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臺東縣新生國小 110 學年度第 2 學期五年級英語領域期中評量試卷

命題者:蔡悅玟老師 ____年____班 座號:___ 姓名:___________

第一部分 聽力測驗(40%)
A. Listen and mark. 仔細聽,將符合描述的圖片打。 (10%)

2.□ 3.□ 4.□

□ □

□ □

B. Listen and fill in. 聽一聽,看一看,完成單字。 (12%)

1. 2. 3.
b__ k __ r__ t__ x__ s __ p__ r m__ __ k__ t 4.
p __ __ k
C. Listen and check. 仔細聽問句,把正確的回答打。 (12%)

1. ( ) We’re going to the bank. 2. ( ) Yes, I do.

( ) You’re going to the bank. ( ) Yes, I am.

3. ( ) We can get there by MRT. 4. ( ) No, he can’t. He can get there by car.

( ) They can get there by MRT. ( ) No, he can’t. He can get there by bus.

5. ( ) You’re welcome. It’s a piece of cake! 6. ( ) Yes! We’re in the same car.

( ) You’re welcome. It’s a piece of pie! ( ) Yes! We’re in the same boat.

D. Listen and circle. 仔細聽,把聽到的字圈起來。 (6%)

1. sit site 2. by bay 3. met meat

4. cat Cate 5. rail nail 6. lay Lee

第二部分 讀寫測驗(40%)
E. Read and match. 讀一讀,將句子與適當的圖片配對(寫出代號)。 (12%)
(A) Let’s get to Grandma’s house by boat. (D) A: Can we get to the gym by bus?

(B) Bill can get to the bank by car. B: Yes, we can.

(C) Mom and Dad can get to Taipei by train. (E) A: How can I get to the library?

B: You can get there by scooter.

(F) A: How can I get to the post office?

B: You can get there by bike.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

F. Fill in. 填空完成句子。 (10%) get to the am are

1. Where ______ you going? I’m going ____ the classroom.

2. Are you going to _____ library? Yes, I _____.

3. We can _____ to the post office by bike.

G. Reading comprehension. 閱讀下列短文,把正確的敘述打 O,錯誤的打 X。 (12%)

Hi, I’m Ben. Today is Monday. It’s 1. ( ) Today is Monday.
seven o’clock. My mom is going to the
2. ( ) It’s eleven o’clock.
hospital. She can get there by scooter.
3. ( ) My mom can get to the hospital by bus.
My dad is going to the post office. He
can get there by bike. My sister is going 4. ( ) My dad can get to the post office by bike.
to the bank. She can get there by bus. 5. ( ) My sister can get to the bank by scooter.
I’m going to school. The school is
6. ( ) I can walk to school.
nearby. I can walk there. *walk 走路

H. Answer the question. 看圖回答問題,寫出完整句子。 (6%)

How can we get to the hospital?

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