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02.2024 18:27:10 => This is the only instance of hidemy.

name VPN, starting server

and app...
02.02.2024 18:27:10 => There is an Internet connection
02.02.2024 18:27:10 => Listening on Internet connectivity change
02.02.2024 18:27:10 => Sending domain config request
02.02.2024 18:27:11 => Verifying TAP Adapter...
02.02.2024 18:27:11 => Found translation file, setting language: ru
02.02.2024 18:27:11 => Applying kill-switch:
02.02.2024 18:27:11 => Verify TAP install didn't found any TAP adapter,
initializing install
02.02.2024 18:27:11 => Installing TAP Adapter...
02.02.2024 18:27:11 => Applying kill-switch:
02.02.2024 18:27:12 => RequestError: ProtocolInvalidOperationError
02.02.2024 18:27:12 => Error happened while receiving domain config request reply
02.02.2024 18:27:12 => reply error string:
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Invalid JWT: Token must be a short-
lived token (60 minutes) and in a reasonable timeframe. Check your iat and exp
values in the JWT claim."}
02.02.2024 18:27:12 => Using default host
02.02.2024 18:27:12 => Application version 2.1.785wz started
02.02.2024 18:27:12 => Authorization code is not valid
02.02.2024 18:27:12 => RequestError: UnknownNetworkError
02.02.2024 18:27:12 => SslError: UnableToGetLocalIssuerCertificate
02.02.2024 18:27:12 => RequestError: OperationCanceledError
02.02.2024 18:27:12 => RequestError: UnknownNetworkError
02.02.2024 18:27:12 => RequestError: OperationCanceledError
02.02.2024 18:27:12 => RequestError: UnknownNetworkError
02.02.2024 18:27:12 => RequestError: OperationCanceledError
02.02.2024 18:27:12 => RequestError: UnknownNetworkError
02.02.2024 18:27:12 => RequestError: OperationCanceledError
02.02.2024 18:27:12 => RequestError: UnknownNetworkError
02.02.2024 18:27:12 => RequestError: OperationCanceledError
02.02.2024 18:27:12 => Reset TCP/IP driver
02.02.2024 18:27:24 => Applying kill-switch:
02.02.2024 18:27:24 => Tap driver was successfully installed.
02.02.2024 18:27:30 => Applying kill-switch:
02.02.2024 18:27:46 => RequestError: UnknownNetworkError
02.02.2024 18:27:46 => RequestError: OperationCanceledError
02.02.2024 18:28:02 => RequestError: UnknownNetworkError
02.02.2024 18:28:02 => RequestError: OperationCanceledError
02.02.2024 18:28:03 => RequestError: UnknownNetworkError
02.02.2024 18:28:03 => RequestError: OperationCanceledError
02.02.2024 18:28:26 => RequestError: UnknownNetworkError
02.02.2024 18:28:26 => RequestError: OperationCanceledError
02.02.2024 18:29:17 => RequestError: UnknownNetworkError
02.02.2024 18:29:17 => RequestError: OperationCanceledError

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