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Customer Experience Report




Customer experience relates to how different people perceive and understand tastes and
encounter with the businesses. The quality of service provided is simply one aspect of what a
consumer encounters; other aspects comprise of advertising, packaging, product features,
excellent client service, simplicity of use, the location of the company, accessibility to goods,
and reliability. Few of the people in the position to manage those things, meanwhile, have
continuously thought about how every one of their decisions affects the consumer's
experience. If they give the customer encounter any attention at all, they all have distinct
opinions about what it includes, and nobody higher up oversees what they do. This is a report
on two shops in Sydney which will have evaluation of their levels in customer experience.
This report includes a customer journey map, an analysis on the various theories in CE and
provide recommendations to the organizations on how the shops will be of relevance to their
customers while expanding their reach.

Customer Journey Map: Aldi

Touchpoints Customer Actions Store Response

In-person visit Customer enters the store Store layout provides clear signage and organized aisles

Customer navigates through Wide aisles and labelled sections facilitate easy
the store movement and navigation

Customer selects products to Products are displayed in an organized and easily

purchase accessible manner

Customer proceeds to Checkout lanes are staffed and equipped with efficient
checkout scanning systems

Customer joins the checkout

In the queue queue Clear signage indicates designated checkout lines

Customer waits in line for Store provides a sufficient number of staffed registers
their turn for minimal wait times

Cashier provides prompt and friendly service, scans

Customer reaches the cashier items efficiently
Touchpoints Customer Actions Store Response

Customer pays for the Various payment options are accepted, ensuring a
purchases smooth transaction

Please enter photos as evidence of visiting the premises…


Touchpoints Customer Actions Store Response

Spacious store layout with well-defined sections for

In-person visit Customer enters the store easy navigation

Customer explores different Clear signage and displays assist customers in locating
product areas desired items

Customer selects products to Wide range of product options catering to diverse

purchase customer preferences

Multiple staffed checkout lanes ensure efficient and

Customer proceeds to checkout timely service

Customer joins the checkout

In the queue queue Clear signage indicates designated checkout lines

Customer waits in line for their Store provides a sufficient number of staffed registers
turn for minimal wait times

Cashier provides prompt and friendly service, scans

Customer reaches the cashier items efficiently

Customer pays for the Various payment options are accepted, ensuring a
purchases smooth transaction

Please enter photos as evidence of visiting the premises…

With Woolworths and Coles' expansive store design, these merchants provide customers with
a setting conducive to shopping that is typified by lots of room and clearly defined aisles. The
stores' layout has been carefully thought out to make for simple navigation and a pleasurable
shopping experience. The Woolworths/Coles store design is purposefully planned to ensure
that each product category has its own area. Customers are guided by clear signs and aisle
markings, making it simple for them to find particular goods. Produce, dairy, meat, and non-
food goods are all properly separated into separate sections of the supermarkets, which makes
browsing and buying much more efficient. Customers can wander throughout the businesses
without feeling cramped because of the vast space, which also gives them a sense of openness
(Becker and Jaakkola, 2020). It is simpler to manoeuvre due to the large aisles.

Customers of all ages and abilities may enjoy a comfortable and inclusive shopping
experience thanks to the broad aisles, which make it simpler to travel with shopping carts,
strollers, or mobility assistance. According to Godovykh and Tasci (2020), shoppers may
discover requested items fast thanks to the stores' clearly marked divisions. The well-
organized structure makes it easier to find pantry needs, fresh vegetables, home necessities,
or specialized products. Customers can quickly locate and access the sections they require
throughout their shopping journeys, saving time and effort. Woolworths/Coles' roomy store
design makes shopping more pleasurable by lowering the likelihood of being frustrated when
looking for things or feeling claustrophobic in congested areas. Customers may move through
the store at their own leisure, which improves their ability to examine the variety of variety of
goods available. In general Woolworths/Coles' focus on a roomy shop design indicates a
dedication to the comfort and contentment of its patrons. By making it simpler for customers
to navigate, find items, and have a stress-free shopping excursion inside a well-organized and
roomy setting, it improves the entire experience for consumers (Hoyer et al., 2020).

For certain consumers who need assistance or individualized advice throughout their
shopping experience, Aldi's self-service model's limited customer support may be a negative.
While the self-service strategy helps to make Aldi more effective and straightforward overall,
it might not be adequate for consumers who want assistance or support. Customers may have
little interaction with personnel if they aren't widely available around the business, or they
may have trouble getting the help they need right away. According to McColl-Kennedy et al.
(2019), this may have an impact on those who need specialized product information, help
finding products, or suggestions based on their tastes or dietary requirements. Customers who
prefer a more hands-on shopping experience or the ease of customized help can benefit from
Aldi's self-service features. The self-service aspect of Aldi may fall short of the needs of
patrons who value a more hands-on shopping experience or value the convenience of
customized help. Some clients could feel abandoned or unsatisfied in the lack of devoted staff
members to provide assistance or participate in individualized interactions (Briedis et al.,
2020). It is crucial to remember that Aldi's self-service strategy was deliberate and aims to
optimize operations, save expenses, and transfer savings to customers through competitive
prices. Even while it does not offer significant customer service, Aldi's items are frequently
more affordable as a result.

Aldi's major advantage is its competitive pricing, which attracts to customers who value
value over price. Aldi stands out from a number of competitors because to its dedication to
providing reasonable goods and affordable costs. This price policy has built an established
clientele and draws in new clients looking for affordable solutions. Aldi portrays itself as a
go-to store for budget-conscious customers by continuously offering items at lower rates than
other retailers. Clients like that Aldi's items are reasonably priced since it enables them to
stay within their finances and reduce their food costs. households, learners, and others
searching for affordable purchasing choices especially connect with this. Aldi employs smart
advertising strategies in addition to offering cheap prices to improve the customer experience.
Customers are encouraged to discover new items and take advantages of the lower pricing
when weekly discounts and limited-time offers are used because they instil a sense of
enthusiasm and immediacy. The diversity and surprise that these promotions provide to the
buying experience encourages shoppers to try new things and perhaps find new favourites. A
strong value offer to clients is produced by combining inexpensive prices with marketing
initiatives. They can regularly discover inexpensive items, but they additionally have the
chance to save more money by taking advantage of weekly specials and other discounts
(Tyrväinen, Karjaluoto, and Saarijärvi, 2020.). This fosters client loyalty and promotes return
trips to Aldi.

Although Aldi's inexpensive pricing is a strong attribute, it should be noted that there may be
certain costs associated with it. A more constrained variety compared to certain rivals may be
the result of the emphasis on providing items at cheaper costs. Aldi intentionally chose this
trade-off in order to maintain competitive prices and maximize operational efficiency.
According to Khan et al. (2020), customers that value diversity and wide product selections
might need to go somewhere else to satisfy their particular tastes. Aldi portrays itself as an
appealing choice for clients who are price concerned thanks to its competitive pricing
strategy and clever promotional initiatives. Aldi develops a value-for-money proposition that
appeals to its target demographic by providing inexpensive items and intriguing discounts.
Despite having a smaller assortment than some of its rivals, Aldi's price and savings options
help to create satisfied customers who stay loyal to the store.

Aldi stands apart from numerous other supermarkets because to its constrained product
selection. Although Aldi offers carefully chosen items, clients looking for a broad range of
options might not be satisfied with the selection. The focus is on offering well-known brands
and necessary supermarket goods at reasonable pricing. Aldi is able to simplify processes,
retain cost effectiveness, and pass savings forward to customers by using this strategy.
Customers with particular brand requires or those looking for niche or speciality items,
nevertheless, could find Aldi's selection to be rather constrained. People who value variety of
options may need to look into different stores to satisfy their particular tastes. In accordance
with its online assistance philosophy, Aldi offers limited customer help, which is another part
of the shopping experience. Although this methodology helps make Aldi more effective and
straightforward overall, it could be a problem for customers who want assistance or tailored
advice. consumers could encounter difficulties in locating rapid assistance or in asking for
information when needed due to the staff's limited engagement with consumers around the
store. Aldi's self-service concept could not live up to the expectations of people who value a
more hands-on approach to shopping or who value the convenience of customized help. It's
crucial to remember that Aldi's business strategy strives to improve efficiency, cut expenses,
and provide customers competitive pricing. A self-directed shopping experience that might
not offer the degree of support some clients want is the price to pay (Grewal et al., 2021).

Additionally, Aldi may have a weaker online presence than other stores, which may reduce
the ease of online buying for customers. Although Aldi has a website where customers may
explore items and make decisions, the selection and functionality may be more constrained
than those of rivals. Clients who appreciate the ease and versatility of purchasing things
online may have fewer alternatives and conveniences accessible to them as a result. It's
important to keep in mind, though, that Aldi places its main emphasis on in-store purchasing
because that's how most of its clients interact with the company. In conclusion, buyers should
think about Aldi's limited product selection, scant customer service, and restricted internet
presence before opting to purchase there. The simplified model and self-service versions
strategy assist in low prices and operational efficiency, even though the restricted variety
might not satisfy clients looking for a wide range of options (Shi et al, 2020). The products
offered by Aldi may be ideal for those that value cost and a more independent shopping



One tactical suggestion is to perform routine customer surveys and feedback gathering to find
certain products or product categories that customers want in order to solve Aldi's restricted
product selection. Using this knowledge, Aldi may deliberately increase the range of products
it offers, therefore responding to client tastes without jeopardising its commitment to cost.
Aldi may also think about forming alliances or partnerships with regional vendors or
speciality companies to launch one-of-a-kind or niche items, increasing the variety of options
offered to customers. With this strategy, Aldi could maintain its lean business model while
giving customers a wider range of options. Aldi can strike a balance between the desire for a
wider selection of products and its primary virtue of affordability by carefully examining
consumer feedback and market developments.

Aldi may create a better training programme for staff members, highlighting the need of
proactive customer involvement and individualised help, to improve customer service. This
would entail giving staff members knowledge of the products, expertise in providing
customer service, and the capacity to make suggestions based on client preferences. Aldi can
also think about setting up special customer care areas within the shop where consumers can
ask questions or get tailored advice. Aldi can improve the whole shopping experience by
emphasising connection with consumers, especially for those who desire individualised
service or need extra assistance. Giving employees the resources and training they need to
provide outstanding customer service would go a long way towards making Aldi locations
seem warm and inviting (Alexander and Kent, 2022). Aldi should also spend money creating
a more capable and user-friendly e-commerce platform.

To boost its online presence, Aldi should also spend money creating a more reliable and user-
friendly e-commerce platform. This might entail enhancing website usability, increasing
product accessibility, and adding practical elements like personalised suggestions and user-
friendly search filters. Aldi may make use of social media sites to interact with consumers,
promote deals, and get feedback. By developing its online presence, Aldi can provide
customers a simple and quick shopping experience, enabling them to browse and buy items
from the comfort of their homes while upholding the brand's value-driven ethos as outlined in
their research by Wu and Gao (2019). Aldi's exposure would be further boosted by investing
in online marketing and advertising initiatives, which would draw customers who value the
accessibility and convenience of digital platforms.


By using data-driven research, Woolworths/Coles can improve the vast store layout by
optimising product placement and navigation. According to Quach et al. (2022), shops may
determine high-traffic locations and carefully place popular goods to increase accessibility by
utilising heat mapping technology or by tracking consumer activity inside the store. They
may also design distinct signs and aisle markers to efficiently direct clients throughout the
business. According to Ameen et al. (2021), regular reviews of the store layout, together with
modifications made in response to consumer input, would guarantee that the space is utilised
efficiently to produce a pleasant and stress-free purchasing atmosphere. Woolworths/Coles
may regularly examine market trends and consumer preferences to uncover developing
categories or speciality goods that appeal to their target audience, thereby enhancing the
extensive product selection. They can launch new products by remaining abreast of shifting
client preferences.

They may provide fresh, cutting-edge items to meet a range of client preferences by keeping
abreast of shifting consumer expectations. Additionally, the stores may collaborate with
regional suppliers and manufacturers to create unique, high-quality items that set them apart
from rivals. Woolworths/Coles may continue to serve as one-stop stores that satisfy the
various demands of their clientele by constantly modifying and increasing their merchandise
line. In conclusion, Aldi can grow its product selection while preserving affordability by
using customer input to make informed choices. The whole shopping experience will be
improved and the rising demand for online shopping will be met by improving customer
service and making investments in a strong e-commerce infrastructure. Optimising store
design and navigation for Woolworths/Coles will increase the feeling of space. Customers
will find Woolworths/Coles' vastness easier if the shop design and accessibility are optimised,
and a broad variety of options will be available to suit a range of consumer tastes thanks to
ongoing market trends analysis and product line expansion (Signori et al., 2019). These
tactical suggestions will help Woolworths/Coles and Aldi continue to grow, boosting
consumer satisfaction and strengthening their standing in the market.

In conclusion, Aldi and Woolworths/Coles each have particular customer experience

strengths and drawbacks. Aldi succeeds in offering a straightforward and effective shopping
experience at reasonable prices. However, due to its constrained product selection, scant
customer support, and low internet presence, it confronts difficulties. Conversely,
Woolworths/Coles provides a roomy shop design, a large selection of products, and
interesting advertising campaigns. The staggering scale of the store, long lines at the the
checkout process, and the lack of personalization are possible downsides. Using strategic
advice, these problems can be resolved. Aldi may enhance the total satisfaction of customers
by performing consumer research, improving customer help through staff education, and
developing in an intuitive online shopping infrastructure. For Woolworths/Coles, improving
shop layout, monitoring market developments, and stepping up advertising campaigns and
patronage. Both retailers may improve client happiness, loyalty, and market competitiveness
by putting these suggestions into practice.


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