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Jenica Power

Professional Semester 2 Goals

Inquiry Question:
- In what ways do authentic and supportive teacher-student relationships contribute to
students' academic growth and emotional well-being?

- To develop and maintain meaningful, respectful, and supportive relationships with my
students that foster their academic growth, emotional well-being, and overall success.

- 1.A “acting consistently with fairness, respect and integrity”
- 1.B “demonstrating empathy and a genuine caring for others”
- 1. D “inviting First Nations, Métis and Inuit parents/guardians, Elders/knowledge
keepers, cultural advisors and local community members into the school and classroom”

- Establishing Trust
- I will prioritize building trust with my students by demonstrating consistency,
empathy, and active listening. This will involve being approachable, respecting
their perspectives, and maintaining confidentiality when needed.
- Open Communication
- I will maintain open lines of communication with my students, encouraging them
to express their thoughts, concerns, and feedback freely. This will involve regular
check-ins, both formal and informal, to ensure that they feel heard and valued.
- Positive Reinforcement
- I will actively celebrate my students' achievements and efforts, no matter how
small, to boost their confidence and motivation. Additionally, I will provide
constructive feedback in a constructive and encouraging manner, focusing on
growth rather than perfection.
- Individualized Support
- Recognizing that each student is unique, I will strive to understand their strengths,
weaknesses, and interests, through regular conversations and assessments.

Resources/Support Required:
- Collaborate with colleagues who excel in fostering positive relationships with students.
- Regularly reflect on my interactions with students and consider how I can improve.
- Take care of my own emotional well-being so that I can be fully present and supportive
for my students.
Evidence of Success:
- I'm proud to share that my efforts in cultivating meaningful relationships with my
students have yielded positive outcomes. By the second week of my teaching journey, a
senior student approached me with a heartfelt request, expressing his desire for me to
continue teaching at Medicine Hat High School because of the positive impact I had
made on him. Engaging in numerous conversations with my students has afforded me a
deep understanding of their backgrounds, interests, and aspirations, including their
academic pursuits, extracurricular activities, and personal challenges.
- As my practicum experience drew to a close, I was deeply moved by the genuine
connections I had forged with my students. Many expressed reluctance to see me leave,
expressing wishes for me to stay and continue guiding them through their educational
journey. Their words of appreciation and acknowledgment of my teaching abilities were
truly heartening and served as a testament to the rapport we had built together.

- Entire Professional Semester 2
- February 4th-April 18th, 2024

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