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An Overview of the Sveriges Riksbank- Riksbanken (Sweden's Central Bank)

Mohammed Almani

Abu Dhabi University, Email: 1072648

Awad Habib

Abu Dhabi University, Email: 1055315

Ahmad Salam

Abu Dhabi University, Email: 1064042

Supervised by

Professor Haitham Nobanee


Sweden was an imperial power at the beginning of the 18 th century that had just sustained a

century of modest economic growth. In 1800 and after a series of military defeat, Sweden’s

empire was gone and real GDP per capita had fallen to the same level as the early 1600s. In

other words, the 18th century witnessed the end of the Swedish Empire and a startling

reversal of economic progress. In this paper, we will discuss various things, the monetary

policy of Sweden over the period, sustainable financial strategies and present time policies.

First, the creation of the Riksbankhas been discussed with a little glimpse of history and for

what role the Riksbank was designed and equipped for. I have also documented the financial

constraints the Riksbank had faced in the past and what appropriate strategies that have

formed for their sustainable growth. The importance of digital currency is also discussed in

the document. All these points mentioned combined propose conclusion at the end.

The task of a reserve bank is to ensure its nation is supported with a healthy currency and

banking system. Market banking, financial regulation and the currency are generally

regulated by a central bank. Another theory suggests the presence of banking system has been

a new concept for centuries and current central bank. The Banco of Sweden was established

in 1656 when, by its means, exchange bank was introduced. The bank then produced the first

bank notes from Europe and became quite popular with the innovation of issuing banknotes

in return for coinage as Sweden had already produced quite large coins (some weighing

almost 20 kilograms).The Swedish government agreed to recover the debts the bank was

unwilling to recover and prohibited the use of Banco notes then circulated in Stokholm.

Sweden 's government saw the bank having affected its country 's stability and its economy,

prompting Sweden to create a semi-central bank.

In 1668, RiksensStänders Bank, which converts to Bank of the Estates of the Kingdom,

undertook the function of ensuring equilibrium in the market and preserving the "correct and

equal worth" of coinage in Sweden. Originally, the bank did not offer bills, but supervised

policy activities for money and the market.The first money of the bank was recognized as a

Transit Bill. During the deal, the bills operated by making the person in charge of the notice

sign over the document to the other party. TumbaBruk or the Tumba Paper Mill was founded

in 1755 to let Sweden manufacture its own high-quality paper and help combat

counterfeiting.The very first notes from this high-quality document appeared in 1759. The

Swedish National Debt Office was then established in 1789 to help finance the fight against

Russia. The organization was opened because all notes released by the RiksensStänders Bank

in Sweden at the time needed to be supported by silver, however Sweden was struggling with

a silver scarcity secondary to the battle.The loan office enabled Sweden to issue non-backing
treasury bills and the notes soon lost their interest which helped Sweden to finance its battle.

Such notes could potentially be substituted with each other but the RiksensStänders problem

substituted for a higher interest.The Banking Act was enacted in 1834, which rendered it

permissible for private banks to issue bills and fixed the currency of Sweden to the universal

silver coinage. Commercial equity in Sweden was famous because of the success of Scotland

with their private banking. Sweden supported open banking, adopting the tradition of


Another explanation for the popularity of private banking in Sweden would be that the

Swedes had been used to use banknotes, owing to the shortage of coins in their history.

Unlike many other countries where coinage was favoured, the Swedes evidently accepted

concerns surrounding private banknotes.The co - established distrust of the administration's

bank guarantees was possibly fueling their confidence in private banknotes. The bank

RiksensStänders worked with private banks offering holding assets, finance, and government

funding to help support the economy as required.

A central bank is generally characterized by its functions: liable for the nation's economy as

the issuer of reserve money, the government bank, the bankers' account and the lender of

final recourse (and in contrast to this, the reserve bank is often often known as the

banking/financial system's supervisory authority)

In reality this central bank model definition is both outmoded and an exception. Limited, still

today, if any banks have all those roles. An example is a fact that during some of the financial

problems of the twentieth century, the Riksbank was not the institution offering last resort

facilities.It declined this position as late as during the depression in the early 1990s, because

it was not necessary to claim liability for currency valuation in tandem only with lender from
last resort facilities. This same reasoning could also be used for the Riksbank situation in

prior crises, with both the notable exception being 1857 crisis. (Orgen, 2010)

Even though a central bank's conceptual approach is never fully fulfilled in practitioners, it is

still used for fiscal policy in history to describe or refuse the tag "central bank." This is

particularly true for the 19th century and the time of the traditional gold standard.Throughout

the example of the Riksbank, the fact that financial institutions retained the freedom to issue

notes throughout the nineteenth century has rendered it much difficult to call it a "central

bank." Indeed, several historians contend that the advent of modern fractional reserve

banking in Sweden as far as in 1903 with the abolition of the issuing of a note by private

bank. (Orgen, 2010)

Still, there is one component that is the same for all non-time and space-independent federal

reserve, and it is the duty for the banking system and the issue of base money. The word

"rudimentary central banks" is used for banks which fulfilled certain necessities.But because

there is not one relatively homogenous set of roles that all entities currently called central

banks perform, it is hard to tell when a financial system ceases to be primitive. One thing

may be found in how the central bank tries, in fact, to satisfy this obligation; that is, why the

central bank implements its fiscal and political policies and how this develops over you.It can

also be remembered that in one way the Riksbank was a rather modern organisation, because

from its establishment in 1668 until the passage of the Banking Act in 1897 it was controlled

and operated by parliament alone, i.e. with little governmental (royal) power at all.Even so,

the outcome of this government independence was not in keeping with the monetary stability

assumed by current theories.2 Instead, this independence led to many intriguing but volatile

circumstances in the economic realm. (Ogren, 2010) Sweden's Riksbank, the world's oldest

operating central bank, opened for business in 1668.The Bank of England commenced

operations in 1694. Through decades, central banks matured through their delegated roles,
their association with the state, their contact with actors in the financial system, and their

internal management and decision-making mechanisms. But while central banking 's

progression is really nothing fresh, central banks and their procedures have seen huge

changes over the past two decades , especially in reforms of how those financial institutions

are ruled. Those measures ranged across nations.For certain institutions — for example , the

United Kingdom — older structures have been radically reorganized. There have been

completely new central banks founded in many countries. For starters, 15 financial markets

have been established in countries that were once part of the Soviet Union after the Berlin

Wall fall in 1989.Throughout Europe, European Union member countries have established a

supranational central bank that manages a monetary union. For all such cases, the central

bank legislation was either amended or de novo updated, while administrative priorities,

procedures , and systems were changed or developed from start.Measuring the sovereignty of

central banks has focused primarily on a set of legal features that can be collected from the

statutes of an institution. Generally speaking, such regulatory promotion codes to four facets

of the freedom of a central bank from state.First, freedom becomes stronger where the

management of the central bank becomes shielded by stable tenure and autonomous selection

from the political burden (Al Ahbabi and Nobanee, 2019). Second, central bank gains greater

flexibility as government is reluctant to take part in or reverse its policy choices.Third,

sovereignty seems to be larger when a clearly defined monetary policy objective is set by the

legal mandate of the central bank. Eventually, central bank's financial independence depends

on controls that limit government lending. Four regulatory provisions related to the selection

or removal processes of the director of the central bank accounted for 20 per cent of the

total.For instance, a central bank earned the maximum freedom score if, as per its law, the

governor had a tenure of more than eight years in office, was chosen by the committee of the

central bank (as contrasted to the executive and legislative branch of government), could not
be removed for any cause, and had been prohibited from holding certain roles in government

when leading the central bank.Three regulatory provisions used to determine the autonomy of

the policy formulation mechanism of the central bank accounted for 15 per cent of the overall

index. To this dimension of freedom, the highest rating was granted to a central bank that

devised its own policies (without government guidance or inclusion), having ultimate say on

its legal goals in settling a dispute (Smith and Nobanee, 2020).

Literature Review:

With modern internet life moving faster than before, cash and fees are definitely one of the

areas questioned most by technological advances. New methods of storing, distributing and

utilizing payments and financial resources have been implemented through technological

innovation allowed by such innovations, Rewarding central banks to examine how they

should broaden their own financial resources assets, including the issuing of digital currency.

From a technical point of view, the issue of digital fiat money should contribute to substantial

improvements in productivity (by growing the costs of cash management), Supporting digital

payments initiatives (especially in developing markets), fostering competiveness in relational

investment banking (including retail payments), and potentially enabling authorities to

monitor relational policy details.Nonetheless, central banks should conduct a detailed

cost/benefit study and determine the possible consequences of issuing a CBDC on the

monetary system and the economy (including the influence on conventional finance

institutions' borrowing costs and the possibility of disintermediation as part of their

conventional depositors transfers funds to a CBDC, possible functional difficulties for the

central bank,And greater risk factors such as cyber-attacks, to list but a few). While at this

stage, due to recent research and slight encounter on the subject, the above factors cannot be

equity share, Latin American and Caribbean banks are striving to develop a better

understanding of the repercussions and influence of digitizing fiat currency

( a variety of situations, the desire to tackle not only financial integration

but also certain deficiencies in the market has driven national authorities to participate in

more organized CBDC exploration, like The Bahamas, the Eastern Caribbean Currency

Community, Ecuador and Uruguay.Society 's rapid digitization and macroeconomic growth,

rising demand for real-time financial products, recent advances in financial technology

rendered possible by emerging technologies ( e.g., crypto-assets and subject headings), and

increasing consolidation. Various suppliers of financial services (banks, fintechs and

emerging non-bank entrants), among otherdevelopments, Has led a variety of central banks to

examine how they should grow. The own financial sector company. In recent times the global

community has been discussing if central banks (CB) would digitize fiat currency for general

purposes or for specific uses on such grounds. The motivating factors for this discussion vary

widely from (

Development in exploring emerging technology for productivity benefit, promoting

competitiveness in the delivery of financial services and payments. In specific, the scope for

enhancing contestability and efficacy on the payments sector, Trying to offer a public (central

bank) option to private currency, controlled by private / joint business for account-based

payments and transactions (AlFalahi and Nobanee, 2019).

 Opportunity to widen financial exposure and participation in developing economies.

Make the best of emerging technology.

 The need to have sufficient fiat money options where cash usage is diminishing,

maintaining the public availability of commodities such as currency and payments

toward a complete private network.Potential to reduce the cost of cash management,

especially in emerging economies, (estimated in around 1.5% of GDP worldwide.)

 Possibilities for formalizing the shadow economy, or mitigating tax evasion and

financial crime in emerging economies

 Promoting financial stability through the provision of alternative and risk-free options

for commercial bank deposits; and

 Ability to improve the pace, quality and regulation of the policy instruments of fiscal


Through the modernization of Sweden in the 19th century, Enskilda banks led to industrial

growth and modernization by supplying widely agreed forms of payment above what was

feasible for the Riksbank, the central bank. The Riksbank was limited on Sweden 's currency

by specie-convertibility criteria.However, contrary to prior claims, the Enskilda banks did not

function in line with free banking philosophy. The Enskilda banks held Riksbank notes as

foundation-money reserves, rather than specie. This configuration led to a higher formal

liquidity provision than might have been the case with either a free financial system or a sell

different central bank based on deposits.The result for Sweden was a quick rate of

micropayments and an intensifying of finance. (“Key Aspects around Central bank digital

currencies Policy report”, 2019) (

Speaking about what Sweden's central bank has done today, Sweden's Riksbank is reviewing

e-krona, a modern kind of digital currency that aims to move Sweden a step closer to the

formation of the worlds largest first digital banking system (CBDC), as per Thursday's

news.The e-krona could finally be included from a payment card for banking functions —

payouts, deposits, withdrawals, Riksbank said. ( This decision comes after

the Riksbank 's declaration last month that it would support the Blockchain think tank of the

World Economic Forum during this year's Davos WEF conference.Since Sweden does not

depend on currency, this is a litmus test of federal reserve when it comes to utilizing printed

money. The issue of e-krona, which consultancy firm Accenture is designing, will simulate

its usage in an independent test setting. (Central Bank of Sweden floats E-Krona as Digital

Currency, 2020)

The goal of the second article is to quantify sustainability 's impact onFinancial performance

for corporations. The paper identifies positive results andAssociating environmental policies

and financial results in companies. 78%Of the 132 newspapers reported strong corporate

sustainability linkages andFinancial results, 7 percent had no influence relationship and 6

percent were recorded as negative effect on the Objects.As a consequence of the analysis , the

authors suggest that more research be carried out to investigate the influence of total

sustainability in order to establish a clear. All four parts combined. This is important to

decrease the theory gap and outcomes, not just to improve our understanding of the

partnership between financial success and environmental strategy (Alshehhi et al., 2018). The

crucial issue that is often addressed at the conclusion is that the financial institutions will seek

to influence the climate change themselves. This usually entails two distinct ways. The first is

financial sector supervision to drive assets in a more efficient path.It is the central bank which

is appropriate to the type of legislation in many countries, but in Sweden it is the duty of

Finansinspektionen (the Swedish financial supervisory authority).The Riksbank has none of

these instruments at its disposal. The second way is for own savings by the central bank.

Many central banks, like the Riksbank, have built up broad balance sheets by asset

acquisitions after the financial crisis. Will such investments not award renewable properties,

for example by the emphasis on green bonds?This is a question that central banks are facing

today, and the answer is not obvious. I will try to outline my views on that. Although I want

to reiterate that these are tentative opinions. I am delighted to hear arguments against them.In

our threat as well as capital structure last year we mentioned that we would also consider

aspects of sustainability when selecting assets. The Riksbank has not entirely considered how

the aspects of sustainability must be considered in the investments.There are two key lines to
pick between: either we select which investments we choose to have in international reserves,

or which issuers we like. Choosing investments will involve attempting to spend some of the

forex assets in particularly climate-friendly securities, such as bank loans.I have misgivings

about this sort of marketing, especially as our investment decisions are largely in central and

federal government issued bonds. It's hard to earmark money from government expenditures

for individual events.Instead of dwelling on issuers, I think it is easier to create an overall

evaluation of how they are operating to support a balanced environment. Their greenhouse

gas emissions may be measures of that, for example.That is how we are now starting to

include sustainability in our current expenditure and risk strategy. When we choose other

assets than all those best suited to our policy need, we will not invest in resources issued by

issuers with a dominant health carbon footprint. This has certain consequences for our

foreign-exchange reserves assets. The Riksbank has spent about 8 per cent of foreign

currency reserves in central and federal government bonds in Australia and Canada, since

they offer reasonably large dividends and provide a strong liquidity of risk, while at the same

time dealing on the bullish asset. (Floden, 2019)


This report will investigate the different viewpoints and subtleties of Money related Educate inside

the UAE and a few of the preferences and drawbacks that are a result of this interesting framework.

The UAE may be a moderately modern country in spite of its money related victory and fast

improvement. This fast improvement coupled with the foundation of the common money between

the 7 Emirates has driven to the foundation of the Central Bank of the Joined together Middle

easterner Emirates in 1980. The joining together of numerous Emirates and the improvement of a

common money made a difference invigorate the fast development of the UAE’s Budgetary Markets.

This development was inescapable with the victory of a vision of the Nation’s Pioneers.
Researchers contend that there's a connect between economic commerce hones as well as feasible

advancement and money related management. Financial management could be a apparatus that

advances economical commerce hones and sustainable financial development for firms, on the off

chance that it is well consolidated within the trade operations. In this respect, this paper points at

utilizing later inquire about papers that expound encourage on this issue.

Back apparently may be a complex angle of commerce organization because it bargains with

numeric information, such as administration of the cash which includes renting, sparing, allotment of

the budget as well as determining. There are a few money related issues faced by each organization

which in the event that not taken care of on time comes about in destroying misfortune and decay

within the development.


 Orgen, A. (2010). The Modernization of National Bank of Sweden. Palgrave Macmillan.

 Floden, M. (2019). Monitory Policy in changingworld.



 Sweden’s Central Bank floats E-krona as digital currency. (2020, Feb 21). Retrieved from


 Alshehhi, A., Nobanee, H., Khare, N. (2018). The Impact of Sustainability Practices on

Corporate Financial Performance: Literature Trends and Future Research Potential.

Sustainability, 10 (2) pp 494-519

 Key Aspects around Central bank digital currencies policy report. (2019). Money and CDBC.


 Al Ahbabi, Al Reem and Nobanee, Haitham, Conceptual Building of Sustainable Financial
Management & Sustainable Financial Growth (2019). Available at SSRN: or

 Smith, Aaron and Nobanee, Haitham, Artificial Intelligence: In Banking A Mini-Review (2020).
Available at SSRN: or

 AlFalahi, Latifa and Nobanee, Haitham, Conceptual Building of Sustainable Economic Growth
and Corporate Bankruptcy (2019). Available at SSRN: or

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