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Name: ________________________________________________ Score: _____________________

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• Enumerate and describe the 12 zodiacal constellations.
• Determine the patterns to which the zodiacal constellations were derived.
• Know your zodiac.

1. Match the zodiac name in Column A with the zodiac meaning in Column B.














2. Get a copy of the horoscope from your teacher. What is your zodiac sign? How do you know it is your
zodiac sign?
3. What does your horoscope tell you? Is it true based on your experiences? Cite instances if any.

4. Do you believe in horoscopes? Cite instances.

5. How zodiacal constellation differ from a horoscope?

Bejan Daruwala's son Chirag Daruwala writes weekly horoscope prediction on Check forecast for
all sun signs from 8th to 14th May 2023.

Ganesha says your life may seem wonderful to friends and family members, but some recent incident this week may make
you sad and sad inside. You can get a big benefit from a big deal this week. You may also buy some valuables for yourself.
But you will also need to be a little careful because there is a possibility that those valuables may be lost or stolen from you.
Let's do it. This can cause you a big financial loss. With this, seeing his effort, you yourself can be seen trying to adapt to
the home environment. The ongoing rift with others in your family life will bother you. Due to this, you will feel hesitant
to trust other people even in the workplace. Because of this, some of your important work may stop. This week due to their
personal problems, most of the students will not be able to concentrate on their studies, which can have a direct impact on
their education. In such a situation, keep yourself calm in every situation and take the help of yoga and meditation.

Ganesha says you may need to give rest to your body this week. Since you have gone through a lot of mental pressure in
the recent past, it would be appropriate for your mental life to take a rest now. This week, avoid investing your money in
any kind of committee or any illegal investment, even if you see good profit from it. Because in the beginning, your money
may seem safe to the people of Taurus, but later you may suffer a big loss. Your sense of humor can increase your popularity
in social gatherings this week. This week, along with increasing your respect in society, you can be successful in attracting
the attention of many dignitaries towards you. This week you will have to go on a work-related trip, which you have been
waiting for a long time. This week, stay away from everyone who is wasting your time, even if it is your special one.
Because maybe because some people, most of their time is wasted by not spending on education,

Ganesha says due to your good health this week, you will prove wrong those who used to think that you are too old to learn
new things. Because you will be full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm, you will be able to learn anything easily with your sharp
and active mind. At the beginning of this week itself, all kinds of financial problems coming into your life will be removed
and due to improvement in it, it can be easy for you to buy many essential things in the middle of the week. With this, you
can be seen increasing your comfort. During this period, along with your domestic work, you can actively participate in
many social functions and can also plan to go on a pilgrimage with your family members. Apart from this, for those who
are thinking of starting a new business apart from their main business or service, this time period can also prove to be good
for them. This week, students will need to keep their books or their notes related to studies in a safe place, because there is
a possibility that you will put them in a hurry at a place that may be difficult for you to find later.
Ganesha says your mood will be more emotional this week. Because of this, you may feel a little hesitant to talk or interact
openly with others. This week looks like you know what people want from you. Jupiter is located in the tenth house from
your zodiac, so during this period you have to avoid giving loans to anyone, otherwise you may be short of money when
needed. So avoid increasing your expenses too much now and be careful while doing all kinds of transactions. A family
member can give you a lot of stress this week. So instead of arguing with them, the only and better option for you would be
to set boundaries to control the situation. Before doing business in partnership with any acquaintance or close relative, do
listen to your mind about him. Because maybe you were not giving importance to the suggestions of those people whom
you considered small, they can give you some big suggestions for business expansion. Because it is possible that you may
get such news through someone which will make your heart sad.

Ganesha says if the people of Leo zodiac live in cold areas, then this week you should include things with hot effects in
your diet. Also, avoid going to very dusty places this week and eat only home-cooked food. Worshiping this week can fulfill
your wishes and luck will favor you. Because at this time the luck of the people of the Leo zodiac can support you, due to
which your hard work of the previous day can also pay off and you can able to repay all your debts. Your family
responsibilities may increase this week, due to which you may be seen coming under mental stress. In such a situation,
instead of getting upset by thinking and anticipating adverse situations, keep trying to prepare yourself for them. Your hard
work done in the past can prove to be fruitful in your career, for which you can get good results this week. In such a situation,
taking proper advantage of this time by forgetting the fulfillment of your comforts, you may need to keep your mind focused
on the field of work. Because only then you can get a promotion. If you are thinking of pursuing higher education, then you
may have to work hard during this period. However, during this time luck can support you so that you will be able to
remember whatever subject you study.

Ganesha says this week, take care of the health of your spouse, take care of them. Businessmen may have to go to another
state in connection with their work this week, where their money will be wasted more than expected. This week you may
be able to remove all kinds of problems coming in the way of family happiness and peace. Due to this, many such situations
can be created that brotherhood will increase among the family members. Therefore, at this time it may be necessary for
you to help the women of the house by helping in household chores. You may feel a little lethargic or a victim of the hunt
this week, but whatever you do will be appreciated. Will also appear eager to receive. You will be able to get some auspicious
opportunities for career advancement. This week will be low enthusiasm for all the students who were always known for
their energetic nature. Due to this, your mind will not even be engaged in studies.

Ganesha says your health can be generally good till this week. Because the auspicious vision of many planets will give
strength to your health and can also give you freedom from chronic diseases. That's why you can be happy this week.
Financially, there will be many improvements in your life this week. This week, by taking the help of spirituality, you can
be seen removing many problems in your family life. But in spite of all these efforts, you will continue to have mental
worries due to the deteriorating family environment. Because there is a possibility that this time can increase your creativity
so that you can take better steps for your business, which can give you both profit and progress. The beginning of the week
may be very good for the students and in the end, you may be able to perform much better than usual. So maintain your
concentration and interest in studies and health care and try to keep yourself away from mental stress as much as possible
this week.

Ganesha says not only can there be chances of improvement in your poor health this week, but you will also get some good
news in your life. Because this can show a good effect on your health as well as you can double that happiness. There may
be no dearth of creative ideas in your mind this week, but it may be necessary for you to use these ideas in the right direction
and get good financial benefits from them. Because yoga is being created for this reason, some great new ideas will benefit
you financially. So instead of wasting time in unnecessary things, continue your efforts in the right direction. This will not
only inconvenience you a bit, but will also waste a lot of your time and energy trying to understand them. Because there is
a possibility that at this time, without thinking far, you can take such a decision, due to which you may have to suffer loss
in future. However, despite this, you will feel extra pressure on yourself regarding your studies. Due to this, you will also
have some difficulty in remembering the subjects.

Ganesha says patients with blood pressure, diabetes, or obesity will need to take special care of themselves this week and
take proper and timely medication. Because only by doing this you can get many beneficial results related to health. Your
income will increase this week, the faster you will see that money slipping easily from your fists. However, in spite of this,
you will not have to face a financial crisis during this entire period, with the help of luck. This week, the pressure and stress
of extra work at the workplace can take a toll on your mind and heart. Due to this, you will also be unable to take time for
yourself, due to which you may upset your family and friends by canceling any earlier plans. This week, senior officials and
your boss will be in an angry mood at the workplace. Because of this, they will be seen finding flaws in your every work.
This can also break your morale, as well as there is a possibility that you may sometimes feel superior to other colleagues.
This week, students would like to take complete rest, but it is possible that the sudden arrival of your family members at
home can ruin your plan. So prepare yourself in advance for this possibility from the beginning and don't fret, otherwise,
your whole week may be spoiled.
Ganesha says if you were suffering from a major illness, then this week your health can improve with the hard work of the
doctor and proper care of your family members. It is possible that someone you know or someone close to you may attract
your attention through big plans and ideas. In such a situation, it would be best for you to do a thorough investigation of
that person before making any kind of investment. Because this will be the time when you will attract everyone's attention
towards you. Also, you will have many good dishes to eat in front of you, due to which the problem may arise in front of
you which one to choose first. Talking excessively in the workplace can cost you dearly this week. That's why to take special
care while speaking and avoid speaking excessively. This week, for students who keep learning something or the other, their
intellectual ability may improve, but other students may suffer many harmful consequences along with a decline in their

Ganesha says apart from work, you will also have a lot of extra time this week, which you can use to fulfill any of your
hobbies, which you wanted to do for a long time. Like dancing, singing, traveling, painting, etc. Because by doing these
things, not only will you enjoy them, but you will also be able to keep yourself fresh. If a large part of the money was stuck
somewhere for a long time in the form of compensation and loan etc., then you will finally get that money this week. At this
time, the position and vision of many auspicious planets are making many people of your zodiac sign likely to gain money.
This will save you from depression. In terms of career, during this time period, you have to avoid unnecessary delay by not
postponing any work for later. Because only then you will be able to get the cooperation and appreciation of your seniors at
the workplace. In order to achieve success in the field of education, the natives of the zodiac will need to remain committed
to their goals this week. Otherwise, all your previous hard work may go in vain.

Pisces an argument with someone can spoil your good nature this week. So to change your mood, attend some social events
and meet many big people in society and learn from their experience. This can help you in taking many right decisions in
life. You also understand very well that if you are getting monetary benefits at this time, it is not necessary that the situation
will remain the same tomorrow. In such a situation, it would be better to invest wisely while preparing in advance for every
future economic challenge. That's why invest your hard-earned money in a plan after thinking it through. During this time
you will be able to give enough time to your family so let them feel that you care for them spend quality time with them
and do not give them a chance to complain. If you had faced some disappointment in your career in the past, then this week
things will start getting better and your business will start moving in a positive direction. With this, you will get success in
getting rid of your mental stress as well. If you want to succeed in competitive exams, then you will have to work hard at
this time.

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