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Vrindavana dasa babaji

He lived in Varsana, but everyday he would rise early and after performing his mornking
duties, he would walk to Vrndavana taking his japa mala with him. In Vrndavana he visited
the seven famous temples and took caranamrta, Tulasi and the dust of the temples. He then
returned to Varsana in the evening and went out on madhukari. He never took prasada
anywhere. Once in Sri Vrndavana in the temple of Sri Govinda many Vaisnavas were
invited for prasada. All of them requested Vrndavana dasa to take prasada with them.
Thinking that it would be improper not to honor their request, he took the prasada and left
for Varsana. At dawn he got up as usual, finished his morning duties and went out with japa
mala in his hand. Strangely, the thumb of his right hand refused to move as if it were
paralyzed, yet there was no pain. Confused he rushed to Sri Manohara dasa Babaji of Sri
Govinda kunda, threw himself at his feet and began to cry and said, "Baba, I am undone. I
do not know why my right thumb refuses to move while chanting the holy name." Maharaja
asked him where he had taken prasada on the previous and requested Vrndavana dasa to
enquire about the source of the money given for the prasada. Vrndavana dasa came to find
out that the money had been given by a prostitute. Thus Maharaja instructed Vrndavana
dasa to take his bath in Sri Kunda and to circumambulate Giriraja in wet clothes for three
days, eating only what he was able to get along the way. Sri Vrndavana dasa did so and on
the fourth day his thumb was restored to its former healthy state.

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