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Scheme of valuation for First Paper (Speed) in

Typewriting English and Tamil for all Grades
(Effective from AUGUST 2013 Examinations)
1.1 Each mistake (explained in the `NATURE OF MISTAKES`) should be indicated by ‘X’
only and for each mistake, 2.2 marks for Pre-Junior Grade, 1.8 marks for Junior
Grade, 1.25 marks for Senior Grade and 0.8 marks for High Speed Test are to be
deducted as per Ready Reckoners enclosed. If mistake is found in a word, the word
should be underlined and x should be marked above the word. This should be strictly
followed to verify later, the nature of mistakes.

1.2 The total number of mistakes and the total marks should be entered at the last
typewritten page of the answer book. Only the total marks awarded to the candidate
should be entered boldly on the Front wrapper at the place provided therefor.

1.3 If total marks to be deducted exceed 100, the candidates should be given only ZERO
and not minus marks.

1.4 Faint impression of letters or signs due to light touch may be ignored.

1.5 Though a number of mistakes are committed in the same word, marks should be
deducted for only one mistake (e.g.,spelling mistake and overtyping mistake in the
same word).

1.6 Typing on the reverse side of the answer sheet instead of on the front need not be
penalised. The entire matter typed should be valued as per the Scheme of Valuation.


2.1.0 Addition (Repetition)
2.1.1 Any unwanted addition or repetition of letter/letters or word/ words irrespective of
number of words in one place. (If mistakes are committed in the repeated words,
they need not be penalised).

2.2.0 Alignment
2.2.1 Bad alignment of a letter or letters in a word (subject to a maximum of two mistakes
for the entire passage).

2.3.0 Capital Letter/Small Letter

2.3.1 The use of capital for small letter or vice versa in a word.
2.3.2 Failure to release the Shift Lock by using the Shift Key resulting in typing capital
letters or upper case characters continuously (for the entire portion at a place).

2.4.0 Corrections
2.4.1 Corrections made in pen, pencil or typewriter.

2.5.0 Erasing/Scoring
2.5.1 Erasing or applying fluid.
2.5.2 Scoring with a sign or letter in a place.

2.6.0 Interlineation
2.6.1 Interlineation of a letter, a figure or figures, or a word or words in a place.

2.7.0 Margin
2.7.1 Failure to type the passage with 10 degrees left margin (for the entire passage).
2.7.2 Error in margin on the left hand side-irregular or oblique (for the entire passage).
2.7.3 Too narrow or too broad bottom margin-for the entire passage (3 cm bottom margin is
2.7.4 Uneven right hand margin-for the entire passage (a maximum of 10 degrees may be

2.8.0 Omission
2.8.1 Omission of words more than one, whether at the beginning, in the middle or at the
end (each word as referred to in 2.8.2 is treated as one mistake).
2.8.2 Five strokes or fraction there of including the use of space bar are counted as one

English: Your responsibility (19 strokes – 4 words)
This is good. (13 strokes – 3 words)
To a ( 4 strokes – 1 word)
That is ( 7 strokes – 2 words)
Tamil: த ைகயாள க
வ தா க (27 strokes – 6 words)
வா ( 5 strokes – 1 word)
கலா பா றா (13 strokes – 3 words)

2.8.3 In the case of omission of more than one word only, stroke calculation is adopted for
counting words. In all other cases, a word should be taken as a word as such.

2.8.4 Omission of a single word at a place, irrespective of number of strokes in the word,
should be treated as one mistake.

2.8.5 Wrong substitution of word(s).

2.9.0 Overtyping
2.9.1 Overtyping is a word or figure, sign or symbol irrespective of number of letters in a
word or figures, signs or symbols overtyped, must be treated as HALF MISTAKES
and indicated as “/”. The total number of such overtyping mistakes must be added
and converted into full mistakes by dividing it by two (to deduct at the rate of 2.2 or
1.8 or 1.25 or 0.8 as the case may be for each mistake). If the total number or full
mistakes, works out with a fraction of half, for example, 5/2 = 2½, then it should be
raised to the immediate next higher figure, i.e., 3.

2.10.0 Paragraphs
2.10.1 Failure to indent for paragraphs-for each.
2.10.2 Failure to maintain uniform letter spaces in the Indentation for para in one or more
places, for the entire passage.
2.10.3 Unequal line spacing between two paragraphs (for the entire passage).
2.10.4 Beginning a paragraph where it is not necessary.

2.11.0 Piling
2.11.1 Piling of letters in a word.

2.12.0 Punctuation
2.12.1 Wrong punctuation mark.
2.12.2 Omission of a punctuation mark.

2.13.0 Spacing (Spaces)

2.13.1 Irregular line spacing (for the entire passage).
2.13.2 Failure to type the passage in double line spacing (for the entire passage).
2.13.3 Omission of the required space after a punctuation mark.
2.13.4 Omission of a space between two words, in every place (if two spaces are left in
certain places, they may be ignored).
2.13.5 Leaving a space in a wrong place (i.e.) before a punctuation mark or in the middle of
a word.
2.13.6 After full stop, exclamation mark or interrogation sign, two spaces must be left
uniformly throughout the passage. But, if only one space is left in one or more

places, the total number of such lapses must be counted, since each lapse will be
reckoned as an omission of a stroke. The total number of strokes must be divided by
five to determine the deduction of marks as per 2.8.2.

2.14.0 Spelling
2.14.1 Spelling mistake (one mistake for each word).

2.15.0 Syllabification
2.15.1 Wrong syllabification of a word at the end of a line.
2.15.2 If a hyphen is omitted at the end of a line or placed at the beginning of a line while
dividing a word into syllables.

2.16.0 Transposition
2.16.1 Each transposition of word or words in a place.


3.1.0 Typing the matter on the back side also, should be treated as one mistake, but, at
the same time, the matter on the back side should also be valued as per the Scheme
of Valuation.

4.0 TAMIL TYPEWRITING (Additional Instructions)

4.1.0 If the line starts with a consonant
Example: வண எ
க க
It is treated as one mistake.

4.2.0 While syllabifying, if hyphen is typed or not at the end of a line, it need not be
4.3.0 While syllabifying, if hyphen is typed at the beginning of a line.
4.4.0 If the letters like , are typed as Jh, Eh they need not be penalised.
4.5.0 If the letters £¢, £¤, £¦ are typed as ó¢, ó¤, ó¦ respectively, they need not be penalised.

Board of Examination,
Chennai 600 025.
ம ட ள க க
(Explanatory Note for Scheme of Valuation)
த ட –த ம ஆ ல – த தா
(எ லா ைலக )


1. ம டாள க ைடய ப ைய கட த கால ேநா ேபா , இ ட லரா

ச வர ெகா அ லா க பட ைல எ ப ெத ற . ஆகேவ,
இ ட ள ஒ ல கைள ள க க ேழ தர ப றன.
இ ள க கைள க ெகா ம ட ப (Scheme of Valuation)
ைட தா கைள ம டாள க ம ட ேவ .

2. த ட ெச ய ப ட தா ேம ப ைகெய னா
ெச ய படாம தா ,ம ெப ஏ ைற க டா .

3. வ ைமைய உபேயா த :ம டாள உபேயாக ப த ேவ ய ைம ற

வ பாக இ க ேவ .

ள க க
1. ஒேர ெசா ப ேவ ைழக : ஒேர ெசா ஒ ேம ப ட ப ேவ
ைழக இ தா , ஒேர ைழயாக தா கண ட பட ேவ எ ற
ச யாக அ லா க பட ேவ . (1 . 5)

2. தா ற த ட ெச த : ைட தா ற த ட ெச வத
ப லாக ற த ட ெச தா , அத காக ம ெப ஏ ைற க டா .
த ட ெச ய ப ட ப ைம ம ட ப ம ட ப ட
ேவ . (1 . 6)

3. தா இ ற த ட ெச த : ஒேர தா ற த ட ெச த ற ,
ெதாட றேமா அ ல அ த தா ேலா த ட ெச தா அ ைழயாக
க த பட டா . றேமா, அ த தா ேலா த ட ெச ய ப ட ப ,
ம ட ப ம ட பட ேவ .

4. ம ெப கைள ேமல ைட எ த : ம ெப க ப லாக, தவ க

ெமா த எ ைகைய ேமல ைட எ வ த க பட ேவ . அதாவ ,
ைழக ய ம ெப க ைற க ப , வழ க பட ேவ ய ம ெப க
Ready Reckoner - தர ப , அத ப லாக தவ க எ ைகைய
ேமல ைட எ வ அறேவ த க பட ேவ .

5. த / த ட ெச த (Addition / Repetition) : ஏதாவ ஓ ட

ேதைவ லாத ெசா / ெசா க தலாகேவா (Addition) அ ல த ட ெச ய ப ட
ஒ ப த ட ெச ய ப தாேலா (Repetition) ஒ ெவா ெசா லாக
கண ெல ெகா ளாம , அ ப ைம ெமா தமாக ஒ ைழயாக
க த ப , ஒ ைழ ய ம ெப க தா ைற க பட ேவ எ பைத
ெத வாக ெகா ச யாக அ ப த ேவ . இ ப ெமா த ஒ
ைழயாக க த ப ட ெசா க தவ க இ மானா , அைவ ைழகளாக
க த பட டா . (2 . 1 . 1)
இ தைகய Addition / Repetition ப ேவ இட க காண ப டா , ஒ ேவா
இட த த யாக இ த ைற அ லா க பட ேவ .

6. ட ப ட (Omission) ெசா க காக ைழகைள கண ைற: “ ட ப ட ”

த ெயா ெசா லாக இ தா ,அ எ தைன எ க இட ெப தா ,
ஐ த கைள (Strokes) ெகா ட ஒ ெசா எ ற ைறைய ப றாம
ஒேர ஒ ெசா ட ப டதாக தா அ கண ட பட ேவ . (2 . 8 . 4)
ஒ ேம ப ட ெசா க ட ப தா அவ இட ெப ற
ெமா த த க (Strokes) கண ட ப , அைவ ஐ தா வ க ப எ தைன
ெசா களாக கண ட ப றனேவா அ தைன ைழகளாக கண
அவ யம ெப க ைற க பட ேவ . (2 . 8 . 1 ம 2 . 8 . 2)

7. ெசா க ைடேய இட டாைம: இர ெசா க ைட இட

ட படாம தா அ ைழயாக க த பட ேவ . பல இட க இ தைகய
ைழக (அதாவ ெசா க ைட இட டாைம) இ தா அைவகைள
ஒ ேவா ட காண ப ைழகளாக கண ெல , அவ ய
ம ெப கைள ைற க ேவ . (2 . 13 . 4)

(ெசா க ைட ல இட க ஒ இட வத ப லாக இர
இட க த ட ெச தா அைவகைள ைழயாக க த ேவ டா ).

தைலவ ,
ேத வா ய ,
ெச ைன 25.

Scheme of Valuation for Second Paper (Manuscript) in

Typewriting English and Tamil for Junior and Senior Grades

(Effective from AUGUST 2013 Examination)


1.1 Each mistake (explained in the “NATURE OF MISTAKES” should be indicated by “X”
only and for each mistake TWO MARKS are to be deducted. If mistake is found in a
word, the word should be underlined and “X” should be marked above the word. This
should be strictly followed to verify later the nature of mistake.
1.2 The two questions in the Junior grade carried 50 marks each. Similarly, in the
Senior grade, question-I carries 60 marks and question-II carries 40 marks, 2 marks
for each mistake must be deducted from the marks allotted ( as indicated above) to
the question. Therefore, in the question where 60 marks are there, the deduction can
made only from 60. Similarly, in the question were 40 marks are allotted, the
deduction can made only from 40.

This calculation should be shown at the bottom of the answer to each question. If the
total marks to be deducted from 60 or 40 exceed the same, mark for that should be
ZER0 and cannot further go down the Zero.
1.3 Form of answer to each question should be checked with reference to the “Model
forms”. However, spaces lift in between the various items of the MODEL FORMS need
not be rigidly insisted on, as long as the presentation is not affected.`
1.4 Faint impression of letters or figures due to light touch may be ignored.
1.5 Typing on the reverse side of the answer sheet instead of on the front need not be
penalised. The entire matter typed should be valued as per the Scheme of Valuation.

1.6 Though one or more mistakes are committed in the same word, mark for only one
mistake should be deducted. (e.g., spelling mistake and overtyping in the same
1.6.1 Though one or more mistakes of the same nature are committed in the same
question, marks for only one mistake should be deducted. (Same type of mistake
occurring in the answer of the same question need not be penalised more than once).
1.7 Omission of indentation should be treated as one mistake at each place, subject to a
maximum of two mistakes in the same question.

1.8 Marks should not be deducted for not typing the Question Number.


2.1.0 Abbreviation
2.1.1 Omission of an abbreviation or failure to expand it (e.g., w.e.f one mistake only)
2.1.2 Mistakes in expanding an abbreviation (e.g., if, for instance, w.e.f., is typed as with
effect for instead of with effect from) or any spelling mistake committed in it. (Spelling
mistakes committed in expanding the same abbreviations in any question need not
be penalised).
2.1.3 Using abbreviation for full word. (e.g., ‘Govt.’ for Government)

2.2.0 Addition (Repetition)

2.2.1 Any unwanted addition or repetition of letter/ letters or word/ words irrespective of
number of words in one place (If mistakes are committed in the repeated words, they
need not be penalised).

2.3.0 Alignment
2.3.1 Bad alignment of a letter or letters (subject to a maximum of two mistakes for each

2.4.0 Bracket
2.4.1 Omission of a bracket or brackets.

2.5.0 Capital letters (small letter)

2.5.1 The use of Capital letter for small letter or vise versa in a word. However, in the case
of the letters “C, K, O, P, S, U, V, Z”, if they are not clear in the question paper, they
need not be penalised irrespective of whether they are typed in capital letter or small
2.5.2 Failure to use the Shift Key for releasing the Shift Lock resulting in typing capital
letters or upper case characters continuously ( for the entire portion in one place).
2.5.3 Failure to use capital letters in each word in a group of words resembling one name:
marks need not be deducted for each words, but only a maximum of two marks
must be deducted on the whole.
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
Fourth Pay Commission
Reserve Bank of India
Housing Development Financial Corporation
Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly

2.6.0 Centering
2.6.1 Wrong centering of heading
2.6.2 Wrong Centering of Sub-heading or heading of column in a statement, etc for each,
(subject to a maximum of two mistakes for the entire question)

2.7.0 Columns
2.7.1 Irregular spacing between vertical columns ( for the entire question).
2.7.2 Extending words or figures of one column to the neighbouring column ( for each
irregularity, subject to maximum of two mistakes for entire question)

2.8.0 Corrections
2.8.1 Corrections made in Pen, pencil, or Typewriter.

2.9.0 Erasing / Scoring

2.9.1 Erasing or applying fluid.
2.9.2 Scoring with the letter or sign in a Place.

2.10.0 Figures
2.10.1 Wrong figure
2.10.2 Omission of a figure, part or full. (In case the omission is more than a figure in a
row horizontally, mark must be deducted for each such figure omitted in a column
irrespective of the number of strokes in the figure, and not by stroke system.)
2.10.3 Each transposition of figures of a row or column or in a column or a row.
2.10.4 Omission to punctuate the figures (one mistake for each column).
2.10.5 Wrong punctuation of figures (for the entire question).
2.10.6 Failure to type the figure digitwise or in proper alignment (for the entire question ).

2.11.0 Form
2.11.1 Failure to type the matter according to the form given in “Model forms” ( for each
item). However, spaces lift in between the various items of the “Model forms” need
not be rigidly insisted as long as the presentation is not affected.
2.11.2 Indentation
Omission to indent in a place, subject to a maximum of two mistake in the same
question .

2.12.0 Instructions to be carried out

2.12.1 Failure to carry out an instruction – one mistake for each.

2.13.0 Interlineation
2.13.1 Interlineation of a letter, a figure, or figures, or a word, or words, or a sign, or
symbol in a place.

2.14.0 Lines
2.14.1 Failure to rule vertically or irregular ruling with pen or pencil ( for the entire
2.14.2 Omission to type one horizontal line.

2.15.0 Margin
2.15.1 Error in Left Margin – irregular or oblique margin (for each question ).
2.15.2 Failure to maintain top, bottom, left and right margins subject to a maximum of two
mistakes (for each question).

2.16.0 Omission
2.16.1 Omission of a symbol or sign.
2.16.2 Omission of a single word at a place, irrespective of number or strokes in the word,
should be treated as one mistake.
2.16.3 For omission of more than one word at a place, strokes will be counted including
the use of Space Bar and 5 strokes or fraction thereof are counted as one word.
English: Your responsibility (19 strokes – 4 words)
This is good (13 strokes – 3 words)
To a ( 4 strokes – 1 word)
That is ( 7 strokes – 2 words)
Tamil: த ைகயாள க
வ தா க (27 strokes – 6 words)
வா ( 5 strokes – 1 words)
கலா பா றா (13 strokes – 3 words)

2.16.4 In the case of omission of more than one word only, stroke calculation is adapted
for counting words. In all other cases, a word should be taken as a word as such.
2.16.5 If “Rs. P.” or omitted in one or more columns in the same question, it must be
treated as one mistake for the entire question.
2.16.6 Wrong substitution of word(s) .

2.17.0 Over typing

2.17.1 Over typing in a word or figure, irrespective of number of letters or figures over

2.18.0 Paragraphs
2.18.1 Failure to indent for paragraphs, where required, for each (subject to a maximum
to mistakes for the entire question).
2.18.1a Omission of paragraphs No., if given, for each (subject to a maximum of two
mistakes for the entire question).
2.18.2 Failure to maintain uniformity in the number of letter spaces in indenting for all
paragraphs in the question ( for the entire question ).
2.18.3 Unequal line spacing between two paragraphs ( for the entire question).
2.18.4 Beginning a paragraph where it is not necessary.

2.19.0 Piling of words

2.19.1 Piling of letters in a word.

2.20.0 Punctuation
2.20.1 Omission of Punctuation mark.
2.20.2 Typing a wrong Punctuation mark. ( If punctuation marks or used in typing
headings in the Statement, Government Order, etc., they need not be penalised.)
2.20.3 Typing full stops and commas in unwanted places (for the entire question). (If
Punctuation marks or typed at appropriate places even though they are not given in
the question paper, mark need not be deducted.)

2.21.0 Spacing (Spaces)

2.21.1 Omission of the required space after a punctuation mark.
2.21.2 After full stop, interrogation sign or exclamation mark, two spaces must be left. If
only one space is left in one or more places, only one mistake should be marked for
the entire question.
2.21.3 Omission of a space between two words.
2.21.4 Leaving a space in a wrong place – in the middle of a word or before a punctuation
2.21.5 Irregular line spacing – for the entire question.

2.22.0 Spelling
2.22.1 Spelling mistake (one mistake for each word).

2.23.0 Syllabification
2.23.1 Wrong syllabification of a word at the end of a line.
2.23.2 If hyphen is omitted at the end of a line or placed at the beginning of a line.

2.24.0 Transposition
2.24.1 Each Transposition of word or words or sign or symbol in a place.


3.1.0 Typing the matter on the back side also , should be treated as one mistake, but, at
the same time, the matter on the back side should also be valued as per the Scheme
of Valuation.

4.0 TAMIL TYPEWRITING (Additional Instructions)

4.1.0 If the line starts with a consonant

Example: வண எ
க க
It is treated as one mistake.
4.2.0 If ச எ க are typed at the appropriate places, even though they are not
give in the question paper, they need not be penalised.

4.3.0 Failure to underline the heading as in the question paper.

4.4.0 While syllabifying, if hyphen is typed or not at the end of line, it need not be

4.4.1 While syllabifying, if hyphen is typed at the beginning of a line.

4.5.0 “ஐ” எ ற எ ைத “ஐ” எ ேறா அ ல “அ “ எ ேறா த ட

ெச தா ம ெப ைற க ேவ ய ைல.
4.6.0 ைட தா கைள ம வத மா ப வ கைள ப ற ேவ ,
ஆனா “மா ப வ க க ளப ேய ஓ இன (ஐ ட )
ம ேறா இன இைடேய வ இைடெவ ட பட ேவ
எ ப ைல. எ , வ வைம மா பட டா .

4.7.0 £¢, £¤, £¦ எ பவனவ ைற ைறேய ó¢, ó¤, ó¦ எ த ட ெச நதா

ைழயாக க த ேவ டா .

4.8.0 னா தா ல வா ைதக ேச எ த ப தாேலா அ ல

ைற ப எ த ப தாேலா, அைவகைள னா தா
உ ளவா அ ப ேய த ட ெச தா அ ல ேச எ த
வா ைதகைள ைற ப த ட ெச தா , ைழயாக க த
ேவ டா .

4.9.0 . ேபா ற எ க ைறேய Jh, Eh எ

த ட ெச ய ப தா அவ ைற ைழயாக க த ேவ டா .

Board of Examination,
Chennai 600 025.
ம ட ள க க
(Explanatory Note for Scheme of Valuation)
த ட –த ம ஆ ல – இர டா தா
(எ லா ைலக )


1. ம டாள க ைடய ப ைய கட த கால ேநா ேபா , இ ட லரா

ச வர ெகா அ லா க பட ைல எ ப ெத ற . ஆகேவ,
இ ட ள ஒ ல கைள ள க க ேழ தர ப றன.
இ ள க கைள க ெகா ம ட ப (Scheme of Valuation)
ைட தா கைள ம டாள க ம ட ேவ .

2. த ட ெச ய ப ட தா ேம ப ைகெய னா
ெச ய படாம தா ,ம ெப ஏ ைற க டா .

3. வ ைமைய உபேயா த :ம டாள உபேயாக ப த ேவ ய ைம ற

வ பாக இ க ேவ .

4. னா எ க : ைட தா னா எ க த ட ெச ய படாம இ தா
அத காக ம ெப க ஏ ைற க டா .

ள க க +
1. னா ய ம ெப கைள கவன ெகா த : னா தா ஒ ெவா
னா ட ப ள ம ெப க மறவாம ச யாக
கவன ெகா ைழக ய ம ெப க ைற க ப ட , த ள
ம ெப க தா ைறயாக தர பட ேவ . மாறாக, னா ய
ம ெப க அ கமாகேவா, ைறவாகேவா தவறாக கண ெல , தவறான
ம ெப க த பழ க ைக ட பட ேவ .

2. னா க ய ம ெப க ேமல ைட த த ேய எ த :
னா க யஒ ெவா ைட ம ெப க ேமல ைட த த யாக
அ த த னா எ ேநராக எ த ப , எ லா ைடக வழ க ப ட
ம ெப க அத ய இட எ த பட ேவ . ஒ ெவா
னா வழ க ப ட ம ெப க த த யா க படாம , எ லா
ைடக ம ெப க ம ேமல ைட எ த ப வ த க பட
ேவ .

3. தா ற த ட ெச த : ைட தா ற த ட ெச வத
ப லாக ற த ட ெச தா , அத காக ம ெப ஏ ைற க டா .
த ட ெச ய ப ட ப ைம ம ட ப ம ட ப ட
ேவ . (1 . 5)

4. தா இ ற உ ள ைட ம ட ப த : எ த னா ைடைய ஒேர
ப க க யாம இ ெனா ப க ( ப க ேலா / ேவ தா ேலா)
ெதாட த ட ெச தா , அைத கண எ ெகா ளாம ட
டா . இர ப க க த ட ெச ய ப ள ைட வைத பா
ைழக ய ம ெப க ைற க ப உ ய ம ெப க வழ க பட
ேவ .

5. ஒேர ெசா ப ேவ ைழக : ஒேர ெசா ஒ ேம ப ட ப ேவ

ைழக இ தா , ஒேர ைழயாக தா கண ட பட ேவ எ ற
ச யாக அ லா க பட ேவ . (1 . 6)

6. த / த ட ெச த (Addition / Repetition): ஏதாவ ஓ ட

ேதைவ லாத ெசா / ெசா க தலாகேவா (Addition) அ ல த ட
ெச ய ப தாேலா (Repetition) ஒ ெவா ெசா லாக கண ெல
ெகா ளாம , அ ப ைம ெமா தமாக ஒ ைழயாக க த ப , ஒ
ைழ யம ெப க தா ைற க பட ேவ எ பைத ெத வாக
ெகா ச யாக அ ப த ேவ . இ ப ெமா த ஒ ைழயாக
க த ப ட ெசா க தவ க இ மானா , அைவ ைழகளாக க த பட
டா . (2 . 2 . 1)
இ தைகய Addition / Repetition ஒ னா ப ேவ இட க காண ப டா ,
ஒ ேவா இட த த யாக இ த ைற அ லா க பட ேவ .

7. ட ப ட (Omission) ெசா க காக ைழகைள கண ைற: “ ட ப ட ”

த ெயா ெசா லாக இ தா ,அ எ தைன எ க இட ெப தா ,
ஐ த கைள (Strokes) ெகா ட ஒ ெசா எ ற ைறைய ப றாம
ஒேர ஒ ெசா ட ப டதாக தா அ கண ட பட ேவ . (2 . 16 . 2)
ஒ ேம ப ட ெசா க ட ப தா அவ இட ெப ற
ெமா த த க (Strokes) கண ட ப , அைவ ஐ தா வ க ப எ தைன
ெசா களாக கண ட ப றனேவா அ தைன ைழகளாக கண
அவ யம ெப க ைற க பட ேவ . (2 . 16 . 3)

8. ெசா க ைடேய இட டாைம: இர ெசா க ைட இட

ட படாம தா அ ைழயாக க த பட ேவ . பல இட க இ தைகய
ைழக (அதாவ ெசா க ைட இட டாைம) இ தா அைவகைள
ஒ ேவா ட காண ப ைழகளாக கண ெல , அவ ய
ம ெப கைள ைற க ேவ . (2 . 21 . 3)
(ெசா க ைட ல இட க ஒ இட வத ப லாக இர
இட க த ட ெச தா அைவகைள ைழயாக க த ேவ டா ).

9. ெப ய எ / ய எ (ஆ ல ம ): ெப ய எ (Capital Letter)
த ட ெச ய ேவ ய இட ய எ ைத த ட ெச தா , அ ஒ
ைழயாக க த பட ேவ . ஆனா ஒேர வன ைத அ ல ஒேர ெபயைர
பல ெசா க ெதா ஒ ெவா ெசா த எ ெப ய
எ தாக த ட ெச ய ப வத ப லாக ய எ தாக த ட
ெச ய ப மானா , ெமா த ஒ ைழயாக தா க த ேவ ேமெயா ய
அ த ெதா ள ெசா கைள கண ெல ேதா, அ ல ய எ தாக
த ட ெச ய ப ட ெசா கைள ம கண ெல ேதா, த த யாக,
ஒ ெவா ம ெப க ைற க ேவ டா . எ கா டாக, அ ேப ப ட
ல ெபய க ேழ தர ப ளன.

Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission

Fourth Pay Commission
Housing Development Financial Corporation
Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly
Reserve Bank of India

10. த த ட ம னா தா ல வா ைதக ேச
எ த ப தாேலா, அ ல ைற ப எ த ப தாேலா, அைவகைள
னா தா உ ளவா அ ப ேய த ட ெச தா , அ ல ேச
எ த வா ைதகைள ைற ப த ட ெச தா ைழயாக
க த ேவ டா .

தைலவ ,
ேத வா ய ,
ெச ைன 25.

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