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1. (Blog do Guy Kawasaki); 2. (Site de contedo para ensino de Stanford); 3. (MIT OpenCourseWare); 4. (Ideas Worth Spreading); 5. Profit Patterns 30 ways to anticipate and profit from strategic forces reshaping your business; Adrian J. Slywotzky & David Morrison; Times Books; 1999 6. Focus The Future of Your Company Depends On It; Al Ries; Hyperbusiness; 1997 7. The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing Violate Them at Your Own Risk!; Al Ries & Jack Trout; Hyperbusiness; 1994 8. Business Model Generation; Alexander Osterwalder;; 2010 9. What Customers Want; Anthony Ulwick; McGraw-Hill; 2005 10. Bad Leadership; Barbara Kellerman; HBR Press; 2004 11. A Previdncia Injusta; Brian Nicholson; Gerao Editorial; 2007 12. A Estratgia do Oceano Azul; Chan Kim & Rene Malbourgne; Campus; 2005 13. Idias que Colam: Por que algumas idias pegam e outras no; Chip Heath & Dan Heath; Campus; 2007 14. Cauda Longa; Chris Anderson; Campus; 2006 15. The Green Banana Papers Marketing Secrets for Technology Entrepreneurs; Chris Coleman; St. Barthlemy Press; 2001 16. Seeing Whats Next; Clayton Christensen; HBR Press; 2004 17. The Innovator's Dilemma; Clayton Christensen; HBR Press; 1997 18. The Innovators Solution; Clayton Christensen; HBR Press; 2003 19. O Glorioso Acidente; Clemente Nbrega; Objetiva; 1998 20. Risco: A Cincia e a Poltica do Medo; Dan Gardner; Odissia; 2009 21. Job Creation in America: How Our Smallest Companies Put the Most People to Work; David Birch; Free Press; 1987 22. When Pride Still Mattered: The Life of Vince Lombardi; David Maraniss; Touchstone; 1999 23. Google A Histria do Negcio de Mdia; David Vise & Mark Malseed; Rocco; 2007 24. The Language of God; Francis Collins; Free Press; 2006 25. The Medici Effect; Frans Johansson; Harvard Press; 2008 26. Culturas e Organizaes; Geert Hofstede; Edies Silabo; 1991 27. Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to Mainstream Customers; Geoffrey A. Moore; Regis McKenna; 1999 28. Inside the Tornado; Geoffrey A. Moore; Harper Perennial; 1999 29. Reality Check; Guy Kawasaki; Portfolio Press; 2009 30. The Art of the Start; Guy Kawasaki; Portfolio Press; 2004 31. Cultura da Convergncia; Henry Jenkins; Aleph; 2006 32. Super Crunchers Por que pensar com nmeros a nova maneira de ser inteligente; Ian Ayres; Ediouro; 2008 33. Jack Definitivo; Jack Welch e John A. Byrne; Campus; 2001 34. CAOS A Criao de Uma Nova Cincia; James Gleick, Campus, 1991 35. Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature; Janine Benyus; Harper Perennial; 1997 36. Guerrilla Marketing; Jay Conrad Levinson; Taunton Press; 2006 37. On Intelligence; Jeff Hawkins; Owl Books; 2004 38. Business Plans that Work; Jeffry Timmons, Andrew Zacharakis & Stephen Spinelli; McGraw-Hill; 2004 39. Innumeracy; John Allen Paulos; Hill & Wang; 2001



Prof. Marcelo Salim

40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74.

O Heri de Mil Faces; Joseph Campbell; Cultrix; 1995 O Poder do Mito; Joseph Campbell; Palas Athena; 2007 Presena; Joseph Jaworski, Peter Senge & C. Sharmer; Cultrix; 2007 Boulevard of Broken Dreams; Josh Lerner; Princeton; 2009 Execuo: A Disciplina para Atingir Resultados; Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan; Campus; 2004 O Andar do Bbado; Leonard Mlodinow; Zahar; 2008 Blink: A Deciso Num Piscar de Olhos; Malcolm Gladwell; Rocco; 2005 Ponto de Desequilbrio; Malcolm Gladwell; Rocco; 2002 A Arte de Negociar; Mark McCormack; Best Seller; 1997 O Que No Se Ensina em Harvard Business School; Mark McCormack; Harper & Row Brasil; 1985 Burn Rate How I Survived the Golden Rush Years on the Internet; Michael Wolff; Touchstone; 1998 th Hyperspace A scientific odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the 10 Dimension; Michio Kaku; Anchor Books; 1995 st Visions How science will revolutionize the 21 Century; Michio Kaku; Anchor Books; 1997 Slideology: the art and science of creating great presentations; Nancy Duarte; OReilly; 2008 Managing Oneself; Peter Drucker; Harvard Business Review; Mar 1999 Theyre not employees, theyre people; Peter Drucker; Harvard Business Review; Feb 2002 A Quinta Disciplina; Peter Senge; Best Seller; 2006 Presena: Propsito Humano e o Campo do Futuro; Peter Senge et al.; Cultrix; 2007 The Blind Watchmaker Why the evidence of evolution reveals a universe without design; Richard Dawkins; Norton; 1996 The Selfish Gene; Richard Dawkins; Oxford; 1976 Leadership: Enhancing the lessons from experience; Richard Hughes et al; McGraw-Hill; 2006 O Grande, o Pequeno e a Mente Humana; Roger Penrose; UNESP; 1998 The Emperors New Mind; Roger Penrose; Oxford; 1989 The Road to Reality; Roger Penrose; Vintage Books; 2004 Teoria dos Jogos; Ronaldo Fiani; Campus; 2006 The Illusions of Entrepreneurship; Scott Shane; Yale University Press; 2008 A Vaca Roxa; Seth Godin; Elsevier; 2003 Marketing de Permisso; Seth Godin; Elsevier; 2000 Todo Marketeiro Mentiroso; Seth Godin; Elsevier; 2005 Tribes; Seth Godin; Portfolio; 2008 A Brief History of Time; Stephen Hawking; Bantam; 1991 The Four Steps to the Epiphany; Steven Gary Blank; Quad/Quafix; 2007 Peter Drucker on the next Society; The Economist; Nov 3-9 2001 The Real Time Economy; The Economist (Survey); Feb 2-8 2002 O Mundo Plano; Thomas Friedman; Objetiva; 2007



Prof. Marcelo Salim

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