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Dear [mark],

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. It’s been quite some time since we last
caught up, and I’ve missed our conversations and shared moments of laughter.

Life on my end has been a whirlwind of events. I’ve taken up a new hobby – painting. It’s a
fascinating world of colors and emotions, and I find it incredibly therapeutic. I’ve also been
reading a lot lately. The last book I read was “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. It’s a beautiful
story about following your dreams and listening to your heart.

I’ve been reminiscing about our last trip to the beach. The sound of the waves, the warmth of the
sun, and the joy of building sandcastles – it was a day well spent. I hope we can plan another
adventure soon.

I heard about your new project at work. Congratulations! I have no doubt that you’ll excel in it.
Remember to take breaks and not stress too much. Balance is key in everything we do.

How have things been with you? Are you still taking those cooking classes on weekends? I
remember how you used to whip up the most delicious pasta. I’m still waiting for the day you’ll
invite me over for a home-cooked meal!

I’ll end this letter here. Write back when you can. I’d love to hear all about what’s been
happening in your life. Take care of yourself, and remember, you have a friend who’s always
here for you.

Warm regards,

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