: Teotihuacan (

 Toltec Influence in Mesoamerica

~ The Toltec civilization exerts significant influence in Mesoamerica, particularly at the city of Tula, impacting art,
architecture, and warfare.

Image source: Toltec (

 Aztec Triple Alliance Formed
The Aztec Triple Alliance, comprising Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan, is established, laying the foundation for the
Aztec Empire's expansion in central Mexico.

Image source: Aztecs (

 Spanish Conquest of Tenochtitlan

, Hernán Cortés and his Spanish forces conquer Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire, marking the end of Aztec
dominance in Mesoamerica and the beginning of Spanish colonial rule.

Image source: Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire (

 Mexican Independence from Spain
, - , The Mexican War of Independence begins with Miguel Hidalgo's call for rebellion against Spanish rule, leading to
Mexico's eventual independence in 1821.

Image source: Mexican War of Independence (

 Porfirio Diaz Presidency

, - , Porfirio Díaz assumes power in Mexico, initiating a long period of authoritarian rule known as the Porfiriato marked by
economic development, modernization, but also political repression and social inequality.

Image source: Porfirio Díaz (

✊ Mexican Revolution Begins
, - , The Mexican Revolution erupts with Francisco Madero's call for political reform, leading to a decade-long struggle for
social justice, land rights, and political change in Mexico.

Image source: Mexican Revolution (

⚤ Femicides in Ciudad Juárez

, The city of Ciudad Juárez in Mexico experiences a wave of femicides, drawing attention to gender-based violence,
impunity, and the struggles faced by women in the region.
Image source: Femicides in Ciudad Juárez (

 Zapatista Uprising in Chiapas

, The Zapatista Army of National Liberation stages an uprising in Chiapas, Mexico, demanding indigenous rights,
autonomy, and social justice, sparking international attention and dialogue on indigenous issues.

 NAFTA Implementation
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) comes into effect, promoting trade and economic integration
between Mexico, the United States, and Canada, while also sparking debates on its impact on labor and the

Image source: North American Free Trade Agreement (

 Zapatista Dialogue with Government

, The Zapatista Army of National Liberation engages in dialogue with the Mexican government, leading to the San Andrés
Accords and discussions on indigenous rights, autonomy, and land reform.

Image source: Zapatista Army of National Liberation (

 Maya Calendar End Date
, The end date of the Maya Long Count calendar, often associated with apocalyptic predictions, generates global interest
and speculation about its significance.

Image source: 2012 phenomenon (

 AMLO Presidency in Mexico

, Andrés Manuel López Obrador assumes the presidency of Mexico, promising a transformative agenda focused on
combating corruption, reducing inequality, and promoting social welfare programs.

Image source: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (

 Maya Train Project Launch
, Mexico announces the launch of the Maya Train project, a massive infrastructure initiative aimed at boosting tourism,
economic development, and connectivity in the Yucatán Peninsula.

Image source: Tren Maya (


 Hohokam Culture Flourishes

~ The Hohokam culture thrives in present-day Arizona, known for extensive canal systems, agriculture, and distinctive

Image source: Hohokam (

 Ancestral Puebloans Settlements
~ Ancestral Puebloans establish impressive settlements in present-day Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico, known for cliff
dwellings and agriculture.

Image source: Ancestral Puebloans (

⛅ Great Drought Impacts Ancestral Puebloans

- The Great Drought, a prolonged period of arid conditions, affects the Ancestral Puebloans, leading to population shifts
and societal changes in the Southwest.

Image source: 1988–1990 North American drought (

✊ Pueblo Revolt Against Spanish

, Native Pueblo peoples in present-day New Mexico launch a successful revolt against Spanish colonial authorities,
driving them out temporarily and reclaiming their lands and traditions.

Image source: Pueblo Revolt (

 Gadsden Purchase
, The United States acquires a strip of land, known as the Gadsden Purchase, from Mexico, solidifying the southern
border and facilitating the construction of a transcontinental railroad.

Image source: Gadsden Purchase (

 Hoover Dam Construction

, - , Construction of the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River begins, providing water resources, hydroelectric power, and
flood control for the arid regions of the southwestern United States.

Image source: Hoover Dam (

 Water Scarcity in the Southwest The arid regions of the southwestern United States face increasing challenges of water scarcity due to climate change,
, population growth, and unsustainable water management practices.

Image source: Water scarcity (

 Arizona SB 1070 Enacted

, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signs SB 1070, a controversial immigration law, sparking debates on immigration
enforcement, racial profiling, and states' rights in the United States.

⚖ Arizona Immigration Law SB 1070

, Arizona passes SB 1070, a controversial immigration law that sparks national debates on immigration enforcement, racial
profiling, and state-federal relations.

Image source: Arizona SB 1070 (

✋ Standing Rock Protests

, - , The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe leads protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota, drawing attention to
indigenous sovereignty, environmental concerns, and corporate interests.

Image source: Dakota Access Pipeline protests (

 Navajo Nation COVID-19 Impact
, The COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affects the Navajo Nation, highlighting longstanding health disparities,
economic challenges, and the resilience of indigenous communities in the face of crisis.

Image source: COVID-19 pandemic in the Navajo Nation (

 Arizona Election Audit Controversy

, A controversial audit of the 2020 election results in Arizona stirs political tensions, conspiracy theories, and debates on
election integrity and transparency.

Image source: 2020 United States presidential election (

 Chaco Canyon Developments
~ Chaco Canyon in present-day New Mexico sees significant developments with the construction of monumental
architecture and the rise of a complex society.

Image source: Chaco Culture National Historical Park (

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