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27/3/24, 15:39 ALVARO ARCE's Quiz History: ARW2 - Final Exam

ARW2 - Final Exam Results for ALVARO

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Submitted Mar 26 at 6:53pm

Section I: Reading comprehension

To read for main ideas, details, meaning in context, and inferring attitudes /

Question 1
50 / 50 pts

Read the following text and use the information to answer the questions

Why Some Dutch University Students Are Living in Nursing Homes

1 In today’s society both young and old increasingly find themselves living in a bubble of like-minded and similar-

aged peers. This is especially true of university students who leave home at 18 to live with people of the same age

with similar life experiences.

2 Given this, a Dutch nursing home has run a program providing free rent to university students in exchange for

30 hours a month of their time – “acting as neighbors” with elderly residents.

3 The program has seen students in their early twenties sharing lives with residents in their eighties and nineties.

As part of their volunteer agreement, the students also spend time teaching residents new skills – like how to email,

use social media, Skype, and even graffiti art.


4 Behind this “exchange” program is research showing that reducing loneliness and social isolation improves

wellbeing and extends life expectancy in older people. As for the young people, a sense of connection with the older

generation is built and this significantly increases the likelihood that they will continue to volunteer after university. 1/6
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5 As part of their volunteering, students often read to the elderly. Research shows reading poetry with dementia

sufferers, for example – many of whom learned poetry by heart when they were younger – brings comfort and

reassurance through hearing and reciting familiar verses.

6 Rhythm and rhyme bring a sense of order and predictability and, as this project has seen first-hand, poetry can

spark memories. A 100-year-old resident revived long-buried leading-lady speeches once delivered when she was

an actress.


7 Our experience has shown that students can help to supplement the quality of care in homes by providing relief

for overstretched staff. And residents typically respond with enthusiasm to the novelty of younger visitors and to the

creativity students bring to their sessions.

8 Residents are also encouraged to be creative by writing their own poetry. English students offer expertise in

selecting and discussing appropriate literature, and show sensitivity to the emotional responses that language can

trigger. Many ex-students find the time to visit and often get involved in wide-ranging conversations and the

discovery of other activities that bring happiness and interest to the residents. One former student now not only visits

a care home to read but also to hold ballet classes.

After reading the article, answer the questions below:

1. According to the text, what's the program about? [ Select ]

2. How are the university students and the elderly residents similar? [ Select ]

3. What are the benefits of this program for elderly and young people? [ Select ]

4. What is one of the effects of poetry and reading in dementia patients? [ Select ]

5. What's the typical reaction shown by the elderly residents toward the volunteers? [ Select ]

6. In the second paragraph of SHARED PASSIONS, what does sensitivity mean? [ Select ] 2/6
27/3/24, 15:39 ALVARO ARCE's Quiz History: ARW2 - Final Exam

7. What is the result (for students) after the volunteering program? [ Select ]

8. What is one of the benefits of this program for the elderly residents? [ Select ]

9. How does the author feel about volunteers participating in this program? [ Select ]

10. How do students change during their participation in the program? [ Select ]

Answer 1:
Students live in Nursing homes for free in exchange for their time with residents.
Elderly residents offer poetry and dance lessons.
University students teach poetry to elderly residents.
Elderly residents live in cheaper homes.
Answer 2:
They save money living in Nursing homes.
They write poetry.
They live surrounded by people their age.
They help when there isn’t enough staff.
Answer 3:
They save money for college and their future life by living in a nursing home.
None of the above.
The Nursing home reduces costs because they don't have to pay nurses.
They interact with each other and learn new experiences hence gaining wisdom and skills.
Answer 4:
It doesn't help the elderly, but students get to indirectly study for their careers.
Residents write speeches.
They recover their memories completely and recite poems they heard as children.
Familiar poetry and books make residents feel confident and comfortable.
Answer 5:
They are surprised to learn about past experiences. 3/6
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They don't like to talk to the students or to get involved with them.
They are usually thrilled to have visitors other than the medical staff. They appreciate the
They get upset because the students live in a bubble.
Answer 6:
Being talented
Being empathetic
Being cautious
Being controlled
Answer 7:
Some of them continued volunteering holding conversations and even giving dance classes.
Students learn from the elderly and are because of that better prepared for life.
None of the above.
Students feel connected to a different point of view and ideology.
Answer 8:
They act as neighbors of other elderly residents.
They share similar life experiences.
They learn poetry by heart.
Their wellbeing and life expectancy improve.
Answer 9:
Answer 10:
They fight social isolation.
They improve their creative writing.
They connect with an older generation.
Their memory improves.

Section II: Writing

To write a persuasive essay 4/6
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Question 2
15 / 50 pts

Write a persuasive essay based on the writing task below. Remember your
essay must include an introduction, two body paragraphs and a concluding
paragraph. Convince your reader to agree with your position and refute
possible counterarguments. You may include any relevant examples from
your own knowledge or experience.

As we have seen, volunteering brings benefits to all the people involved. Suggest
a volunteering initiative in Peru to a friend of yours. How would you persuade
him/her to be involved in it? Present arguments to support your position.


Your Answer:

Sompeople say that volunteering is good for people since people will feel grateful
for your actions. That's why there are some progrmas to help elderly people such
a Nersery House in Germany that provides some information about how people
both students and elderly people are having a wellbeing estancy on this house.
In my opinion is a good way to help people since, you can learn life experiences
from the elderly, and can reduce loneliness

You can learn life experience and provide knowledge from the elderly people,
This is good for the students because you can prepare yourself for your future 5/6
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work and learn to not to do some things that were bad experiences for the elderly

It can also reduce loneliness since most people don't want to take care of the
elderly, that's why this nursery house provides them food and company from the

Topic and task* Organization* Punctuation and spelling* Grammar and

Vocabulary* 6/6

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