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Not a Planet Anymore

By Joshua Seigal

All my life I’ve felt left out

A tiny speck so far away.

The bigger kids won’t let me play,

And now they say they have their doubt

That I am even one of them.

They are big and brave and bold

And I am tiny; blue and cold;

They are wondrous shiny gems.

And they don’t want the likes of me

They all have have their moons and things;

Saturn has her lovewly rings

And planet Earth have azure seas.

Yes, all my life I’ve felt left out.

My heart is big, my body small

And all my life I’ve longed to call:


The Treasure
Mrs Damla the class teacher gave out the pieces of paper.
This is your homework for the weekend children.
The children groaned. It was Friday and they don’t usually get homework over the weekend
Your homework is to follow the map of your neighborhood and to find the treasure at the
places marked with an X on the map

Omer put up his hand are there really treasure hidden in our neighborhood Mrs Damla?
Of course there are she said
The final bell rang and everyone ran out of the door. “Yippee! Its Friday!”

Omer sat in his bedroom looking at the map. He didn’t want to do homework at the weekend ,
but a treasure hunt sounded like good fun.
He looked at the first X marked on the map. It read ‘Omer’s house!’
He laughed.
So im the first treasure. That’s funny! He called his mum Do you think im a treasure, mum?

Of course I do’ she replied. There was a knock at Omer’s door. It was his friend Azra. “What do
you want to do?” She asked.’we could pay online or watch a film’.
‘Why don’t we do the treasure hunt instead?’ said omer. ‘we’ll find the treasure before
everyone else”
“good idea “ said azra ‘Lets go!”

They went to the park first because there was an X on the park on the map
Omer and azra looked everywhere. They looked on the slide and under the swings. They looked
in the sandpit and the trees too,But they couldn’t find any treasure.
‘Where is the treasure?’ said omer, shaking his head. It was a hot afternoon.’look, there’s
Mr polat, the ice cream man. He’s selling his delicious ice creams! Lets get one. i’ve got some
money’. As always , there was a queue of people, but it was worth the wait .
‘ That’s three dollars please, Omer.’
‘Oh dear,’ said omer ‘i’ve only got 2 im sorry Mr Polat!’
‘Don't worry, take it. Its a very hot day. You can bring me the rest of the money tomorrow.’
‘Thank you, Mr Polat, you’re so kind.’

The rest of the afternoon the two children spent visiting all the places mark with an X
on the map. They went to the library to see the librarian.
‘Do you have any treasures hidden in your library, Mrs S?’
‘Oh, i would have alot of treasures,children.This is one of them,’ she said, holding up a book.

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