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IGCSE Business Studies

Unit 3: Marketing Topic: Marketing Mix and Strategy

Assignment Instructions

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Please review your marked assignment and read the comments provided.
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Helpful Resources Lesson recording and slides

Assignment Objectives
Marketing Mix:
LO10: explain the advantages and disadvantages of different channels.
LO11: recommend and justify an appropriate distribution channel in given circumstances.
LO12: explain the aims of promotion.
LO13: differentiate forms of promotion and how they influence sales.
LO14: explain the need for cost-effectiveness in spending the marketing budget on promotion.
LO15: define and explain the concept of e-commerce.
LO16: explain the opportunities and threats of e-commerce to business and consumers.
LO17: explain the use of the internet and social media networks for promotion.

Marketing Strategy:
LO1: explain the importance of different elements of the marketing mix in influencing consumer
decisions in given circumstances.
LO2: recommend and justify an appropriate marketing strategy in given circumstances.
LO3: explain the impact of legal controls on marketing strategy.
LO4: explain the growth potential of new markets in other countries.
LO5: explain the problems of entering foreign markets.
LO6: explain the benefits and limitations of methods to overcome problems of entering foreign

Literacy Marking Key

Spelling – homophone or incorrect

Stretch and Challenge task:
Punctuation – missing or incorrect
Grammar – read back through for clarity

Section A: Marketing Mix

1 ©2017 Nisai Group. Nisai Learning is a trading name of Nisai Group

Read and answer the following questions.

Excel Shoes is a manufacturer of footwear. It produces a range of shoes for children and adults. The
shoes are distributed to sporting goods retailers. The market is very competitive. Excel Shoes is keen
to develop markets through e-commerce and social networking. Thus, it is planning to invest in
creating a new website.

1. What is meant by ‘e-commerce'?

(2 marks)

2. Describe the channel of distribution used by Excel Shoes?

(2 marks)

3. Identify and explain two advantages and disadvantages of Excel Shoes using the channel of distri-
bution described in Question 2?

(4 marks)

4. Explain the main aim of promotion and two ways businesses do promotion.

(4 marks)

5. Identify and explain two methods of promotion that Excel Shoes could use to promote its goods?

(4 marks)

6. Excel shoes is planning to create a website for e-commerce. State one opportunity and threat of e-
commerce to Excel Shoes' business and to its customers.

Opportunities of e-commerce Threats of e-commerce

To Excel Shoes To customers To Excel Shoes To customers
   

(4 marks)

2 ©2020 Nisai Group. Nisai Learning is a trading name of Nisai Group

7. Besides e-commerce, explain how businesses like Excel Shoes can use the internet and social me-
dia networks for promotion.

(6 marks)

8. Excel Shoes plans to enter a new market in a foreign country called Country X. However, Excel
Shoes knows very little about the market and market trends in Country X. Recommend and justify
appropriate distribution channel for Excel Shoes to sell its goods in Country X.

(6 marks)

Section B: Marketing Strategy

Read and answer the following questions.

Sung Song, the owner of a new American Chinese restaurant, is disappointed with sales in the first
three months of business. Besides managing legal controls on his business, he also must worry about
several local competitors. His prices are a little higher than his competitors. However, the customers
who have bought his food say it is the best in town. They also say that the restaurant provides a
variety of food in its menu, has excellent service and is great for hosting family events. To improve
sales, Sung Song needs a new marketing strategy.

1. What is meant by ‘marketing strategy’?

(2 marks)

2. It is important to consider the 4Ps when developing a marketing strategy. What are the 4Ps?

(4 marks)

3. Define the term ‘legal controls.’ Explain two purposes of legal control.

(4 marks)

4. You have been hired to develop a marketing strategy to improve Sung Song’s business. Develop a
marketing strategy that might be used to improve sales.

(6 marks)

5. Sung Song plans to expand his business to the Australian market. Identify and explain opportunit-
ies and problems of Sung Song entering a foreign market. Sung Song plans to use international

3 ©2020 Nisai Group. Nisai Learning is a trading name of Nisai Group

marketing to ease his entrance into the Australian market. Explain the benefits and limitations of
using international franchising.

(8 marks)

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4 ©2020 Nisai Group. Nisai Learning is a trading name of Nisai Group

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