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One day two friends bought each a pet. one bought a small hamster, and the other friend
bought a German shepherd puppy. Then the hamster's owner said:

- But the dog will eat my pet hamster!

- No way, my shepherd is a puppy. They will grow up together and be friends, plus I
understand a lot about animals. Rest assured there will be no problems. The other friend

The dog and the hamster grew up together and became friends. It was normal to see the
hamster playing with the dog.

Until one day, Friday, the owner of the hamster traveled with his family for a walk, and
on Sunday afternoon the owner of the dog and his family were having lunch, when
suddenly the dog entered the kitchen with the hamster between his teeth, dirty with
blood and dirt, and the Hamster was dead. The dog's owners beat the dog almost to

One of them said:

- The neighbor was right, the dog ate the hamster, and now what will we do?

Then they kicked the dog out of the house as punishment. Everyone was wondering
what to do. Meanwhile, the dog licked the wounds that his masters had given him from
so many blows.

Then one of them had the following idea and said:

- Let's bathe the hamster, we leave it very clean, we dry it with the hairdryer and we put
it in its burrow in the patio, and so it was that they put it at the entrance of its small
burrow with its legs crossed.

Suddenly the hamster's owners arrive, and after a short while some children's screams
are heard, then the hamster's owner knocks on his neighbor's door, strangely.

- What's happening? Why are you yelling so much? the other neighbor told him.

- The hamster died.

- Died? – The dog's owner asked, pretending to be innocent.

- Yes, he died on Friday. - Said the owner of the Hamster.

- Did he die on Friday? – asked the dog's owner.

- Yes, it was before we traveled on vacation. The hamster's owner said. My children
buried him at the bottom of the garden on Friday, but when we got back they found him
lying at the entrance to his burrow and the dog's owners felt very bad for having judged
him and hit the dog when he was innocent, when in The dog was actually looking for
his Hamster friend and after a lot of sniffing, he discovered the buried body. And with a
broken heart, he digs up his friend and goes to show him to his owners, imagining being
able to resurrect him.


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