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Exam: Argumentative Essay on Social Media

Choose one of the following positions on social media:
Social media is a positive force in society.
Social media is a negative force in society.

Topic: Write an argumentative essay taking a position on the chosen issue related to social media.
Support your argument with evidence, examples, and reasoning. Your essay should be well-organized,
present a clear thesis statement, and address potential counterarguments.

Essay Structure:
Introduction (20 points)
Introduce the topic of social media.
Provide background information on the chosen position (positive or negative).
Clearly state your thesis.
Body Paragraphs (30 points)
Paragraph 1 (10 points): Present your first supporting argument.
Provide evidence, examples, or statistics supporting your claim.
Explain the relevance of the evidence to your thesis.
Paragraph 2 (10 points): Introduce your second supporting argument.
Provide evidence, examples, or statistics supporting this claim.
Explain the relevance of the evidence to your thesis.
Paragraph 3 (10 points): Address potential counterarguments.
Acknowledge potential objections to your thesis.
Provide counterarguments and evidence to refute opposing views.
Counterargument and Rebuttal (20 points)
Address a counterargument related to your thesis.
Present evidence or reasoning to refute the counterargument.
Explain why your position remains stronger despite the counterargument.
Conclusion (15 points)
Summarize the key points made in the essay.
Reiterate your thesis and main arguments.
End with a strong concluding statement.
Formatting and Mechanics (15 points)
Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Maintain a formal tone throughout the essay.
Ensure clear and logical organization of ideas.

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