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straight stance, lo a od deliberate Gestiwes toc audience j : refrain from distractine nethen Nn the eye, ing you stracting behaviors (message. Tt Make g your arms, which can Siipgearie® fdgetiae’ S best tg Msecurj OF Cross c. Visual aids: use visual aid ity or disinterest such as slides or pri ‘ Props, thetically pleasing, are pene th effective communication a graphs, pictures, or diagrams ° s to Support your pres em straightforw: to your content, omplex informa Ntation, ard, aes- For more tion, use 1.3. Engaging the Audience: Active’ audience participation; io provide a_ presentation that are some methods for en if you want en an impact. Here iraging interaction a. Opening hook: start your i pen : presentation wit! i bing introduction to draw in your Sere auth Mention: arab. and establish the tone for your discussion. is oe atest tale, a challenging question, ora pertinent quote

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