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Hypothesis: In "In the Country of Men," Hisham Matar explores the theme of love

through various lenses. Our analysis suggests that one of the most recognized ways
love is depicted is through acts of sacrifice. Throughout the book, characters
demonstrate a willingness to sacrifice their childhood, personal dignity, comfort, and
even their lives for the sake of what they hold dear.

1. “In the morning, after I had fallen asleep exhausted from listening to her
craziness and from guarding her - afraid she would burn herself or leave the gas
on in the kitchen or, god forbid, leave the house altogether and bring shame and
talk down on us” (15) - chapter 2

This quote shows the exhaustion that Suleiman went through the night sacrificing sleep and
energy, just to take care of his mom, which should be a job for someone his age and doing
things that a child shouldn't be near, for his mother to take care for her, this is a huge act of
sacrifice, as most kids his age aren't even aware of the concept of sacrifice and having to lose
your childhood to take care of a person whom should be the one taking care of you.

2. Ustath Rashid said, “No” when Baba's name was mentioned. I knew that this was
the opposite of betrayal - 115 chapter 9

● This quote shows Ustath Rashid's sacrifice to his country and Faraj. He refused
to betray Faraj and his country and even risked his life and his family to protect
them, highlighting his deep love and commitment to their well-being. Despite
having the opportunity to ease his punishment and protect his family by exposing
Faraj, he chose to remain silent and shield Faraj from harm. This act, portrayed as
the opposite of betrayal, signifies a deeper understanding of love as sacrificial
and carrying deep meaning in saving someone in such a manner.

3. There they were, the two people I loved the most, the two people I was certain
would do anything to keep the truth from me, huddled together in the empty
airport disappearing. - 228 chapter 23

● This quote shows them in the airport when Suleiman was traveling to Egypt. This shows
sacrifice because his mother sent him off for a better future, a better chance at life
although she needs him. We have seen several times in the book that she has built a
strong relationship with Suleiman and has grown to be very reliant on him. He is always
by her side and constantly takes care of her. Which she is aware of however she was
still willing to send him away for a better life.

4. “He's innocent. If he has done anything, it's because others urged him. Bu
Suleiman has always been devoted, he isn't the type. It's just that other people
may god forgive them, have been whispering in his ear” 163

● This quote displays Najwa's sacrifice of her dignity and self-respect to

shield her family from dispersal and separation. Her willingness to
sacrifice her morals by resorting to lies and accusations highlights the
depth of her love, which exceeds mere words and is embodied in
courageous actions. Furthermore, her unwavering determination to seek
Ustath Jafer's help, regardless of the risks involved, exemplifies her
selflessness and love. By sacrificing her safety and potentially risking
political repercussions, Najwa exemplifies how love demands verbal
expressions, tangible sacrifices, and tenacious commitment.

5. “ I would give my life for him.” ch 8 p.94

In this quote, mossa is saying he would sacrifice his life for Faraj, which shows a deeper level of
friendship and that, even though they are friends because Moosa feels like he owes, even
though he is a foreigner he feels like he's part of there family, Faraj something he is saying he
would sacrifice his life for him is another level of love.

6. “I lay that night unable to sleep, wondering and feeling fear, guilt, and anger at
my wondering— if I shouldn’t have done something to stop it; if unbeknownst to
me mama needed my help. I became certain it was Providence that woke me”
- This shows Suleiman feeling helpless, feeling guilty and angry wanting to
help his mother. Scolding himself for not helping her, not being able to fall
asleep as he thinks about what he witnessed. Even though he didn't
understand what was happening he felt the need to help his mother.

hypothesis 2
Hypothesis: Hisham Matar employs a variety of approaches to examine the issue of
love in "In the Country of Men." According to our data, giving something up is one of the
most common ways that love is portrayed. Characters in the novel show that they are
willing to give up everything for what they value, including their childhood, comfort,
dignity, and even their lives.

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