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For Tom

It hasn’t been that long ago, since we first said “Hello”,

And now it’s time to share with you some things you need to know.
To enunciate my thoughts has always been my way,
But I cannot seem to find the words that I would like to say.
So, I sat down with pen in hand, and words began to flow
To tell you of the things my heart and mind want you to know.

Each day has allowed us to share more and more

And from all that – a bond began to grow.
And as the time continued on I found I loved you so.

But my desire for you soon began to complicate my mind.

It was then that I discovered that love can truly make you blind.
I couldn’t hear or see the things I love about you now
Nor could I benefit from the thought treasures you endow.

For some time now, my mind is clear to enjoy and delight

In our conversations that entertain and enlight
After all, you are my soulmate, the one that knows me better
Than perhaps I know myself

I love that you love my skin to touch, it pleases me so very much

To know I have something I can give to you
That you enjoy – makes you happy, too

We are more than kindred spirits, dear, we are soulmates, for all time
My heart is constantly telling me that I need to give you mine.
I want you, oh I want you, but some say it’s not right
To want you the way I do and think of you all night.

My hope is that as time goes on, that you will always know
That you have filled my heart with love, a love that will always grow
Whatever fate has picked for us, I’ll always love you – oh so much
And I will for all eternity, I’ll love you more than I love me.
For Tom

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