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Android app development course in urdu pdf

What is Android App Development? Join the path to grateness -Become a android app developer:- Are you seeking a career in android app development to boost your income? livetraininglab allows you to join the path of gratenss by getting android app development training course. our google certified team use latest
methadology to teach buidling android apps from scratch at your scheduled . we practically provide your surrounding of atleat 3+ years professional android developers so that you can exactly learn how to accomplish a specific task with code samples.we first examine your knowledge to adjust you in relative group, sub-
divided by LTL managment to differentiate between student and professionals. you’re provided already-existed job opportunities even before the accomplishment of the course. we provide our students certificate while as well as 100% fee refund policy, if you succeeded to find someone with better than our proven course
strateogy to polish your skills. Let’s make us to help you to pave your dreams as a Android app developer as other hundered’s of people did last eight years. Before Joining LIvetraininglab android app development course, might you want to know all this factors? Course outline – what is android app development?
smartphones has revolutionized the world, there are two most popular built-in operating systems in smart phone IOS and android. Android mobiles are espeically known for apps to revolutionized the way we create and consume information. Over 1 billion andriod devices are already activiated using different apps for
everything , from searching recipes and palying games to learning progamming languages and much more. In this course, basic to advance level android programming concepts are feeded to students for developing a variety of android apps. A specifically arranged Java programming classes are offered as a part of this
course to beginners. This course contains a comprehenisve knolwedge about android apps development such as material design, sensors, maps and best practices which makes you able to follow Google’s app-quality. This course is completed under supervision of highly qualified as well as Google certified android
developers team. Why Do android App development course How android app development training course can meet with an well-heeled and rewarding professional career Android is being defining the future of ubiquitous computing and shaping the way we try to interact the people around us worldwide. If you’ll
research deep inot the world of android, you’ll see that there’s a huge scope of being an android app developer by getting a android web development certificate. All we predict, Android is the next big thing with following facts Every day abvout 1.5 million android devices are activated while over 1,460,800 apps currently
live in Google paly store. Andriod is the primary operationg system for over 300 smartphones, 90 tablets, and 6 E-readers worldwide. If you’re potential to become a LTL certified android app developer , we can help you to develop a basic to advance foundation for android app development within few weeks with our
professional android developers help instead of spending years on theoratical learning in colleges classes. In this current technological era, almost every buisness is needed of android app developers to make their business specifically reachable to every single potential customer worldwide. Respected job designation: In
2018, android users are expected to reach 4 billion by doubling the current andrioid users ratio. which incredibly ensures about 2 billion clients requiring new android apps. While in companies, you’re invited as Android app developer, IT manager, Android app developers team leader including many other respectful
designations realted to android apps. Highly paid salary packages : Every buisness is ready to pay highly salary pacakage with Livetraininglab android app development certificate as we mainly train our students like professionals. In Pakistan average salary of beginner to experienced android app developers is range
from 25+k to 1500+K. In USA, average salary of Android app developer is $117,551 per years. why choose us Discover why thousands Trust livetraininglab for getting a Android app development certificate? If you want breathe, live and eat android by getting an online web development associate’s degree! Obviosualy
there’s no second best as compared to livetraininglab. we ensure best android apps development course material transferred to students through applicable teaching methadologies under professional android app developers team. Evey session of our course contains quizzes, assignments , tutorials, and practices on
real app developments tasks via viusal remote training. Our professional teachers are well-experienced to give a initial comfort zone for beginner programmers as well as just according to their expertise and knowledge. we’re not only the #1 choice of android app development learners as we teach them creating
enganging and real-world apps but also due to our following featuers: Our talented staff: we choose the real-world android app developers and google certified staff as our team members to ensure the best practical coaching for our students instead of beating their head with a plenty of non-practical course material.
100% money back gurantte: we gurantte best Android app development course with a proven course strateogy. Incase, if you found any other institue, able to polish your skills better than us – we’ll refund your 100% fee onspot without any excuse. Talent scholarships: Livetraininglab is devoted to potential student and IT
professionals. somehow, if you’ve the potential to be an expert android app developer but cannot afford fee charges. At livetraininglab, we offer you amazing shcolarships on android app development courses . proven android app development course strateogy: we teach you android app development through our proven
compelte android app development course strateogy designed by real-world android app developers. In which you get a chance in gaining comprehensive knowledge on android app development as well as practical tasks on USA based app development projects to enahce your research and analysis skills as android
app developer. What, If I’m not interested in doing 9-5 job as someone slave! At livetraininglab, we better understand that sometimes you don’t want to do a 9-5 job there’s many reasons: you don’t want to be someone salve as you’re interested in starting your own buiness. you want to start your professional career as
freelancer to work on your own scheduled. work as a enterprenuer: Learn Android app development by livetraininglab. It’ll help you in lanuching your own android apps as hunderd’s of other people are doing. the greatest inspiration is Jan Koum ( Founder of Whatsapp, recently acquired by Facebook Inc. in US $19
billion. Optimize your career as a freelancer :If you’re a student and can’t do a 9-5 job. you can complete our Android app development training course to start your career as freelance. you can earn thousands of dollars as a top-reated freelance Android app developer with our certification refrence. the greatest
inspiration is Gerald P. earning $30/hr as a freelancer Android app development especialist in Albania. LTL Targets As each sunset introduces high functionality rich- features in Information technology. Therefore Autocad is the most key ingredient used by the entire computer user for different professional as well as
personal purposes. So if you’re interested to register for Autocad course to come forward as a Autocad expert, a lot of confusion takes place in your mind Let’s have a short but very but very knowledge consuming to clear all these confusions! Apply Online Teacher Profile More Courses... Software development is a field
that is growing and changing day by day. Android development is a fastest growing field of programming in software development. If you have working knowledge of basic Java programming and object oriented programming, you can start learning Android. Note: If you are new to programming, you should start from Java
Programming Introduction to Android Introduction Creating an Android ProjectWithin Android Studio From Command line Running Your Application Running you project on the emulator Components of an Android application Application Life-cycle Modifying created project Change activity’s name Android SDK Tools and
Activity Class Android Software Layers Linux kernel C/C++ Libraries Android Runtime Application Framework Application layer Android Libraries The Android Manifest File Structure of the Manifest File Android SDK Tools Activity life-cycle through Java Create an Activity Methods to remember ListActivity and
ListView in Android Introduction Views Using Views Adding a View to your application List Views and List Activity Using a ListActivity Adding ListView Add Event to List Items Summary Methods to remember Intents and Intent filters in Android Introduction Intents Explicit Intents Implicit Intents Native Android Actions Data
Transfer Intent to Call Activities Direct calls Sub-activities: Calling Activities for Results Register an IntentFilter Methods to remember Custom Views in Android Introduction Different Uses of Customized Views Modify Existing Views Step by Step What is in onDraw() The full picture Dialogs and Toasts in Android Dialogs
Dialog sub-classes Creating dialogs with user-defined layout Activities with Dialog Theme Toasts Methods to remember Android More UI - Options Menu, Context Menu, and WebView Introduction Menus Building a menu from Java code Building a menu from a resource file Handle Select Events Sub-menus Context
Menus Handling Context Menu Selection Additional Menu Item options Checkboxes and Radio Buttons Shortcut Keys Condensed Titles Menu Item Click Listener Intents WebView Methods to remember Practical Exercise Android Storage: Network, File I/O, and Shared Preferences Android Storage Options Shared
Preferences Internal Storage SQLite Databases Network Connection Connecting to the internet File I/O Including files as resources Shared Preferences Retrieving Shared Preferences Save activity state Android Storage: SQLite and Content Providers Introduction SQLite in your application SQLite library
SQLiteOpenHelper SQLiteDatabase Cursors Databases in Android Native Android Content Providers Methods to remember Android Notifications Introduction Creating a notification Notification actions Example: Notification Manager Summary Project in Android Method of Delivery Lecture 50% Computer Lab 50% Award
Criteria Students will be awarded certificate from MASIA soft, if fulfill the following minimum requirements: Attendance = 75% Marks = 80% Grading System Students Grades are calculated from assignments, classwork and the final project. Appeal Process If not satisfied with the obtained marks you can write to

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