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Keiser University International Language Institute

English Program for International Communication

Topic 3 - Developing your speech

Name: María Mercedes Roque Toruño

Topic: Fast Fashion

Once you have selected a topic for your speech, you can start having fun putting it together.
Start with these questions. Read the questions and the descriptions. Then answer the questions
according to your topic.

Am I really interested in this topic?

Fast fashion in y opinion is an interesting topic because it supposed to be a helpful tool
for all types of sellers and aslo for the shopper but nobody thinks about the dangerous
processes through the manufacturing and all the damage they do to the environment
cool be seem as a superficial topic but it is not, it is actually like a black hole.
Am I comfortable talking about this topic?
This topic is not a controversial topic, it is a not-talked problem and like a “good sin or
pleasure” because every body are comfort with it, every single person in earth at least
once has shop one think from Shein, Zara, Mango, Bershka and others fast fashion
franchise, with this in mind I decided to talk about Fast Fashion, pros and cons.
Do I really have time to put together a good speech on this topic?
Every is possible if you organize your time, in my case I am starting a new job
experience and I am getting used to it, first at all to chose the topic is just the top
of the iceberg because I have good ideas to create a good speech and let you
know about what means fast fashion and what are the causes and
consequences by itself.

Questions about your audience

Will people be interested in the topic?
Yes, I already mentioned that every single person inearth has expierence buying or selling
something for Alibba, Shein, Agacci, Zara and others franchises, and also everybody knows
what behind them but anybody care and we procced to buy and sell more.

What can I do to make the speech meaningful for people?

To introduce the topic I plan to use some graphics elements from fast fashion, they could be a
pursuit or may be some clothes or why not my cellphone case, to get closed to my audience
and them present the topic, not trying to describe what it is because every body knows it,
instead of that I will try to make everybody conscious about what we are doing and asking to
audience If are we going to continue shopping or buying like if we don’t have tomorrow.
Will people understand the topic?

Yes, I am sure that every will understand my purpose because I will not say “Stop buying or you
are a bad person because you are having fast fashion issues” I won´t, I will try to make us
conscious about the fast fashion´s consequences.

Questions about the situation

Is the topic appropriate for the occasion?
It is a realist, important and omitted topic, I rather to describe it as a silent problem, perhaps in
my personal experience should be easier to talk about medicine because it is what I do, but I
want to know more my topic and let you know too. I will do it as professional as I would present
a medical case or something related to.
How much time will I have?

I will type my speech, learn it and them ´practice it to deliver my speech in 20 minutes, no more
but may be less.

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