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30° Bes seine ve recs forse copeich po sphinlite gual sedveive chagrin Frconalate ‘ree soraps overelmsd prominory note dio sow by space inside he rome dow of fang {low the ines sl aacve objec dat ee or worth ery mach bee levelyaanged in oder 2 ge ih with id, wed foe Serving sop ovale ‘here, grand, feasts e tere enchanting: spins one af the wonder ofthe weld Expt stone tage of fon wth huan hen. 2 ie fab 4 bird wth shor il, homed foros nays and diippineme wen tl and hopes cama decorared. box fr eval ord ther rae piece of sick cloth ch woman ‘wears aeeund her shoulder creams by emotion 2 doce promising pay inoney fre sparc de (elt Eskioned) moneleder very unpiasne Were, ein by coln . KC Narayan (1906-2001), who is among the most well known of Indian novelist wrcing in English, was born in Madtat and educated chere and later in Mysore. A ged soryteller, his ovr of event ceneary life in Inia are bth sensi and ‘esti, He published many novels, Five collections of shore ves, U Honea Tce Ga din Aaralagr Day, Letey Road, Mad Daynard The Grandooter Ta, emo rive books (My Dae Diney and The Emerald Rete). Four colestions of exay (Net Sunday, Reluctant Seen, A Wht Mighonae and A Sey Tle Werk memoie (My Dey and some eration of Indian epics, and myths (The Resuyane, The Mubabres,al-Gd, Dens ‘and Other). Mose oF his wor, tring from his fiat navel Ss ‘and Friends (1935) i set ithe Beton town of Magu whi sflcs all hat is most epieal and endestng of Indi while having. 2 unique idenciey of ies own, In ice the town makes such sn indelible impression on he minds of his readers that many of ‘hem begin iden ie with a sini towm dey may have ist or lived in A recipien of prestigious awards such a che Sains Alademi Avacd and the AC. Benson Award R. K. Narayan was imadean Honorary Member of he American Aesdeny and Intiate of Ants and Ler, and in 1989, a member of che Rare Seba ‘A Shadow isa sary of Sab wh lives ina village with it widowed mothenSamba wits eagey forthe string ofa film hich features his desd fisher at one ofthe principal chars. 2 and pain The sory expeuee wish hene-endingaeceacy tl Scanned with CamScanner expevenced by the boy and his mother when shey watch on the 1c dead man move and speak ae though alive smanded, "You muse give me four annasco se the film romorrost’ His mother wis horrified. How could this boy! he ths past the aeival ofthe fila a seem on the seen when they knew had been dreading ow could people b sewar no more? She had 2 vague hope that the producers might se out of consideration farher feelings. And na procesion appeared inthe sree with tom-tomand band, ying placards and huge coloured portraits sband, he resolved co go out of cow fora while butie war a desperate and unpracrical resolve, Now the picture had arrived. Herhurband was going to speak, move, and sing, forat lease six house a day in that thestre three streets off 1r had come back cli Sembu was a delighted 2s fh “Mother, wont you also come and see the pisure?” ee “Please, lesse. You must come." She had co explain to him how acterly impossible ie would be for her co see the picture. The boy had a sore of rucless logic: ‘Why should ic be impossible? Aren't you seeing nis photos, even thac big phoro on the wal, every day?” "Buc these photos do not talk, move or sing” ‘And yee you prefer them tothe piecure which bas lif! “The whole ofthe next day Sambu was in great excitement, In his classroom whenever his master took his eyes off him for a moment he leant over and whispered to his neighbour, My father Shae +35 eid on hen apes sin cha, Lam ing Te ceing Ae ous coming? “ote Rone! tld need He te Tal pees ‘tween ps hwy? sree thea ns. My tr edo ead 0 uschenny cer nghe iba wey ning ony He wrote Shewhewoy hing He wa pid en hound oper for ved ndacing vl eae youth pire yout 0 “wes Tai ise “Taneocandny Tm pues geadaran Engh : ‘But Sanvbu’s friend was adamant. Sambu had to go alone and aoe wihe miserum of mate rw te toy of cdo mary a foes bat lan Ku i, a young gir, who refu wanted 0 scudy ina university and extn an independent living and ws est aay by her str ier (Sambu’athe) and forgiven intheend Sambi in the Fouranna clas was eagedy waiting foe the picture ro begin. Te wat six months since he had seen his fuer and he misied him badly a home The hall darkened. Sambu sat through the wallets and slide adverisements without enhusasm, After al his father eae on te scren. He was wearing just the dhoti and shirt he used «0 vwearat home, And thei litle gil eame up, and he pated her on he headandspoke to hefexaeay ashe wed to speak to Samu ‘And then father aught the gid aidnetic,Shehadaslateon lence and he dicrated to her:'A cartman wanes (wo annas per Scanned with CamScanner es rile. Rama is three annas an sand, How carey him The gc chewed her late penll was showing signs of impatience. "Go on, ‘uttered. ‘Say something otherwive y Presendly I know him beter than you ‘was a betcerarithmetican than Samu, Sh Father was delighted, How he wouléjumpabouin shee dclght ‘whenever Sambu solved a sum corey! Sx of parcular occasion when will the eareman 1 blinked, Father Kumari,” Sambu you will receive a slap 8. Kumati, homeves, he ase the igh inser smbu was reminded sheer fluke heblundered through 4 punale about a cistern with a lesk and a tap above it. How ‘acherjumped our ofhis chaic when he heard Sambu dedare that it would take three hours for the cistern to ill gain, ‘When the film ended and the lights were switched on, Sambu + turnéd aboutand gized 2 the aperture in the projection oom as iis father had vanished into it, The world now seemed to bea poorer place without father. He ean hiofne. His mother was vrting for him at the door. Teis nine o'clock. You are very late ‘Twould have loved it ifthe picture hid lated even longer You ate perverse mother. Why wont you se ie? Throughout the dinner he kepe falking. ‘Exactly a father used 0 sing, exactly as fhe used 0 walk, exacdy iis mother listened co him in grim silence, ‘Why dont you say something, mother?” i “Thave nothing tosa.' “Donte you like the picture?” ‘She dida'canswer'the question, She asked, Would you lke to goand see the picture again tomorrow?" ‘Yes, mother. If possible every day as long as the picture ie shown. Will you give me four anaes every day? "Yes? “Will you let me see both the shows everyday?” “Oh, no, You cart do chat. What sro happen to your eons?” “Won't you comeand se the picture, mother” No, impossible” Fora week more, three hours in the day, Sambu lived in his fathers company, and fee depressed ae the end of crery show. Every day i wasa pacing for him. He longed ro sc down ard see the night show too, but mother bothered too much sbout schoo! lessons. Time was precious but mother did nat seem so understand ts lessons could wait, but noc father, He envied thoze sho were ssing the pieare at nigh. ‘Unable co sand his pasuasions any mor, hie mother agreed to see the picture on the lat day. They went co the night show. Shesatin the womens clas, She had to screw up all her courage t0 sit down for che picture. She had a feelin of great rclef ax Tongasthe slide: ivertisements, and tale pieces lasted, When the picture began, her heartbeat fase, Het husband ealking ro his wife on the screen, playing with his child, singing, walking, dressings same clothes, same voice, sime anger, same joy—she fele that the whole thing wasa piece of erucly infleced on her, She shut her eyes several mes, bc che piture fascinated her: it hhad the fascination ofa ching which ie painful, And then eamea scene in which he reclined in a char teadinga newspaper, How bhe would sit absorbed ip « newspaper! In cele years of married life, how often had she quarrelled with him for it Even on the tase day he had sas chus afer dinner, in his canvas chai with the ‘newspaper before him: she had lost her cemper at the sight afi and said:"You and your newspaper could a well go and sleep Scanned with CamScanner 36 + Biles off the rest ofthe day.’ and left his company. Wher: she saw him later he had fallen back in his chair wich che sheets of newspaper over his face. This was an unbearable scene. A sob burst from her. Sambu, siting in his seat on the men's side, liked to see his father in the newspaper scene because the gil would presently come and ask him whar he was reading, annoy him with questions, and get what she deserved. Father would shout, ‘Kumari! Will you go our of shall I throw you out" That gic! didnc know how co behave with father, and Sambu intensely disliked hee While awaiting eagerly the snubbing ofthe gicl abu heard a burst of sobbing in the women's class; presently there was a scramble of feet and 2 ery. ‘Puc the lights on! Accident to someone! The show was stopped, People went hithes ad hither. Sambu, cursing this intecuption, stood up o0 2 bench to see what the matter was, He sa hie mother being lifted from the oor. ‘That is my mother! Is she azo dead?” seceamed Sambu ‘and jumped over the bariez He wailed and cried, Someone told him, ‘She has only fainted. Noching has happened to her, Dont make a fuss’ They carried her out and laid her in the passage. The lights were put out again, people recurned to their seats, and the show continued. Mother opened her eyes, sat up, and sad, “Lec us go away’ “Yes, mothen’ He fetched sucka and helped hero it. Ashe ‘was climbing inro ic himself, from the darkened hall «familiar voice said, ‘Kumari! Will you go out or shall I throw you out!" (On hearing it Sambu’s heare became heavy and he burst into ‘ears: he was affected both by his mother’s breakdown and by Shadow 657, the fe were changing the picture nexe day. Jing that this was the final parting from his Glossary borified shocked dreading * feasing tomtom ~ © arall, narrow drum used to ‘make announcements eraled > decided firmly ddsprate rele - * here, decision raken because thre as ndhng ceo be done being fem when making correct athlete legie being fm when ue unpleasant decisions adamant determined not to change a decision taken eer flake -— juse luck Shundered = did with some difficuley penene deliberately doing the opposite of whae people want you to do persualions = aking fomesine decide co: do romething, inflced ~ made to.suer Jfiacinated = geeatly aueacted reclined 2. desnr beck in a reloxed posicion abyorbed = Tully meneaily occupied. engrossed nabbing humiliation sound of people geting up oF roving in'a huey jutha 2 hone cartiage scramble of fet Scanned with CamScanner Zo Glory of Twilight oe DBhabani Bhattacharya (1906-1988), an Indian novelist wing ‘in English, was a contemporary of Malk Ra Anand, RK, Nason, Raja Rao and other Indo-Anglican writers of grea satire in ety post-independence India. Bhatacharya was a prolife writen, who scomied to have an inexhaustible tare of cetive alent even towards fhe later par of his fe. Hie ition depicts the eontemporry oval, political, economic and religous tesles of India before and afer independence His work echoes hit sting belie char att mus Ihave soci and moral finetion, snd erature shuld depict, concemporaty events relisially and truthfully, His major work of fiction include Se Many Hunger, Maaic for Mobi, He Whe Rides a Tiger. 8 Gadess Named Gold, Shadow fom Ladeth snd 4 Dream in Hews, “Glory of Tiligh? is a sory about Sarai, who having risen in life beyond his wilde dream, nds himelf shorn of his sveath, status and peace of mind atone suoke of destin. Wik hie life and che career chat he had so carefilly bul, lying in shreds around hie, Satyajit decides to go to his village, where he ie ail egarded a 4 milliomsire, to attend a wedding, However, bis deaperateatempt to taste glory for one lst dime proves mote isestous than anything he could have ever imagined. * The slow, natrow gauge Indian cain with its awkward freak of an engine had a way of making unauthorised stops for no good Glog ef Teil 39 reason, beeen fields of comm orat he foot of village—it was said car the guard signalled a hale co pluck s pumpkin or ripe melon from its stem ot to buy fils of green gram fom a peasant. Some af the passengers grumbled and st with drawn brows composingin their minds angry ltersvo Authority orto the Press, but others seized the chance to slip mexly our af doors fr abrenth of sr and a view ofthe green felds-ora more private pursuit Saryjt languid on the cushioned bench now vacated by the other occupants reached out for hi cigaretes, bur on second, thought withdrew his hand brasquey. Thac wont do, he told himself witha sera shale of hirhead. His smo was rationed, He hadatconed himselfin the pat month toa fase growing ist large and srl an tie wat one, How could he afford the unrestricted luxury of chain hard economy, sharpening to realities thats had the semblance ofan undreamable dream? of deni He winced, che turning wheel of fortune in his unhappy ye, aalays, Along the orbit of eminiscenes he went round, and round, pulled by a force beyond his will. The banking ‘establishment of which he had atsined contcol. The amazing tempo oficall. Lick had come bis way, undeniably, but behind ic wat his mind, hie initiative, gris, energy. Staring asa mere cleric he had become Managing Director. And now? What neat Forty he ad sharp features, he hse receding _otihissemplein wide shiny snoodnparches, His yes ated gare ore smart eyeglasses shield hem. His mouth thin- id igh ight have been only pede. Scanned with CamScanner 40+ Eee, “What now? he suid to himself in an under-breath. Those words had become his obsesion. ‘Whar now?” He had no business to be on this wretched train on a heglected railroad, ravlling away from the city where he must look for work, for a means of living, With che sudden collapse of his ites the bank, ll his privat assets were gone overnight the house on Tagore Street even the two cas, his and his wifes. A mercy that she was away from the scene, with her parents at Delhi, aid unaware ofthe fll exten of is ruin, A telegram had come last Tuesday announcing the safe bieth of het child. Their first-born, forhe had married latein if, His son his hel. And he had sold off his diamond ring to send his young wife a ‘remittance forthe name-giving rts, She had married a man of forcune—that made ic hacder for hhim in this esis. True, she knew all about his exelier life. Bur that was story-book stuf. Tr could be narrated happily to their firsi-born when he grew olde. The sory ly killed by its sequel, failure. Glory was all overlaid with dark shame, Glory was dead + Ie would be easy coday if there were none else to think of ‘except himself Born in a humble village home, selfeducated, struggle had been is life-breath. How grateful he was for che clerkship he secured. A turning ofthe wheel of forcune’—he had wondered. The next turning, a yeu afer, was more dramatic. ‘What made him give a fixed look co the man beyond the bras grille ofthe councer? The cheque presented for encashrent was nota large sum. Eye upon eye. Alarm vivid inthe face and the hand on the counter shaking curiously. Surprised, steed by a quickimpulse, hetookthe cheque the accounts desk, compared the signature withthe one on record I allied. Bur that face, Glory of Toiligh « 41 thachand. Ahundeed seasons, none connected with the cheque, could explain the face and hand. Even so, the impulse led him to the telephone. ‘Siz have you signed a bearer cheque for Rs 2000? Ic has yesterdays dae.’ ‘Rs 2000? No.’ His heart fle pain for lack of air. Sir are you sure? The signature seems okay.’ In the next instant he was back his counter ina eush, Where was the ‘man? There, close to the exit, and the face turning back for a moment wore satk fear. He was going away. Feet bounded up the couriter, The bank clerk hunted down his prey on the gravel pathecwenty paces fromthe front door. “There was no struggle. The wian erumpled down in a heap! He squatted with head beeween hig hands. looking down, ears olling down, ‘Why did you have o commie forgery? ‘She has TB.” ‘Shee he is dying for want of medicine. Wh “My wife. saw no other means. give lessons in Maths to the sich man’s son, That money." ‘The head berween the hinds wagged from side co'side in a queer shyehmic frenzy. That was the way che clerk grew into an accouncane. He deserved what he had gained, He was not made to be a mere cletk. Lost inthe chil he had honest concempe for his stepping- sconet the forger. You could not commit such a crime even t0 save your dying wife, Bue today, a he sat an his lone bench on the train, he saw mind-piccures and fele roubled. The crouched figare on che gravel path wrapped in mute grieving, The prisoner Scanned with CamScanner BE at the bar, face frozen, as though he had died within himself Had he anything to say to the Court?—the judge had asked. ‘Punish me. “Isthar all? “Punish meas kills? “Killee’ "Thave put my wife to chame, Shame lla fase at TB! ‘Yer, thatwreiched one had rorned the wheel form with his ‘emblin hand. From cha pain the wheel stained a olcion of | itsown, moving continuously. He had every reson tobe grate to the forge. Too late now to seck-him our, give im achanee co live? Too late, He himaelf sorely needed a chance to lve, The pankingbusiness lay around him inabroken matsand sherewas ‘he prostrate on his fae inthe wreckage, sucking itedust lth fault, He had wied co overseach himself, Each wrong step was row clear in time's perspecive. The run onthe bank had come! IMleoosuddealy though lure hada tempo far fase than sce He had great nced 0 fly fom himself/—thae was why he was ‘on cis rain, Alter had came athe nick of ime offering him sin exeuse, a temporary elif from che wrenching within: "The spedaing of my fifth daughter, Beena isp ake place the 20° vB this month, [have kept you,posted with the progress of pegotations.[sekyour benedcon inthe ese of my eon thied and four daughtert—Kemini, Darin’ and Suhashi. With Beena wedded, chee wll be only Aruna lef, and she isin hes tenth year Your benediction alo an pull ethrough the preset aughter es Thcisal Ihave toa Yearbelpless Unc Sia Daughter rs indeed, mused Suyajicwitha dims, Ure Svinah, a neighbour at Shantipar ilge but no blood relation. Gly of Tete «45 seemed o have been producing hie numerous daughters secure in the faith that others would bear the Brunt of the repeated crises oftheir macriage needs. And Satyajit, in the Bush of prospec had been more than openchanded.Lewns a matter of pride, clfsaisfaction Inhisyounges day, he wilage people had nae thoughs rach fhm had not sen in him any special gift orbriliance. One of the common herd, That watall the more eason why heenjoyed succes. He needed the wide-eyed wonder and eagerhomage of Uncle Srinath andthe lke, while they had use and longing for his money. Iwas pia give-and-ake, “Alhac was over Fallen From his eaten the clouds, Saya. sus ead the earthly ways of humble elk, But he could not deny the old shan alogether. He must send some help. He ad pondered ove the amount, He had o ponder over exch rupes before he spear. ‘Then all ac once he had come toa decision. He would go ro “Shantipas and attend che mazeage. This would be a welcome relick—the city was suo 1 him. His mind would be Fieshened, his sctength renewed for the coming stuggle, by 2 retutn to the plisial ecene which had been hisstating point in life Ler chat be his ating point once more, ouswardly as much as inthe spi, He would also take this chance eo Took at his ancestral house and fh-pond, both leased out, bits of propery sill ntact amid dhe vat demolition. Those he mus pass onto his if his ae gift, And he had sent word so Uncle Srinath about his arsivalon che mariage day. ‘Theenginecamerolifewith sil of waning. The passengers hhutie back. Another halP-houe and ie was Shantipur. Saye, Scanned with CamScanner 46+ Ben leaned out ofthe door, his eye looking for Uncle Srinath on the station platform, where many people stood crowded together, alertand apparently excited, one of them holdingalofche national flagon a bamboo pole. A policcal celebrity on the trsn? Strange that Uncle Stinath, who had always feared politics, was leading the group. Suddenly there was rath of legs towards Saya as hae stepped down, The legs stopped and a booming chorus followed, ‘Swagatam! Welcome! ‘A small gil with an awestuck face stepped up with a jasmine tgatland in her hand. Sarysje stood ina daze of bewilderment ar the giel rose on tiptoe to place che chain of flowers around his neck. He bent mechanically co recrve the offer, not knowing ‘what ie meant, Ie was obviously a mistake, a vey curious one "Welcome! the voices rang 2gain. Then, an expectant hush ‘Unde Srinath cured round to the group. On the high cheek bonesand grey sub ofhis face wasa lear coating ofstongeain, “Friends and brother! Bengal has scen greatness in almoscevery field of action. Ishall nor belie your knowledge by csing names, Ik is only in trade and indusery chat Bengal has lagged behind sadly—the plums of business have gone co people from upeountry of from oversess. That is why our hearts grow big swith pride ac sight of a son of our own Shaneipur village who hhas attained great succes in that field, thar forbidden fel and become the glory of the motherland. Susgatam! Welcome!” “Swagazani the combined voices roared while che eicolour fag on its tal pole nodded approvingly. "When Saryajc slipped down from che ox carat the dour of smud-brick house, a knot of women waiting rensely with brass enter-bowls rushed up and stooped over his fee, scrambling for Gly ef Tage + 4s the privilege ro-wash his feet with cool water, Saryaje shrank bck, embaerassed. ‘Jes my Beena’s privilege, éried Srinath smiling, "This is hee day. Lee Beena alone wash and wipe the reverens feet. All her life she wil emember this honour befalling her on the auspicious day of he matsp” Syl loked atthe gel who stepped forward shy, slender wih ge pensive ees ina graceful face ‘So his sche ride’ he aher and touched her hair inthe gesture of blesing.‘T hope the groom is worthy ofthis gil” he sid as he knele down 10 unlace his shes. She slipped off his socks and poured cool water ofieshen his eet, washing them with Keen cate. As her slim fingees wene berwees his tes, he wiggled them, For he ele sikh, Presently he platefl of sweetsand agls of whey while Kami, Damini and Subashisatnearhim on theirhaunchesand waved palm-leaf fins nacirpetin che inner verandah wigh a with all heir energy, as though exch passing minute had co be, fly used before theichands were deprived ef he privilege. Sweat" broke out on cheis fies and they shifted theie fans from righe hand co lef and again co the right. Their mother who stood by row spoke in minut, husky with emotion, “You have been more ofa fitherso hese girls than he;'jecking her head at her invisible husband. ‘But fr che bigness of your heart, they would stil be maids under chis roof, shooting wp ia yeusand in height with no chance of having husband and hori. She lifted her sri fiages ro her eyes, wiping off grateful reas, ‘The meat over, Unde Srinath, wits had been chutding beeen the inner verandah and che outer quarters, now stopped, leaning overhis gues . Scanned with CamScanner conte Sot theemaried ce ‘hei blini to yeurbendicion tegen ee Bisse mut hive ket dni Ae ae a her new household." | ood! Goa! Sayre happy: He ha 220i puns and had wondeed how mach oft nd weve ‘marrage pool, Maybe Rs 100; 0 rither Rs 11, sine Rue coding wih ro wat nt propitious, Dung ia tod bean soy anges tha green inp fnlpsonpo tn adn iy, Now that Bena ad gral sso he could jen wl sic goodie he onan Lest fe fe er ipa einige vriiat vy benedict lng urea Stat weton, Dot hivecouay mote? Heappteny deed ths hed oy \ bate sna eure apes errant ee the peopl ses their ou tome rem alll Wl ou nor ‘how your fra inane the even who sg? Says flowed hshoe Misdevorers were on oot sat, ealking nimatedly, and at sight of him chere wasan instant hush, Hands joined co his chest, Sorat made selutation toll ‘He caught sight ofthe school-master who had aught him as boy and made. deep obeisance. welled with pride, the old man “swept the floor mat group wich superior glance before he spol: “Didn't I say? Didnt I saya hundted and one times in those far-off days thatthe light of genius blazed on the fae of xy Gina Tule 7 young pupil That hestood spar fom every other young pig He broke shore at yielded to violent coughing to cover up the lip. Prerently he resumed: “That he with the light of gens om his Face was afer fom the world where the other youngsters dwcl? Why predicted that he would be High Court Judge” Saryaje bus inc laugh. ‘Alas, am no High Cour Judge "Bren more; much more” countered the old man. Hir gost memory reached bick to the Boy with whom he hd been on cexmsofa pespetal feu. Alwaysbenton smebind of mischicl— hed havean inventive mind that wa! Arthmescwathisbogey. Hw does he countall his pile of money? He owns million if Ssinath sto be believed. A milion? And the ald man hastened to add 2 brushfal of colour to the deab picture presented by memory, "Even in those off days T could see to shadow forms about him, lear a lfe—Saracwat a hit ft, Lakhani at his right. And I knew even then thatthe twin goddesses of| knowledge and of wealth, though hating the sight ofeach other, had for once unite, stayed together, drawn by their common love! He ified joined pale ohisforehed, offering slaion — pethapsto chore goddewe, Satyaie wns determined to enjoy himself. He Flea ewinge of reget thathe hid. noc thought ofcoming te Shancipurand basking inthe peoples homage when ic was eulyhis due. Now hewisan impostor. He impersonated the man he had been fw wees before, Hemadean angry jerkofhishand abous hse, waving off sand-fly and she regret, Let him be happy forthe day even with false echo, Jet him be wrapped ail in che ingesing twilight splendour of departed gly: Tomorrow he would bein Scanned with CamScanner 18 bine the full fury ofa steam, cugged underwater, fighting for life Teday he would have hi at breath of peace, feedom, content. ‘Through the rescof the day hewent round the village, meeting the eldes, sipping che proffered lk of green coconuts. He vised hishouse occupied by a tenant, Hishouse—and hetouched the walls possessvely: Thissmall house gave hima feling of ecaisy ‘which had not come co him eve from his huge cry mansion “He sent hourby the ishpond, His pond—and he prinkled a palenfl ofits water on his head. A good-sied cap landed the end of his hook. When he came home with the eatch, Uncle Srinath gazed a ieraply—one would have thought hehad acver ‘before seen such fish. ‘Whar ils’ he breathed in apparent estas, He patted the head ofthe fish with an affectionate hand. ‘Bride and groom shall exteuzred portions of his auspicious one when they break their macrage ft t midnight. Tha wllbring them allehe blessings that lifecan give Tewas nar wilight when the groom's party attved in ox ers and palanguins. Conches blew weleome. Young women guhered atthe dooryard and gave the sil radiconal grecing expressive of great joy: ‘Ulu-ulu-ul-ulueul!” When che bridal party was wel setded, chewing betel leafand waiting fo the mariagshour as prescribed by the almanac, Say fle for his purse. Time ‘now co pare with Rs1O1- Srinath, reading his thought, cook him to the secluded darkness undera fig ree in the backyard My begging bow! i ead he announced happily. “Yes, yes’ Satyajit nodded. The cash dowry stands fixed. Only Rs 2001 cra Sacyaje fel a hard blowin che pit of bis stomach, “That is all” Gy of Teg «49 “Rs 2001? ‘Scinach smiled, "Everything els is provided f ofthe marriage fast. Only this site awaies your benediction.” Benediction—Srinaths favourite word. Nothing abseract in ins meaning Ie could be interpreted only in térms.of money. Saryajcfles Burning inside him, He had setchedhisleg right inc the snare of benediction, unchinkingly. How could he beso even the cos vesystupi? Srinath broke the silence with ahalflaugh. "This drop inthe ocean of yous freune Iehames meo mension the pery figure. “Why didnt you wete and rel me?” The voice was harsh. ‘The halflaugh epested iself"Have Ino sense? Lim not such abigase at I ook. What! Mention money toa millionaire! And such pittance, Adrop in the ocean” "Adiop' echoed Sars hie mouth dey. Thiswas the moment forconfetion. Hews even worte offthan Srinath, Hard struggle layla of hin For bare survival. Srinath would understand. ‘Millions’ Rhaprody in ihe voice, Plain worship on the A devote, prayerful before his god. ‘We basi in your benediction. Our ife-spak ine is held in your fst you can estoy ic jus by closing your fingers tight. Words cannot say what | fel Yes, the god had been amillionsize,euly. Thar was yesterday ‘Today .. Confession stuck in his chroa, clurched by the silicates dead hand. Beree give an excuse. He hed come rushing, in the midst of henyy work and had not thought of cquipping himself with adequate cach, That would sound ” sible, Laer—it wouldalt matter if Srinath discovered the tewible uth late, bemui Scanned with CamScanner Frisia : Something stronger han he 1 _ecemaingsonge han espe wih ogue Tada corning rain—there wasn ime ogo tothe bane Maybe someone in the village." The words ah scheaa slmostonhislips oo most on ili. Someoneinhevlagewiladvancesln Uncle Srinath rushed ou ofthe hous, pane hs face He had Been under he iemprension thas mllonsite aes had his pockets seuffed with money. Satyajit carne othe atebled guest sandy the groom inhi foo high stin-aped pam, sat round cushions on thee sides of him, was forgotten Silence All eyes ook hee fil ofthe ich man. A godon che pedestal of farwune. He too st quiet the redness within him heavier han even before. The peace he had atained ere was poe, He longed tq be bac in town, He longed forthe company of kit wife, He longed to see the fice of hs new-born son, Th rich rants son who would never iin « peambulor Srinath returned in balan hou: His face looked angry. Sept sav his beckoning hand, rose hey tis feet and stepped outside, away from the people “Only one person in Shantipus can produce 3 much ash a his lite hous ssid Srinath." Havsh, the money-lendet, Thatshak tefuses to make an advance though. “The swift flood of cli "Harit dots noc cust me” Money lenders did havea sinth sense. There was no knowing when Harsh would have gothis ancy badh—pechape never “Dreposterus! Nor to curt the word and signaare of a anllionsize! Harsh is ofFhis senses; iit malice? The oie ollecced anger. ‘I could slp the ello hard lap him on éach cheek couid drag him ro you nd make him grovel ac your eet and rub hist nos on the ground. Slope Tete 51 Saryajiecould be generous, ‘No need, no need. Tstisoucof dace cher cynical times." The wonder oF it his lg was off the snare ofbenedicre 31 ‘Where will our India be ifeuch things ae tolerated? Whats Nehru doing about tls there no one eo cll him how things sand in the counery?” Satya paced the exited man on the shoulder, sooth Srinath controlled imme with virble efor, His ficesaddened, "What sro be done?” he moaned, "The grooms father isa man. of stone. He will bres off the marrage unless cash is pad ro him before the ceremony stare Who will ever marry Beena after such dithonows” Satyajit wagged his head in beftsing sympathy “IFonly you had writen so me, Just wo words or dies. Anyway, do not be ‘worried. You wil find another eutable mate aberter one maybe “Who ean forese che ways of destiny” He fl for his purse the second ime, He ought to restore the fifty rupees he had cu, Let ibe Rel51, Eveniftherewould beno perambulato for hissn. ‘Stinath ceased his crose rice, Te sharmes me to tell yu the fall cory” “Yee! “Harsh i willing co pay? “What You have just said." "He will pxyaguine security. He wantesecusiy, char evl-eyed sas, Your house and fih-pond, The madnet! To think that house and pond have more weight chan 2 millionaire’ signature! Soest ternbled within him, House and pond,’ he murmured to hime The only possessions that had not toppled ino the deluge. They were all he could give ro his wife Scanned with CamScanner y 22+ Be ‘AIL the old values destoyed, where will our India be? Has * Nehne no sense ro understand this? What A pond weighs more than 2 millionaite’s word, x howe i beter secutey than the signature oF his han! Yer, what li ica be dane? Palme folded together made supplication, ‘What cle i eo be done in this augheer ei Seysjichad s queer cugged look. And the dead voice of the ‘millionire came from his throat, Let the moneylender pay on! shese terms.” “The insult, whee sbous che insuleSeinats weatful hand cleaved the ai When the thing is done, Iwill make the shai rub his fa nose onthe ground st your fect: wild char, esure ‘You will also see the whole lage spicat the shar, choo, choo! “The deed was signed, the hour was ga with marriage musi, Saryajc walked off tothe deep dask under the fig tee, all by himself. What now he ssid under his breach, anda dim smile pinched the corners ofhislipsashe suck berween them hecore and lied a ie match tip ofa cigarette, the last one in the tin, swith slow tremulous deliberation, i ‘he horizon puriit . here, purpose ligeid 1 i cry He ener irate 2 heap snddenty nce appearance vominieentt emembering things past wt treing lesan quel ovoid Soanded und l sua fensy ontop crouched rad tlm porate ‘ered arencing Sevedinon nue or he bran txpezne ba ‘mazedly teiance tered diab inf Pi «53 endueanee ting back in quie sxe parent ide dominating the md : tron en, cp BY Pos ere lle continue the toy Srced re silie ‘ped ihre of cane sand and “nll oer ren the ground wih he hes dion Being. chat someone ot fomehing dees arn ‘ing with limbs dose dhe pi Stet Spon mseble n Wing ie downwards eempe oo much aed hee, a fete, de erog pin Neng fee hough taller the main inp of someting ld wil wonder revere Sec al shoe Misvouy in ely nace Woo abe espe gare Aull, usintecs Scanned with CamScanner tea ~ impostor + imperoneted proffred palenguine almanae Phapiody plewsible Prepaserous srovel aie leased semen deliberation PREON who presnds 1 be Pretended to be offered in eaclit times, covered Sox with couch inside, used 0 ary People abour ‘alendar swith astronomical information enthusisem probable utterly above lie Face downwards in family rat flood hopped, epic twembling ref lone Poetry Section Scanned with CamScanner a 1 All the World’s a Stage ‘Wiliam Shakespeare ‘William Shakespeare (1564-1616), univerally acknowledged se fone of the greatest post dramatists the word has ever known, wae born in Seaford-on-Avon, and educated a che King Edvard IV Grammar Sehool there. At eghtee, he marsed Anne Hathavsy and worked as an actor and playwnight to support himself and hie family. Although regarded primarily a8» dramatie, Shakespeare wrote poetry at well, which include hie well-known sonnets Jmmoralising beaury and love. He wrote thiry-eight plays, and these are usualy divided into four euegories: histories, tages, comedies and romances. Some of Shakespear's bes-loved plays ste A Midsomer Nights Dream, Ae Yu Like, Henry VI The Comedy of Exar, Rameo and lier, Here, Oibele, King Lear, Machen ‘The Temper. ‘Al the Worlds a Stage’ it 2 femous soliloquy taken fom his play As You Like I (Ace, Scene i). The lines spoken by the wise Jacques compare the life of human beings roa plaj,coniting of| zn parts, or phases, in which a peton plays disney difzent roles. The poem is among Shakespearés most-quoted pieces, All the world’s stage, 4 sud all che men and women merely plyec: “They have theiexis and their entrances ‘And one man in his time plays many pars, Alte Werke» 537 is aces being seven ages- At fire she infant s ‘Meulingand puking in he nurses arms, ‘And chen the whining school-boy, with his satchel ‘And shining morning fae, creeping like snail ‘Unvwillingly ro school, And chen the lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his misress’ eyebrow. Then a soldier, Full of strange oaths and bearded lke the pard, _élous in honour, sudden and quickin quatre, ‘Seeking che bubble reputation Benin the eannon’s ough. And then the justice, In fair round belly with good capon lined, ‘Wich eyes severe and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances; [And o he plays his part The sixth age shifts 0 Into thelean and slipper pancaloon, Fy ‘With spectacles on nose and pouch on side, is youthful hose, well saved, a world coo wide For is shrunk shank; and his big manly voice, ‘Tumingagnin toward childish rele, pipes ‘And whistles in hi cound, Late scene ofall, % ‘Thacends this strange eventful history, Issecond childishness and mere oblivion, Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans tate, sans everyibing. Glossary players seis, a = divisions in long play, each : ‘consisting of two or chee scenes inf baby mew 2 eying Scanned with CamScanner Vomiting. bringing up mil school Big ES? BR ad naraive poem, Scanned with CamScanner ot -a08 2 3 Ode to Autumn Tohn Keats John Keats (1795-1821), oe af the Romane poet wa born in London, where his fet wat» eableerpe, His yes a shoal ined in him a love of iteatar, ad he alo acqivt during the years he spent there nowedge of history, Lacn and some Fech ‘Keats was apprenticed to surgeon, but he soon gave it up and teak owing per Inthe course of his short i, he prods some ofthe Braz sonnce, oder and ein English Inari, and all his poems, inspired by a love for beauy, ate career’ by remarkable Flic of xprtion combined with an exclene we of Jimagery. Among hit beloved poers ar Endymion ‘Hyperio “The Be of Se Agnes ‘La lle Dame ane Mere Ode to Autume, ‘Ode to 4 Nightingale and "Ode on 2 Grecian Un “Ode to Autumn, writen afer 4 valk trough the meadows of Winchser, celebrates the rangi and ensuousnes of dhe autumn season. Rich in image, the poem has hee sas the Fie desig utumn & 2 season of len dhe second pening the sesons and the third referring the approaching cold days with = Holy thas blanc by 2 eogestion of cons in raise sri gpovdnh and mellow friulnes io < Season of miss selon ban finale may Cee ow 0 ind es ‘Wick frit the vines that round the chatch-eves ns fin linden nplenl;, obowalaaitt , aay ' y- PX ene ve oben happen ota ne ‘Aa illall fui wich sipenss co she core; lyfe sa te ao, ody, tourt “oswel he gourd, and pnp the hazel sels 5 | ‘Withasweeckermel to ser budding more. “wat it | ‘And sil mor, later flowers forthe bes, ea | Fl neverons, » Una he thik ar day For Summer har erbrinehe ummy THE oo yt ‘Whohath narscn he affamid tiysaie? yorP"D Somesieswhorerselsabroad mayfiad UGE 2 9 Thecsning exe on agar or in 5 Thy hair soflifed by the winnowing winds 15 (OS venshaleeptfirew sind siep ghar iow opp, wile hy arth aga lapped Antemcine a Sealy hy ladon hen acs books pees iy withthe i Sree rorreet saaieateteors 9 | “Thou watchest the last conings, how by Hours, Sank, bs aly - veve ate the songs of Spring? Aye, where are they? {ti ig nod Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,— : se Wnlebareicoutgbeom tesekeyag gy 20% | And uth he sare . re Among the river sallows, borne aloft r . (Or sinking asthe light wind lives or dies; f Aad orld ey ay sens dng dace ater Then shiaon gunk [laine with zoey hue ‘Then in wall choi the small eats mown ‘And gathering swallows wiser inthe kis Scanned with CamScanner eh Bb Glossary melo frutfdnen comipiring hatches plump ‘erbrimmed clammy careless swinnowing ime of poppies suath ‘leaner cider pres cosings our by hours bened clouds seabble plains sallow live ode born Irdgereriches rebieoft gardencreft setbering ral 4 ference tothe abundance of Aiferenclindsoffia harp drag this son one cvethanging thatched to fill our ro eae Filed tthe pin of overonin aig ae Slowing ca of pin cheheady sent of pop which opium is obecnal Tow of cor tnt comer wikin the sweep ofa she ore who cll the bundles of repel nin fn iaument for squeing cur ‘the juice of apples is drops of ue fora long tine suum dod ha fen ppear sun in long lgs above che Fields lf covered wih cums flowing hanest, low eet of the willow kind css oF file home grathoppers igh, ewe nce 2 tall ented area within a fale Felons proping to migmte oa 4 A Psalm of Life HW Longflow eney Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882), probably the bee loved of Aman poets, wat bom in Prdand, Mane From his yeas fe vas ln thatthe boy was drawn othe sound of words and to wing, At che end of hit graduate programe, Longllow traveled all over Europe, ring about ich ery teringe and about it peopl. He began his erect a calge teacher and by the time he was evengrseen he was apoined to 2 profemocthip at Harvard. Prominent among the writer public ice of he Nigh, Balls and Ober Poems, ranging’ and "The Song of Hews. Aa time when eratare wat espe wo be moral een when peer was suposed combine delight with educating readers. on how olive in soci, his poems beeameinensely popular as they projected positive ideas, sn emocions, eventhough thee vew of ie wat ofen seamen. ‘The popula appeal cha Longfllows poetry has today is mainly due co che maul grace and beauty ef his vere, and also because Gof che simple themes he deat wich at well a the sprit of jos ‘optimism and fh in the goodness of life thai so charsceritic °A Palm of Life seitertes the old idea that life ranene and that ihe presen is the only time available to ue when we ean ae ecerinedly co give meaning to ou brie existence in chi world Longfellow expresses this ofteepented iden very effecively with the Help of poweefal imager which make his poem lively and inspiing, One such image is chat of the human heat beting ike Scanned with CamScanner 65 + Een th led dun ffl prcsion wih eh king oe mal avr ur det Whe eee tht the pot de ot low ths meehay ogi bar hi tsb hat hes ined ans mas sa ina ie of scion. He svete nadernet ene on feng id shut pas mforune na espe pee snd reposts by dreaming of «apr hue The sone sure Se nh i pt sete of prpte nd detminton to bogmaning oe re t04 sot bee calabro ee { [FELL me os. in mournful ume : iene game For the soul is dead that slumb ‘Aad things ere nor whas they een] it ire Lie incanent ‘Aad he graves not ts gos Duse thous tod ‘Ws not span ofthe su fttined end oF wa Finds ws re (Gerslong andre fin, hugh estan oe shan today il lke sneral marches co the grave In the world’s broad fld of bare AP ainsf tie + 7 In the bivousc of Life, Be ne. like dumb, driven cate! Be a ero inthe site! “Truss no Fue, howe'er pleasant! Lec he déad Pas bury its dead! ‘Acty—aet in shelving Present Hear within, and Ged cerhead! + Lives of gest men ll remind us, We ean make ou lives sublime, And, departing, eave behind us aotprnts on the sands of time Footprints, dha peshapsanoths Salling oe life's solemn main, A forlorn and shipstecked beothe Sesing shill eke heart again, Lecus, ceo, beup and doing, Wich s hear for say ft; Sell achieving, ell pusuing, Hein olabor and wo wai, Glossary piss song or hyna in pre of God ound axpreing deep sorzow mabe + Yess sans, or poems ‘ay dream Unsubstagtals worthless meaningless shor = expe thai inactive ppesances ate often deceptive tha which neede 0 be ake setouly impor ding to be Bi ‘xpeling nan from Pa ‘hinge ae. em while ts 24 sl Scanned with CamScanner APalnef tip «9 God sito him: ‘Dust thou and unto d ‘ sino dust shalt aie stom veining: grand "eur Genei3:19), Hower a 2 eto this ie a reference only Genel eee ‘he ae ched in pil condition, oy and-not co the foul aaa oo shin Pit 5 tok hoot fel more postive or encouraged oo - ie with eat for ag fate ina sate of mind when one is / on PUrpote oF manner of ving eu ee creative wore eee te fe aoa pring sing ache su oo tewaie’ £9 wat pier or the eu ea eee fone Stine | wf «drums covered with cloth so chat the tolemniy off eral marches Rage finer orh the solemn mse at Finer * a temporary encampment of | i soldiers in’ the open, wi or withouc tentts hence, figuratively, «portion ot situation demanding exteeme watebfalnee dem, driven cate silent, subservient cate thar do not ausere thie will bot simp ly dl whacever they ate ordered to i do bere + one who dos brave and noble deeds, especialy in war i fe conte serge ead post time which exnnot be brow back living preene present time which ean be used to shape the couse of our liver beart = cournge sublime lofi, valeed ‘The lives we lead could become examples for others eo flow in Fare ies. 1 fowprints. ofine Scanned with CamScanner ; atvecad 3 Rye ng doueme Ys © Captain! My Captain! WaleWhitman ‘Walt Whitman (1819-1892), one of Americs's mote influential Poets, was born on Long Islnd in New York. He did not have ‘muuch formal education, and beginning life t an office boy. he worked'as a school teacher, a rypesectes, a cleck and a newspaper cedivof. Whitman published his fise volume of poetry Leaver of Grdirin.1 855. The book was hailed 2¢ a work of genius by Emerson, and crbutes poured in feom allover the world, Six further editions of the volume appeared in his lifetime, each with additions and revisions, Deeply influenced by eastern spisitualism, Whiumans poetry, witten in verse fice of the conventional shyme and mete, ‘conveys faith in universal values and in the freedom ofthe individual, spit. : ‘O Captain, My Captain’, one of Whitman's most icclaimed poems, mourns the death of Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States of America who brought an end the Civil Wae (1861—1865) leading to the union of the Northern and Southern Staes, and who also succeeded in abolishing slavery, President Lincoln vat assassinated in 1865, in the very hour of viewry, and Whitman in the poem describes che uagie event a the death of a captain and father who having brought his ship ‘2 long, stormy voyage is aor present (0 hear the cheering crowds and crew to safery af enjoy his triumph oF © Capen hy Capit « 7p (© Cepiain! my Captain! our fearful ip is done, The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we soughe is won, ‘The por is neat, the bells I hea, che people all exulting, Wile follow eyes the steady keel, che vessel grim and dar BueO hese! heat! heart! © the bleeding drops of red! ‘Where on che deck my capein lies, Fallen caldand dead © Capra! my Captain! ise up and hear the bells Rise up-—for you the flag is ung—for you the bugle tells; Foryoubouguesandsbbontd wreths—foryoucheshores-rowding, Foryou they al the swaying mass, theie eager frees eutnings Here Caprant dear father! ‘Thisarm beneath your head! Itissome dream that on the deck “ou'wefllen cold and dead, ‘My Captain does nat answer, his lips ae pale and stil, [My father does not feel my arm) he has no pulse nor will ‘Theship is anchord safe and sound, is voyage closed and done, From fearful wip che victor ship comes in with object won; Bxult, O shores! and cing, O bell! ; Bur 1, with mournful tread, ‘Walle che deck my eaprain les, Fallen cold and dead. Glossary fof tip the American Civil War beeween the Northern and Southern States of che country Scanned with CamScanner Eine se ship exulting : eel grim and de Lincole was often + dow ep taken im ref a 6 Where the Mind is without Fear Rabindranath Tigore Rabindranath Tagote (1861-1941), 4 poet, philosopher, wlpendnce lis, saimed allover the wottd fo his genius and ind componer of pei as born in Kolkata and He wrote mainly in Benga ssanyof his works inco English, In 1913 Tagore bel Prize fr literate for Giza a volume 21 posms. His erandation of is Bengal poems rein rouse comes fom dhe post’ emotions and other significant work includes The « Gardever, Gane and Ghare Bair. Tagore was ss, a he started the Santiniketan, now Fiona Bhi fy Without Feat is one of Tagore’ most 1. Ie is an expression ofthe poets elective spice 5 2 simple prayer for his country, the India of pre~ somes Homer the univer of the prapee makes ie 1 space and testo the ase of rent poet Where the mind is without fearand che head is eld high: Where knowledges fee ‘Whee dhe world has aot been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls Scanned with CamScanner 74» Eee ‘Where words come out from the depth of euch; Where tireless striving stretches ie arms towards perecsions ‘Where the clear stream of reason has ntlostit way inc the dreary desere sind of dead habic “Where the mind is led forvard by Thee into eversvidening thoughe and ation — Tnco that heaven of feedom, my Father, let my county wie. Glossary where the world neroudonctic wall nuh sireles suing clear sro of reson Goad habit ‘thought and action dee my country awae ‘Tagore, who believed in the essential oneneis of humanity, teams of a erly global sie. the ukimate reality he goal of sreat poets and philosophers Unyielding,repened attempts a reference tothe rle of reason over old, outdated practices the two facets of balanced ree jas tral independence fr Bs SSanery, but alle. for ta SSediedual snd eps frecdom Part B: Language Pronunciation Scanned with CamScanner One Amongst the Best in the World Somnath Chatterjee {woul ike o pay my humble bute to Late Nani Ardeshir Poalkhivala he distinguished jurist and legal Iuminery, whose SNering. contributions added) a) new dimension %0. out Constitional jurisprudence. His was indeed a many Splendonced personality outstanding. Inwyer, consttona expert, specialist infinace and tax les, umes eights act Tenmed profstos, respeced educatonst, enevsned 3 sratornon pari, corporate leer, eminent dipiomat—he st ‘humility and unfailing courtesy, and a moral force in life. Nani Pallchivala has a pride of place in the firmament. In fact, the legal fraternity acknowledges hi among the best in the world. He was a colossus am community and was renowned for his passionate advocacy ‘numerous public causes, champion of constitutional and human tights, Palkhivala splayed an unwavering commitment to democracy, Rule of Laww and ethical values in public life. Endowed with exceptional articulation, profound scholarship and a luminous intellect, he did not confine his remarkable oratorical skills to legal matt alone, He spoke om a wide variety of subjects, which ranged from. the spiritual to the temporal. His much acclaimed buxiget analysis, Scanned with CamScanner 36 [Nani Potieta~ A Rate Made! ad the publ lctares omit were event at people scot he ‘oust and oon en a Pala was io prose] We, he ep ani ete Nats cn eek ne ee Pee publics nantes protcundvona oma ta Eves which he passionately coposed dure halle aah I works, Our Contin Defect at Eye a the iter the pit tery and demos ant ie thet constiional sight: Ranga and Pahivelss tents se Income tax Law wat the aknanicdged aclonatse nates gn th cps To hs pan ey rides Henage oh “Eset nny al aga hcg a man of awe deved deeply int the eam ofall eal) HG wetings covered a wide gamut of unos desig hon ee he articulated his concers wih exceptional ig Seana istration selon and soc harmony and devdanoen eh founty on modern ines were among Meanie ee adeeing these he one sad "Naflona iteration bor inthe heats ofthe izes. When it ethers, no. ana. to" greene Corstituon ean save Sate at mind peste Sate Inerfnth hagmony and eoscousness€ the eset tiny fa velo athe very hen four ton ination Gronoured with Padma Vibhushan and a number of other wards and honours fom nan ad aod, Nat als Attdcrangng ttre ad ace) Fie hs en incl Imprint of Se faced personality on every ares bees associated with His ‘many contributions were vividly brought out tthe cagion Stseied io um byte Lawszoy Une ik Wisconsin a fe inda’s leading suhor, scolar, teacher Petes of ensttatnal i, youbate dee the Eid Behe pine o pauper apes he tate you raat Monel re spesch dm nftered pre ane ced tc oromy of he lige and BctiaP sear of mens yuhare ug ‘anes rdopendet ong ‘Sain Rip cons of oe over youtave uted aa econo and pret ed 99 cn Avon Sat te Wt —Sonh Cig 37 he aays aed hat ren na poe and developing a ee bread fly compte wth he ar ey You have given snstinghy your SATs wath fo suenghen th root of Indian Gemocray. --You ave enlightened patriot and nationalist ‘That was what the people and the world at large thought of ‘Nani Palkhivala. ‘One of Palkhivals's abiding concems was Rule of Law as «enshrined in our Constitution and from this emesged his urmost commitment to constitutional proprities. He had an * untathomable respect for and reat pede In the Constitution of aghast pres per ete el fed asin es See ici iipnyee ep s Na en ne ear emacs athe nec ewe yy needy sre he Coon fice ino Ba ee grr ce a el ed one oes ae CRONE Sar asec Sr eee bi Shaan olla pester Ot te Cetin once cong te ee fee nycome lee eens ae Cette Stine eae noes te SEE aie agree te Sees riled ace Se ep saa iy paaeten again a Conant Bidet wa cae renee Sine rnc pag havea ag apanieifo Recess ees Co laa eles ne ley of ou contestants Helio SORT aaainartaeera eee Sotiah matings paca neceey oe dean ete ht aa fu hn Sateen eC A poe etna ters corer se RBG cael key Scanned with CamScanner vos Non Paisle- 4Rte Moet Practice of Dhaema, Aa sl sees aos ofits precepts and ts, ‘canbe decd ate unio Kareayontof hs tunes, fan has gone to his rest inthe contentment an pence oe uly vedn dedientedsemice to iscouney sna ote ‘May his example inspire us and the generations to eat Eelior’ Note From» seh dll on rte. Social Justice The vital point which normally miss bu political hstioncs is that whale iis posible in & poor country like Indi, 10 have economic row ‘thou! socal just, i 5 inpessible to have ‘socal justice without economic grt [Nani in “We, the People” Palkhivala—A Profound Appreciation V.R. Krishna Iyer i Foor Palkhivata isto paint the lly, to guild refined gold snd a pertme on fhe sine So pec was the ma in 1S penal an uncnaleopacy. en Te the pen owt Gn ie grast son of India nd iam qualities beyond the fale fowl humans, What Shakespere says fa mst Spy ple oti clit What pice of workin aman Tw abn encom ow inet clin form, noving how express neoiabl pune fo while with thas Tat bre 1 the mensition of an advocate’ exeence were swset ciasc penetra ad uray fp sheer fer toe ever toon alive poradig of the gal pds ot ln subconingi ve he the privigeo owing hi personaly, though ely, of hearing fim sage ably and addins metngs on snvel Bagels with chy anata. eatisvalaisbest known a a layer master of tax law and crstve rt of constitutional lal as no mouthpiece of lst who engage Na So fata could gus, bi conception of eos of an advocate wa aigher ot. A grest member of Poiiment is regarded asa representative ofa cgutry Sut not 109 Scanned with CamScanner ‘Nami Palibivate = A Rote ty late of bis constituency. Liewnn, «lien the benefit of his Palkbivata laring, Ws talent ond nets fram what he owed to hs profes ERE ut He would not knowingly misses facts beense Renee Misa the awa tale individual and we had a prior and and ne party oF Of the asenssn whe men ofthe asain eile meeting he ang aaa ttt args in hs pearance thet. nse ‘f2525, which I heard while on the Bench, he arg Ey and _p:Frcfay and without seine ee eM a In the well known ese ih ald te sation in Zaid oc nn Gon in a for aber ray oF ine judgment of te Alaatad High See eet her eon oan Gg ad Se ie tes cily and famous peeseg erect et Tobemade tu not enquirer Soci Reneacaee Neadvocacy but never gees oases eg n Spponent He made subse ieee ean ee thd ins epi tothe oposta curl eee ae without misting cr erode eugene ea fasiymade hinges rms ols tore aes could bead ahs pany under he eee oer ‘oureny tthe cout was wiwome fs elon dea. he preslnpurac, Ofcourse head nt whl se way kane re to his Gitew’ dow Pini Py pe ee ics but pected my view ad dca the bene te sin Pt didnot ae cording tow Hae an sat pops Etuuts Paves archon Se pope a ‘ccs leur Lnajer cudnt have dre tue lh Confidence negate po and cred he cut wit en nce when ws inte Ud Snes nd Palla sou scbetttotacadee that county, betel efor dae ‘Nor fne mes we sted own ia gosip and dae The Side ange esas the spn! phd solace te peste and he ve ain oh ny ba de sur which hestockpied amaned me He wavone of the resto ‘Stud the rove in intgety, charming presentation and lovely lah conversation, But my mind sin distress when I recollect the lst fcexsion Inv him stan listo at 3 mostng. He was unable to ‘valle altbough iis mind was alert ané could tavel a milion ines He wes struck by some sor of palsy which disabled him lis mobility while he figure wae otherifice as chaeming an Fis pay days sehen hee! to wale tothe cour with gy, Commanding awe and respect from every comer ana make Ne Suibssion, wih sineome humility. Het no more with usin mortal sense, but ‘death bound ltdeness is not all we are tiumeasived breadth and depis of blog are outs] xe OH oe ee antiale Overdose of Law ‘The national sport ofthe Americans i no Tonge fb, bebo hare, I la ana tigation Nani in “My Experiences as ax Ambassador” Scanned with CamScanner A Tribute fo Greatness i CR, Irani It's dificult to write about someone who was 50 close to me; ove were fist cousins and very fond of each other. Although ten years my senior we were brought up together, his mother, my father’s elder sister, was considered head of the family and no family matter was decided without her approval, In his youth, Nani had a terrible stamner, shared by his sister; by sheer will power he became an orator to rival Demosthenes. He sulfeved from, ‘writer's eramps, using a professional weiter to take down his answers in examinations; even so he topped his classes, He applied to join the Indian Civil Service, the ambition of young men Of his generation itis a merey that he failed because he couk not ridea horse, a necessary qulification! Tt was then that his father suggested he opt forthe aw; he must have noticed his son's talect Tor analysis and argument. ln the chambers of Sir Jamshed}i Kanga, the story is told how fhe was discovered. Sir Jamshedi had askel hint % work on complicated Case for Opinion. He received praise for Nis effort except for two paragraphs, which Sir Jamshedji changed after slscussion with Nani. Later during a conference héld with clients and the logendary solicitor Rustam Gagrat, he was summoned to come forward by Sir Jamshedii, who pointing at Nani said — the ‘Opinion that you find bilint and cleae i the work ofthis young + many the two paragraphs which ater our discussion Ihave agrees ‘o change wore my amendments, which Inow correct, Nani never 1? Scanned with CamScanner Re Nani Palbhivata~ A Rete Moet Jooked back after that. Nor di he forge was ever ready to help rec Nan’ residence in Bonet ee small envelope saying a easing Nant had n+ for Sas NE ion ome Dr. Badrinath had opened a new icing in hs henner et "it remote the png mse = ses seiten about hig prowens iho st ee eee he halted the efor of ana Gach ve ce oe eee Bat case reviewed, oto by heSapne Cone are mnths of bean gumest” Nan hed sco ee Uaeshipe inh ease fo hd sat Ie tl cee oa Coston win beyond te enc ef anor rena Ich sci or fant eas ta In dd por sind nd hi aie AW Royo et tek Dalene began eloquent jes hanno onthe fw se hom fade ad eat fey itn te aga wee sesing Seat a been ther dy, he Cad uke ped hr al ec soe Se Sleaved he Bench Pena won s pest be teem naib ivarasyvag st cea eluded {kena gh Gout tha Lge chatted Ieee Tallapty soning Coin Nt nue! ep Sie taretl the Cour Chie! ute Sud Haron Das adoring the Supreme Cut ens ine wer ce furns woe cite Her eure Charman of Tre Stan and coed me ae Sollee ne Plnln the Supreme Cou det rom Rear nc he arp hn aceite wl be father or hm adcae td ok te Cen stage Tot Nor dened arate mater {une the {iBecedeof age no et om He wat hed he Jee tte pce He aoe the wo ite roms he Ta tnd sca wh et ction ke Anas (Sircdon Carers USA he dec mk hat eo ATi fo Gites = CR. a us mary Cater ame up tome a snnteratinal meting and {reminded him fa dstngused ndan Ass who as frei especies and wham be coufed aun fend, When Re ‘rer tnt Nantand Tere fist cousins ese me fo ge Nan, nest regards fom one who greatly adstedf. “There wos no office tat Nan id ot xn nd head severl He spoke tome ofthe tation a fon the airy bord ofthe Army Grow Tere [tld Wm hat aaa that fr men in uiform dd got havea voice and woe or Gy fo gre em tat voice He prompaly agreed and said he woul cept the oii and db what Ne cul. His lowering let troenatched wit a coenpasson fr these les forsee thon nse he lived asp fe and had few wants I valued fi jinigment that was the most enpctedetor inthe coty ad AoW eon of me When tol hm tat he oul not image how proud Is of hin he waved deprecting hand bu he Iwo Tenat what eae He sutered pelt owas the end off ut hed not corplnin Head fh nthe divine nd Fis own waloeing never baer hin My last thought isto borrow from Shakespenre—His ie ams lod the ent so mie aK hat Naar ight td op hte ithe wort Then We sho yan prove ‘worthy of i legacy. Comparison ‘he econamie recession is, no doubt, disquieting, but Infiely worse i the mol an spraa recesion. [Nant in “Ws, the People” Scanned with CamScanner Legends Do Not Die Kuldip Nayar People die, egends donot. Nani Ardeshie Patiala was tegend inhi etna, a tebe Yo ho outstanding Sout) oe sSupulous : spalous honesty. Seldom hes such a genius sled the and of india with diguty and distinction. Ne conplinen ale enough to deserbe his beight He as so all at his tec presence made others look pigmy sul His forte was aw. Not one judgment but hordes of hem have the imprint of the interpretation he gave to he legion Concerned. The Indian Constitution owes him the det of he ‘nora stature he gave lt He sonces rong oer, hough the Kelatonands Bharati case iving. the Covstiaion [etmanent base on sehich the Republic of India sto. It ns he ‘ho sa fi tt etn urdamentl fhe Constution would never change because they formed its base strcte. They represented the etios of Indias independence stggle ane dreams of tomorrow. Palthivaa's finest hour was whan he returned the brie of Prine Mister lndira Candi indicted by the Alahaba igh Court fora pol efenc. When he acepc the cse bead he ‘vould not take the opposition, his fends because they wanted her to quit ut when he returned the case he took te Fk of srnoying the allpowerfal prime minister He didnot want 10 ‘eter aiperson who hed suppressed democracy, which he ree the nation cherishes 150 ® egos DoD Rly Neer Fi vee Paliala stopped advocating the a poe ent. Mrs, Gandhi’s authoritarian: Pen rg a ee Moe roe SE en ee ‘be the drawing room or a study, the government Sid fer the imposition o! thnk which oom shoud house ha tobe saved fis i ad left The Stats eer he was one on the boned of che hen T was detained curing the emergency. Dring the ‘Fev ater my release, he came to my house to tell that he was proud of vn ve. The colpliment stl brings tear in een cae ney Fathval was a wellinoven philanthropist He has given ene ee eng ee ey Sentai and hospials, One of the Rappers to be the Set Reuataya Chennai, On one of his wists, he came fo ow tar cichonpal doctors neve practiced privately TAs was ‘icon erough er hla fo reise hands for the hospital om the ‘Bian Over above, alsosen outa cheque fora een 5m besies Levin a couple of crores forthe hospital. But the best hg about it tha fe never svanted any public for vat he Clr dd he get imso reated even once a that honpta! [ post-budge speuch was awaited more than the budget. he sured the evercv, his scence remot moe than 80 People But os the ear ent by the number rove fo ,00000 in Stil alone. The Brbourne stadium aa to be booked. The ‘xtendance a Beth and Cat, the cites which he ncaa in tis inray later, omit thousands, People Knew he was the best tncaton yer the country bed] (One ensrng thing about him was that he made you par of tis omy if he Hed you. He was so hospiabie that even if You ‘ied Mamba tice ee, you had toct at hs house, ere Somos that he was rushed forte Beeuse ofthe number oF Sooke hela to write and the hey load of work he oie. Bat Te enjoyed meting people and talking to them on any current topics Many rode Kec upo the sisport to haves few words veg hin, found him distressed even inthe eighties over the creeping darines of communalsm, Fy found some of his best Hind {funds adopting eft sation stance. He woukt wonder if the Scanned with CamScanner ye Noni Palthivata— “shadows would stop lengthenin jodicinry. He never took A Rote Moet i But then he had faith in the credit for the Supreme Court's HK x A Great Gentleman Vasant Sathe Thad the privilege of knowing Nani and had found him tobe 8 great gentleman and a humanitarian friend of the oppressed fn exploited. le was always willing to help just causes, Apart from his expertise in the constitutional law to me Nae Polktvala’s contribution to the field of tax law and fiscal jurisprudence isthe highest, Thad written a small book called “Tax Without Tears) suggesting a sather novel forma for inroducing an Expenditure ‘based Estimated Income Tax with reduced Tax Rates between 5 to 25 per cent. that would not hurt the Tax Payer. This was 2 form. lof hat is commonly known as a Presumptive Tax T can't do better than quote the short but meaningful “FOREWORD that my friend Nani wrote for my book His words and strong recommendation to my proposal would ‘even now be beneficial for the mation if we want to achieve economic self-reliance, ‘his is what, the great Nani Palkhivalasaid:— Nuclear Energy’ After merical studies hae proved thet muclore Feactors are safer sian windmil,eelintentioned ‘people sul question the basic zvsdom of puting “he nuclear genie to, work for pencful purposes. [anti in “Nuclear Protieration ~ ‘Horizontal and Vertical” "To tax and to please, no more than to love and tobe wise, isnot given fo men, snid Edmund Burke over two hundred yess ago, and this as been the undisturbed, unchanged {ruth the world over. In Indi, where our Incomestax Act is ‘national disgrace this profound truth comes home with ‘8 keen poignancy © the thinking citizen. Every government Scanned with CamScanner The Greatest Advocate of His Time l Fali S. Nariman [Nani Palldvala was in the Government Law College when Twas in Government Law College, but he was my Professor and I was his student. The bond of almost filial friendship. that developed between us continued over the years, desplte his meteorie suseess both at the Bar gnd in public life have been impressed (and somewhat chastened) by a story. that heard many years ago related at a Conference of the Intemational Bar Association in New York. In his inaugural ‘address o that Conference, the Chief Justice ofthe New York State CCoutt of Appeals told us all how when he was fist appointed Chief Judge, be proudly showed his wife the chair tn the ‘courtroom of his illustrious predecessor in-office of nearly half a century ago, Chief Justice Benjamin Cardezo (a legend amongst Judges of the United States). And he said to his wife ita reverential whisper, "See ~ this is Cardozo’s chair and this is ‘where | wills” His wife responded not very revetentially: "Yes snd after fifty years andl five more Chief Justices it will sill be Cardozo's chair"! Tike to think that though 16th January willbe the occasion fog 8 Memorial Lecture, no mattor who the speaker is it will rays be the Nani Palktivala Memoria Lect 2 Scanned with CamScanner a [Nani Pelbhivala~ & Rete Made) {yas enrolled in the leg al profession in constnton: but a8 Sir Jamey Keene Hee of our smshedji Kanga always told us, even Butitisnotenoughto sue “mn tive to now he ne ane 4 My lve forthe a wis inpted by teed nace ee rent Law College in Bombay; Yeshwant Chanesca fater to become Chief Justice of India), Nani Palkaitahe er justice of India), Nani Palkhivala ard Ja Nimadalal; the last two were in the chambers of ir amoneon ir Jamshed After a brief apprenticeship in a firm of at rrae in a8 anne a fm fates Eames wih events area ey ceed ‘Those were the days: when cramped for space and in a noisy aan een cemmneeran zene experienced the hustle bustle ofa packed chamber of practicing briefles juniors, that{“God pays ~ but not every Saturday") KCC itn i Stony _teeaa emt humorous pun, and muttering a few apologies, rushed on, fast ee othe Be ty th Se eee gun se coat Pa ace wa ens Tre Grete tote ofA Tina S.Nevinms 227 ching backseat with those famous words of St, Pau “Tha fought a good fight have finshed te couse. have Fpl e {ait\” Looking back overtime each of these thew atabute ere Seb Nants om athcvenens He fought good fight fr isery and freedom when those concepts needed ighting fe) And he Saha Whe course: when smo singlehandedly he prevented a mor plea prt ith 4 tworthnd majority in Patamen rom changing the Cnsttion “rool the Sess os as then profes more pproprty 28 stappace to some of ws, to aut the plane of tenes, “There must be some pvc reason fr remembering Nan Talihivala =I bliove tol 29 mach for hs orensie soguence ot for his budget speeches, sehich drew Merally a nde ‘Howand listeners, nor even for es fotvight etm ofthe Government and its policies live that we emiember hin 2nd fonowr Him bsaaze he loved indlvidual eco an ought for tagane great ode, He saved oue Constaton. aswell Os fandamentl rights oben Wey needed saving fom a brie pananenary moony For thos of us ike mel sho were om before the bepning of the and World War when oe sow Ht geen’ game Cricket payed it should be played, world was divided into fro nes of eaders~ ina Bld of ctiy~ they were either in the ‘Brndinan lator the obbs clas. Naru Palkhivalla was, ‘by commen anim in he Bradman cas. He tained this Super Glass eistincton by Uuee feos wins Fist in 1967 when he argued the fomous Goat case before a Bench of elaven Judges and wen You st realise the mosphere ofthe tine ~when an overhing majoy of he Gongress Party as. keen to. push trough Contutonl ‘Amendments in violation ofthe Fundamental fights Next sshen ia. 1973 he argued even more famous contttional ese ~ Reson ~before a Bench of 3 ues Pop nierowly won again. The amoaphere wae even more oehaeged, than in Galobath = so" great was he ie Senerted amongst the jugs that some of them even sefed ign the fal onder, ac fo that the majority had decide in the ‘ee The Judges ere sharply vided on he ret usin 3 © ‘better there was any part ofthe Corton which cold not Scanned with CamScanner Nant Patknvonle~ A Rote Model beattered ora the ed or amended and by a naerow majority it was sid that Constitution sehieh a eeable provisions of our democratic ren i Which conte part oft bask sre which ot i Parliamentary majority could nat alter or The basic structure nis enna uct theory of he Constuson fst eaten Sia mind uring the indice of Gear aeqared IBS shape ad form in Resende in whe also es ‘ad counsel It was his persunave argument that convince to accept as law that thee were conan ramendabe etre ofthe Costin By dae ete {ait it of the spit of our writen ecunet of Three days after the he Supreme Court reafmed the Base Steuctue doce on November 7.1975 in Inds Ck Es Case a decsion a veo bench Chet juice ay contend a Special Bench to overturn it The Speoal Bench of 13 judges ae

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