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(Food and Drink)

No. Absen : ................... Hari/Tgl : Selasa, 22 Agustus 2023

Nama : .............................................. Muatan Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : II (Dua) / ............................ Waktu : 60 menit

KD : Mengenal dan memahami aturan penulisan yang tepat pada kosakata makanan dan minuman (Food and Drink)

Petunjuk :

1. Membaca do’a sebelum mengerjakan soal

2. Kerjakan soal yang mudah terlebih dahulu
3. Kerjakan soal dengan mandiri
4. Periksa kembali soal jika telah selesai dikerjakan

I. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf A,B, atau C untuk jawaban yang benar!
(Skor 5)

1. Arshaka likes this food. It is….

A. fish
B. chicken
C. bread
2. The weather is hot today. I am thirsty. I need to drink a glass of….
A. watermelon
B. water
C. hot tea
3. Fathir is … and he wants to eat fried rice
A. hungry
B. thirsty
4. Look at the picture
Rinjani : What is this?
Gibran : This is a slice of….
A. tea
B. chips
5. Moza : Do you like noodle, Fatiya?
Fatiya : Yes, ….
A. I can
B. I do
C.I don’t
II. Pilihlah lebih dari 1 jawaban yang tepat dengan menggunakan tanda ceklis (✔ ) pada kotak yang tersedia! (skor

6. Radeef always eats…(roti) and drink…(susu) for breakfast (skor 2)

◻ bread

◻ coffe

◻ milk

◻ fish

◻ meat

7. The following are snacks (skor 2)

◻ meat

◻ rice

◻ chips

◻ cake

◻ fried rice

8. I have meat and cheese in the refrigerator. (skor 2)

◻ kue

◻ daging

◻ keju

◻ jus

◻ sirup

9. The following are kinds of foods (skor 3)

◻ noodle

◻ bread

◻ juice

◻ coffe
◻ chicken

10. The following are kinds of drinks (skor 3)

◻ tea

◻ juice

◻ syrup

◻ fried noodle

◻ fried chicken

III. Lengkapilah teka teki silang berikut dengan jawaban yang tepat ! (skor 5)
h e

b a

n o e

Across Down
12 11.

14. 13.

IV. Isilah pertanyaan berikut ini dengan tepat! (Skor 4)

16. “ M – a – t – a – b – e – l - l “

It is kind of food

It is delicious

The correct word is….

17. It is kind of food

The taste is sweet and fresh. It is from milk and sugar.

… c … c r … a …

V. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah dengan jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan teks !

(skor 9)

Hi, my name is Mutia.

I like fried rice, fried chicken and noodles.

My brother Made likes bread, eggs and fish.

Mutia favorite drinks are milk, tea and juice.

My brother doesn’t like tea

He likes milk very much

18. What foods does Mutia like? (skor 3)
19. What foods does Made like? (skor 3)
20. What are Mutia’s favorite drinks? (skor 3)

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