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• -
24, 189». — :- orrT. -:—
-i:- OUT. -:— m
PerMiiial. A |IA1> CflkMO. "*
Aman wlio keeps his nsms and Imsi-
lotorll Dailp Courirr. . Nmt If we depend oa no aeans eaialds of our nsss out of the pa|)ers, in these days, ia in
etc Mra.Ow. H Stewart hat ffon« to

plase of baainess to increase oar baslBess,

York for ten day« to attenad itie print Amateur HurcUre I'nd'r Arreat-Vi danger of being out at the elbows.
MARCH I'rchlMa. we skikU be outdone by our neighbors.
FRIDAY. 24,1893.
tipt. Daniel Walker of Poat IMhM
tM The police think that tbev have bnoken
BV b
borglara who
A.G.POLLARD&GO. iAA("iiOj;'S)"i»'yK»'Hi'<<»''ii'Ni"i^'')'''i'i<)'<oOc<>)>''nUo''o<» i

boen appointed aide-de-camp on ttm.1l

up amaU'ur
_p the gang of amat< .. j;»g0^ittriUi)iiouoOotinur»an>^^

1893 mCH. 1893 it A. G. Weidstrt of MiiwaukM, com-

tnander ii> chief of the Grand AnoT.
have been making the recent
mall breaks. iJist evening tbey arrea^

St!- Mo. To. We. Th.


Rev. Dr. Thomai b«s been in^l*d to
peak at WiUenlev college April M.
Itov. (ieoriff Batohelor of thl« dty de-
liverad the harce to tite paator at the In-
Ullatloii I

Kev.Kiioch Powell, lata of


Tupeka, Kauaan, as jMiator of tna Pirat

Unitarian ctiurcb at N'aabaa laat evening.
Thomas Hbeehan and Thoinaa
bovs have

of John B.Swift and stole tour

worklai{ with
Mct'ttiin, arrt«ted
Several nlghta ago they entered the

and oarlridKes. -^^ey went uDon New-

hall atreel

and practlaed flrlng, us-

ou Tueeday.




Toe inatalUtioa Bernion waa by Rev. windows of baildlDg* good quality of .thisj
can sell a MtJSlO. EASTER
6 8 9 10 11 GrindallHeviioldBcf Boaton.
Edward P'revoat, the Lowell ^ymnaat,
ing the
of fright
T^e affair caused, no end
among the oocupanta of
Now Going On and >'OT\ BCViC. LOOMS AND SPINDLES. carpeting lower than any eoueern in the
country. The adoption of maehinery of
OraduBlloa Kxerotsea After a Hiii-oeai.lul
IVrfU^.*. Very CredltoWe l»roaniinii»e.
JUMPED THE TRACK. First Edition.
the tenemenU, and af ter aoma glaa* bad the most approved and latest patterns is <. Htri br Sun/g fHf N0%* Choirs Thin
fell while jierforraing with Orrin Brufe.'
OPENING DAY. There were no more interesting exer-

itorm-the ortno-
an advantage, and carpet makers must be *
..Tk»eomlDff j( ^
13 14 16 16 17 18 licfl
• ^

circua in the City «>f Mexico March 12th been broken the boys ran away. <

the line. T0ar.


cises insrking the close of the evening

-:- for Lowell's wideawake to keep pace with the times.
and broke hia left leg. U« will retarn to The fourth rt^volver was evidently in- Plenty «f seboul term than the graduating exerciaes Htrikers., Susjj^H-twl
of .^tl^^iiipting to
From Yesterday's Second Edition
thia country with bu brotiMn April 15th. tended for (ieorga Loncroft, who baa also ....A big reslestste movemeot-a land The new mill w ill oe in operation in about of the evening high school in Hunting- Wrwk a Train.
bean arraated, although two of them aay aiz weeks, and will supply a much needed
20 21 22 23 24 25 How'a Thia that they did not belong to hia gang, He PKICES Quoted at slide.
Textile Machinery.
w<nt of yarn for improved looum, which Mnalcal Onraalsatftas or Various City ton hall last evening. Such an event

was the pal of McCauu, aud the twomada Both the method and results when tklnkth»ara hove a oapecity of about ten yards a day Churches. means much more than the prcaentiui; of GREAT STRIKE ENDED.
'We ofTer One Iluudntl DftUan reward for any ...tBeftion under wvi ton diplomas for s certain amount of attend--
ance upon the seaaions of the school. Belief That Manager Ashley's
Epgene Dean's market on HOW more than looma formerly used. Leas
26 27 28 29 30 31 eaac of ratarrb that cannot b« cared ky Uktng
where K4 was obUined,
the breaka in Syrap of Figs is taken; it is pletsant uadsr WTrongs. thirty additional employes will be
lUCr* Catarrh ^t^'*-
Mary A. Sheridan's on Whipple atreet,
hawrenct street,
and refreebiug to the tasts, and acts Our ....The trouble ftith Commercial Agent
ARE PROSPERING. required to run the new mill.i^ Tbe choirs of the various churches will
It represents months of patient study aft-
er Mys of hard work. It shows the re- Life Sought. Was LnnooMhlre Operatives to Return to
r. J. t'uKNKY k CO., Prop.. Toledo, O.

MOON'S PHASES. where they took fl.50, and a baker shop, genUy jet promptly on the Kidneys, Work.
the iinderaigncd. have known' K. J. Cheney Curry was thai be was Fictou soon. sing their last anthems in the church year sult of close spplicalion* to booka in a
We. where they Helped themselvee to pies and >iat««. i

QTun 11:03 17 11:35

WKooii Xf p.ui for the la>it 10 yeara, and believe btoi perfi-ctly cake. They aUo took a robe under which
LiTer and Bowels, cleanses the sys-
season is very backward in
4«..TIie Interesting Faels About the City's I.radliiK The Kitson Machine company employ tomorrow. The Bnnday following will line of training that baa been neglected
Moon tem effectually, dispels colds, bead- perhaps, or interrupted earlier in life. Latest Developments on Both Sides of tke
'4:3? honorable in all buaineea trannactloD*, and Anan- they slept after the breaka on Monday A Compromise Reached Aft«T a Look
Our Opening Reception and ExIiiBition 270 mechanics at the present time and
ladHstrles. be Easter, and in the majority of cases I>Is-
^ Qujtrtar
.Third in 0-13 Wsehington. Slaying haa but Just begun So the exercises have come to have a

^Otiarter^4 p.-m clally able to carry out any obilxittlon mad* by their Dlght. aches aad fevers aud cures hahitual there is a good demand for machines of Ann Arbor Strike. ruimlon.
X\J p.m.
^^ constipation. S^rup of Figs ia the Mtere. their manufacture.
new voices will lead the eongregstions in real interest apart from that of tbe day
their hymns. Long before April the mn-

school. The graduates are recogniaed sa

MlBlmtnr* Al TlUaOay* Funeral Mulltie. ....The dilfsrence between a typo and a given a large amount of reada- Several cotton machinery manufact- such by their own desire for education
Waer & Tbi'ax. Wholesale DruggiaU, Toledo, t>. only remedy of its kind ever pro- Below is
who look opon the urers have not yet made the acquaintance sical committees begin their work, it rather than the wish of their parenta. Toledo, March 35.— The strikera on the Manc'hebteh, March 24.— An agree- I-
or DAT, Moom.
l::b. :;lni. II .lU ». III.
Waldinu, KiNlfAN k Mabtik, >Miol«aale Drug Friends
face of Mr. Henry
desire to
P. Webber may have duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac- TOILET OEPABTiNT '
tie post stems to be only the matter of a ble information concerning lx)well'8 in- of Mr. Harharo, who has been announced mast be learned whether the mem- The platform in the hall looked very Toledo and Aun Arbor nmd have notified ment bas iKsen reached by which the great
gUUt, Toledo, Ohio.
lUll'i Catarrh Cure U taken Internally, acting
the opportunity on Saturday from 9 to 12
m. at bis laU reaideuce, 293 Central
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in of Easter Attractions and «<8tJck" or so. dustries, which all concerned in their
welfare, and that is practically everybody,
as about to begin the manufacture of
Knowles'a patent Hat carding engines in
bera of the choir srs seeking other pretty last evening. There was a deep tlie comniisHioner of the rou>U of Michigan
and whether the congrega- line of palms, plants and flowera along its cotton strike will end on Monday. The
its action and truly benencisl m its
a. «... Mayor Matthews might fill up that places,
that the Ann Arbor 1h daily brcnking the Cotton Spinners
tb«mflemooo. directly upon the blood and mucuu* eurtae** of th* Ilia face ia not to be seen at the tbis country, his intention t>eing to set- tion wiabes to have them re-engaged. front. A large shaded lamp was on the Federation of Master
V«»t«rd»)'» •now •lonii ceiuied In stnet. *
))ole in the Boston city hall with com- will of interest. It will be seen that
>*gin u> and ih« rtret-u mm* •yateia. Te«tiaioiilal* (out free. Prioe Tfte. per cbarcb. effects, prepared only from the most tle in this city. He was for 37 years an There must be tripe to other churcnea, stand, with a profusion of flowers on law which compels all trains to cotne to u and the Amalgamated Association of
Ml nigbl r«in fall, ^ , .
mon councilmen. they sre flourishing, a condition of affairs employe of Messrs. Taltham of Rochdale,
I ••de at •llpprry !« at any tlgae during the piwt
TliU inorDlng th* dri/zl« loutluued, but
bottle. Bold by all I>rugKlela.
— . 'V.
Members of St. John'a Sunday acbool healthy and agreeable Substances, its
are requested to meet in the chapel at
many excellent qualities commend it ....Whether Speaker Barrett will have largely due to the tariff legislation now in Englatfd, from whom he purchased the
snd visits received from applicants for either side. Suspended from the ceiling dead stop Ix-foro croHsing at junctions.
positions. And then at tbe last moment were the floral figures in red "93." The They say the scab enKineers know nothing
Operative Cotton Spinnere met
half- past threeo'clock yesterday afternoon
plant connected with this branch of man-
Spring Novelties some other committee will offer more graduating class were seated on a rising
If you wish to get the lateat Ideaa in re- 1.30 p. m. to attend the funeral in a body. force. If s the Anderson-Shear-
bill of
>u(t of tbe furenoou w** merely dingy. Al &
to all and have made it the moat RIGHT OF ENTRANCE, Seventh district may
clear ssiling in the ufacture. moD«y for a singer, an^ all the plans are ticrofse^ts, with the teachers of the of the rules or the law. to discuss settlement ui
lor a seiiienieuv
uss terms for of the
and Miaaea' garmeata we man type were enacted,the condition of Three local corporations are considering strike, The operatives were willing to ac-
o'clock laat evening the temittjraliire wa« 32*. at 7 gard to The Modem VTmy
Ladifea' <e|icud somewhat upon the base down upset unless the sppronriation can be school in the rear. Tbe audience that The south bound midnight tri>iu on thu
popular remedy known. things in Lowell would be, as Kipling the matter of adding to their mill build- hurriedly re-proportioued. to the loss of was preaent tilled the hall, and the young Ann Arbor was der.Hilt'<l yesfcenlay. Itwai cept a red Iuction of 2',i per cent, in wages,
ibli morning .'M*. I o'clock 47*. and examine the Commends itself to the well-formed, to
would advise you to call
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60c liynn way.
ings this year, but there is no authorized

neof the masters insisted upon s

but some) .*>

the or^nist or some one eke. men who afe still in the school acted as coming very nlowly, when ^'^ddeIlly the

do pleasantlv and effectually what was would soy, "another story."

IVemlhrr Inflicmtlona. large atock A. U. Pollard A Co. have on formerly done in the crudest manner and and $1 bottles hj all leading drug- Now carriage makers
the Boston announcement, as yet, of any extensive All tbis bas been settled by tbis time ushers. '
per cent, redaction. For 12 hours, with no
food, the va-
Foreeaat tUI 8 p. m.Suturday.— Murb war- their second floor. All kinds and atylea disagreeably as well. To cleanse the
Any reliable druggist who and the carriage workers are pulling in The 8hMW Mtocktnc Conipuny In its New improvements contemplated. in most casee, and tbe choirs have begun The Ameriean orchestra opened the ex- engine ploughed, into the gravel on one
in term isB ion lor
of the case, and
gists. aspects
On all preparations and requis- Mill. to bold their rehearsals. The changea ercises with an overture and James H. side of the track. Tke ba^^gage and smok- rious
ler. and ralu tonight, fair Saturday, and luuali
cooler Saturday night, iwulhweat wlndi, changlug
and the prices very moderate.
A. O. POLXJUtD & Co.
tem and break up colda, headaches and may
fevers without unpleasant after effectH, not
noi have
nave u
it on hand fnv
wiu pro>
oaoa will
uae the delightful liquid laxative remedy, cure it promptly for any one who ites for the toilet are of
.. i
• •
OOOXJKI^ THIS opposite directions. It will be difficult
to wag on under such circumstances.
The new brick mill of the 8hnw Stock-
ing company, built in accordance with
t bey generally do.

this year will sverage abont the aame as Carey declaimed "The Rising in 1776" in a ing carH followed.
A few choirs will re- very creditable manner. "A visit to Had the train been uoing nt its ufiiial
main as they were, some wiil be entirely Westminster abbey," written by Miss spettl it must have Kone into n Ktreain, and
the several questions involved
were discussed in all their bearings. Fi-
nally it was agreed that the spinners
U> northw«»t.
Syrup of Figb. .1^ ._.. T *-»„ ....George Friend of Nantucket, who the principles of modern m.U engin- The Bod Mart-he In Holiday Drra. Koler-
iL I)o not. accept anj And should accept a reduction of seven pence
WHAT IS GOING ON. There ia a feeling of aatiafaction with
wishes .
to try
INTEREST to the LADIES of 'unsuocessfully attempted suicide both by
eering, uumpleted and has tteen occu-
Crowds Ot Ita Coatoiui-ra changed, while the rest will he in part as Lixsie Maguire, was read by Miss Alice A. great Ions of life would liuve n'»ulu'(l. An
What follows will Puoell. It was a well-written ea^ay snd in tlie {iound in their wagea. The mas-
CommenrlBg Monday, March 90. substitute. pied about a month. It is 2Ja\ 1-2 feet by they were before.
give as fall an idea of this as it is poaaible delivered so as to be easily heard. After exnminaaon tors agreed to again start their ipindles
evervcaatomer leaving the drug store of poisoning and drowning, waa a queer il- Yes, Lowell's great emporium was in Kliowed that the Hwiteh hud
the public in general, 76, with two stories snd a basement, and
Moisan & Bmith, 53 and 55 Preacottatreet. Mias H. M.
Blake, 14 Central street, will
holiday dress yesterday, and a beautiful to obtain at the present day. "Sweet liif n lii'oken and turned .'iml the cnloretl on Monday, and thus has ended one of
Huntiogt«D ball, gratluatian •xereUea, ereolog They have received their money's worth pUoe on sale a new lot of spring gloves in lustration of the saying "A friend in has a new chimney' 150 feet high. The the singing of Glover's Visions of
dress it was. For the last week the auir Childhood" by a semi-chorus Miss Mary lamp <-arried away. Tin- Htriker-t here in- the longest lights ever known in the cot-
bigb •I'bool,
snd'bave bought their gooda at the low- desirable
greys and pearl, with bUick SAN FHAMCISCO. C*L and it is needless to say that for need, a friend indeed." basement is about eight feet posted in BAPTIST CHtTaCHBB. ton trade.
UMI&VIUE. Kt. H£W rOM. Il,f. the clear, the first floor 14 and the aeoond bitiouB employes have t>ecn busily at Sheehan recited "The Drummer sist timt tbe affair wan not partieipat-cd in
Opera llouae, (forman'a minatrcla
eet cut price. Try tbeij yooraell.
trimmings, which are of special value:
work. v.. Sheppard & Son, the popular Miss Jennie Clifton retirea as organist E. V. Mission Kidge," a well-chosen se- by any of them. Ijut pri)lKtl)ly by Home of When the spinders struck or were
7 hook pique, real kid f 1.36, reguUr fl.7a the same quality, etc., our In view of the eminent fitness aud 14 1-2 feet. A new boiler bouse bas also
florists, lent their kindly aid, snd the at the Branch street Ubernach- and Wil-
Boy of
locked out, about five months ago, thou-
TpS been built, 55 by 47 feet, containing a new The exercise in sbort-hand their hot-headed MyiniMttlii/.i-rs.

Woman's HoapiUl, 37 Kirk street.

CITY. Soods; siies from
n 6'/i to ,,,,
._ 6Vi; every pair
tted and warrana ted. Please call and ex-
ABELS & SONS. Friday Afternoon IMst services of the statistician of the ag-
ricultural department, it seems
Dodge SecreUry
a pity 100- horse power Rollins engine of
Corliss type, which runs all the works of
the work was done.
The enormous show windows sre the
first attraction. Here the skill of Mr. Fred
liam E. llallotvell succeeds bcr.
At tbe First Baptist Albert 1-'. French snd
remains as organist and J. Avison Baker
typewriting by members of Miss It is HupfMmed. however, thiit the attempt
Ruggles's class proved quite interestnig, to wreck the train was nu attempt to iiiiir
sands of other mill hands were thrown
out of work. "The spin nera, who had the
hirge fund of their organiEation to fall
tbst he wasn't able to the company. There is room for six boil- will again lead the chorus choir, Mrs.
and demonstrated that the class has been (lerGenenU ManiiK'''' Harry Ashley. H« wore well prepared for
Who doesn't smoke '"Old Hundred?" What is Meant by "Free B««s." Morton's official clearer. ers, hut three only are now in position. Bosquet, assisted ly Mr. Fred Bickford,
fepin being tbe le)tding soprano. a BuocesB. "An Estimate of Shakespeare'' had been up tbe road and wna c a his wiiy
back upon,
Hgbt, but the
is shown to great advantage in the dreas long aud bitter
Lester's liall to rent •one evening eanb
When a certain sum of do- money INFANTS' DEPARTMENT. They sre tubulsr boilers, each 16 feet long, At the Chelmsford street church George awaa the title of a declamation delivered in a
other operatives, who had no union,
manner by Edward M. McKin- homo on this train. Only hy
week. A new let of Infant.' Long and Uhort Klannel from tn^works of Bcannell A Wholey. goods and genial display windowa, forcible
nated for the support of a single bed in a E. Metcalf wiil be re-engaged, with prob- ley. Marv A. Cooney read ".\ few facts Th»> Mr rent <.<ioii l-'Mitiine had no means of support. The sufferings
Chance for fine millinery eatabliahment,
36 Central' atreet.
The semi-annual opaning at the Bon
privateor public hospital for any given SklrU
Ju.l received, flni.hed with bands;
from iijaln one* at J'' eent. to richly
time, that particular oed is called a free ered one. at Vi.tQ. Embroidered Cream Flannel
bed, and, unless otherwise specified, tJhawla from

cenU to $3 eai-b- A great variety

Prices Fear and Evening, Flew un. Swift Stream.
Clow on. swift stream, amid the
Flow on and daoce w-itli Joy, ditions.
The new mill is well ligbted and much while Mr. Berkley himself, the hesd of
attention has been paid to sanitary con- the millinery department, haa arranged
Ample facilities to extinguish bis windows in a manner which for artis-
ably the same quartette ai< before.
.\t the Mt. Vernon street the organiat
will bs Miss Irene Pindar, and the quar-
on shorthand," which being original did he escape. He is greall, wrought up
were the more interesting. Tbe orches- and will leave no Htoiie mn iii-'ii-*! to catel;
during the winter were frightful, but
notwithstanding that men, women and
children were hungry and cold, and in
an ordlnnry nre are supplied in the form tic taste and t>eauty cannot be excelled. tra gSAC s medley and the chorus followed

can be used, without charge, of ChrltteniDg Kobe» and Short White Dreue*. Ami tell mouf the happy hours tette will probably be Miss 8prague, so- he perpretators of the job. ai d the Aun hundreds ol instances, homelesa, the
Marche occurs today. whom of overhead sprinklers and other apparat- On entering the itore the genial
greet- with a "Summer Song."

deserving person When I waa yet a boy. prano. Miss Florence Fowler, contralto, lia%'e oflVrtHl *i<xx» reward spirit ol the striken was not broken, snd
Chanoe for good business
street; fine show windowa.
at 36 Central by sny
the managers deem proper to receive. No Competition, I watcbed theo with tbo lored ones then,
Now all Hluue I come airain
us. The heating is by a hot-air system,
which affords an ample supply of fresh Mr.
ing of the
(ileason, ia
a tit
index Mr. John Bojd, tenor, snd Mr. H. C. Gal-
, "A sketch from Irving,"
Miss Sheehan, waS'read by Miss
.^ rl»or officialu

to r thei r ca pt u re. they refused to accept the terms offered

Such beds sre of especial usefulness in a Kei iu,.rp»rl button Kid OIot*.. la tana aud
company new looms to the spirit animating the whole estab- loupe, basso. credit of twth. Miss Lizeie The report that President Gonipera ot them by the mssten.
The graduation exerciaes of the even- private hospiUl like the Woman's hos- reda, with blacii welt to:>. and black .titchlng, only To wander by tbs river; air. The is receiving
There will he no (^hange at the Paige Adie, to the Longfellow's "Wreck of the American Federation of LalM>r would
ing high school will be held in Hunting- piUl, where the first free bed was fsUb- $1.38, have been .elliug for #1.7.^. And J am old and they are gone. from the Dulcher-Temple company of lishment. Mr. Spence presides in bis street church. Charles O. Allen will be
Maguire recited
Hopedale, and when they are fully intro- own indefatigable way over the dress the Hesperus," with clearness, and Robert come to Toledo aooii ht * ^creatly en- FIVB LIVES LOST.
ton hall at 7.30 o'clock this evening.
J. M. Book's wedding cake is jaatly cel-
Powaer fisbed. We hope the day is near st hand
when others can claim honor in tbis "re-
Bat it uuchaofced is glidlns on
As young and brig;bt as ever. ducett the production of the mills under goods and trimmings, the cotton, woolen,
all the improved conditions will be in- and linen, and the men's
furnishings de-
organist, Mra. Q. B. Alien, soprano.
Miss Julia Pevey, contralto, l>:wis M. S. "The
Ganley appeared to good advantage in couraged the men. There Iinh iN-eii talk
Red Man's Rights." of the Aun Arljor freight haiuUers even
ebrated. He does fine decorative work of gard. u Sweatt, tenor, and Harry Saann. ttaaco. DMtructlve Fire At Paiiliunka. Indian Na-
UDchanged it seenis, yet wbn can stay creased 6() per cent. The new mill will be partments, ably assisted in the latter by AttheWorthen atreet Baptist Walter by Miss The valedictory was written and read down to the Polish coal Nhovi-llerM (;oing
every sort at the New Vienna Bakery, 24 tion.
Paige street. Pure Ladies' Diagonal Tan olored .JackeU, very full

upper aleev*.. •p«:ial price V> eaeh. Ml*ee«' Three

As the tollowinji prices will Tbo water's cei^iektw motion?
The little waves of ye«terday
(or knitting and finishing. The old mill Mr. Hutcbinson. Mr. Fred Ethier bas
will contain the stock, boarding and dye- heaped credit ujjon
himself by tl.e skil- E. Owen will attll preside at the organ,
Jennie M. McGregor,
the best effort of the evening. It was
and was
out HO as to aanlKt the eugiiieerK. Thu GiTHRiE, O. March 24.— Meagre de-
Our line of pocket cutlery is now com- Cape Jacket*, tan. and navy, apeeial prie* f^. but a preceptor has not b^en chosen. appropriate essay on strikern think that Mr. tiom|)erH will have
A cream of tartar baking powder. C. F. Foss A Co. were ful way in which he has trimmed this
Today hiivu rcat-lied the oruan; ing departments. part preceded by an tails have been received from i'auhusks,
Chlldren'H Keefer .lackel., many .Ire., age. two to show: At tbe Fifth street church tbe chorus "Duty," in which the members of the something to do with Ktarting such u
plete: prices reasomble, and every knife Bigheat of all in leavening strength. Beaytiful Li^ht Coloreil rniuarknd, unmisatxl, they sirlftly fly: the principal contractors for erecting the of the store. Here are to be seen dreas
Osage Nation, of a fire which swept away
warranted. L\ E. Adams, No. 22:^-8 Mid- -iMtemt Vttited Statea Govemmeni
twelve, from #1 'S up.
goods in endless variety, in fact every- choir will continue to be a success and F.
MIHtary Openins next weeli. Unmarked, onmlsscd, we. too, most die new mill. class were asked to be true to themselves, movement.
B. Hill luis been re-engaged as organist. a large portion of tbe town, destroying
dlesex atreet.
Minnie Dwyer, while on her way ^o
food Report. Open Friday evenlngn hereafter.
The Presence of our Friends and Patrons is And leave the mighty river. The company now employ from 450 to thing out of which women's
Where youth and Joy and luveaadstrifa 500 "ooeratives, mostly young women. are made. The linen and flannel depart-
and then the last words to cUasmates
and teachera were spoken.
Chief Arthur haa sent word that he will
Ih' here .Sunday afternoon. the Indian Council house, several large

'I'liere l.s u po»
And all the various modos of life. The company was incorporated in 1877, ments, the dress trimmings and Rev. R. A. Greene presented the diplo- sibility of still more trouble with the men. stores, besides many smaller buildings.
walk on
thia morning,
Bulfollc street,
She was Uken
fell on an icy side-
dislocating her
to her home on
106 Wall Street. N. Y.
ABELS~~& SONS, Cutleura Soap, regular prlee 2tic.,
Bifost Cordially Invited. Flow oD anchaaeed forever.
-W. K. H. Lecky.
and began work with but eight looms, lace
with a productio.1 of but 28 dosen daily. ever3'

The Kirk street choir begins the year
with Sidney R. Fleet ss organist, Mn. mas, making a pleasant B(>eech in so do-
A cfmdiictor has Imm-ii discharged. He
Blanche Uealcy as soprano in the absence ing. He said that the improvement made says he wan let go because he sympathiKed
The report says tnat five lives were lost
in the ilames.
Welle* Block, Merritnacle Street. Now there are over 300 looms in opera- competent management. The glove de- of Mra. Alice Somers-Jenkius, Mies in the class had been marked, aud it was
Market street.
In Cedar Brotcn, Cinnamon our price 13 i-'Jc earnestly with the engineers tusuit the Fatal Railroad Accident.
The street superintendents of the vari- WUHnKtofi.. tion. The prosperity of the company mrtment is of more thsn passing interest.
Kmma L. Hathaway is reengagid as con- all owing to the peraeverance of its mem- too company. EVAN8VILL9, Ind., March 24.— About 9
Broten, Hazrl and Maple, in tmsiness energy and capac- The new styles in opera and street lengths done
ous cities and towns in Massachusetts
formed sn organlration at the Quincy
Wednesday evening.
THE IVEW all the leading style*. VTE ^4.It-:E , Colgate'* Caehmere Bouquet Soap,
regular price 3Sc., our price
When the subject of doctcj fee* is men- shows what with
tioned, a well known pbyxician likes to tell
ity, coupled
inventive genius, will are very elegant. The line of kid, silk,
liale and taffeta gloves in all sbadea is
tralto and Mr. George F. tilurtevant as ben. He referred to what
tenor. Mr. Frank Murphy, who sang in aa only an opening for the more imiiort-
Manchester last year, a'ill be the baaso. ant dtities of life to foUoa-.
had been
In answer to the statement made by
Chief Artliur, General .Manager Aahley hiw
o'clock last night the east-bound passen-
ger train on tbe Louisville, Evansville
house, Bostoif, the story bC s'ybting niaii who was very Ul complete. This big stere includes al- Tbe Eliot church will have Miss Helen A pleasant incident in connection with made a 8tat«-mfnt, in which he says: "Thih
Robert E. Crowley of thia city was elect-
LAMSON & HUBBARd Showing aU the latest sad Tsrr ecor, t<» whom he gave unremit- The MasaarhusetiM Coltlvatlna; the Do- most everything, and the Jewelry, toilet Hamilton as organist, Mrs. Jennie Liv- the presentation of the diplomas was the ruin pany pays all of it.H freijglit engineers and St. Louis railroad struck a tree which
ed one of the directors. Pear*' tjn*cent«d Soap*, regular :- Market. underwear and comet de Miss swarding ot a gold medal to Miss Annie Kl'K) per KW miles, and overtime after 1-1 had blown across the track, a mile east of
A special Bsle of new and second-hand
democrat wagons, square wagons. 4:<"^"j
Wm. P. Brazer & Co., styles and shapes in hats price tSc, our prtee tie. -: dONCERT PROGRAMME. tib^' aod finnlly ntirood back to healtk.

Bcfuro bs hnd n-coTcieU his atrengtli kl

The Maimaehnsetts Cotton mills hate
menti, ntiaer Mr.' 1Ktrkl8|^T««pff
establishments in themselves.
* 4Bgaleaa-4lMrbarne as sdprano,
Blanche Lihby as contralto. Mr. Arthur T. McLaughlin for attending evary ses- hoiiRi! at .TO cents per hour. Tiie nieri ar< Huntingburg. The engine and three
at dragged liiin.-.olf feebly to the doctor's of- saflerod, with the Appleton, in the losa are all W. Tkylor as tenor, and Robert Leatham, sion of tbe school during the term. It not cliiHsified. coaches were turned over and completely
ing buggies, Meadow brook cart, Concord BATTBR8 A3JD MEN'S OnXFITXERS. Famou* No. 4711 ^ap, regular price Rcv and ctid«nvorc^ to exprsKs bis grati- of China trade. A year ago there were In the millinery department interest at Jr., who comes from the Kirk street was offered by Supervisor Smith, and the wreoked. A brakeiuan was fatally iu-
wagons, Goddard buggies, carryalls, etc., UXX) looms ranning :n the Massachusetts tbis time naturally centres. The shades young woman was beartly applauded ThU In a Higher Rat« iured, and three possengera seriously
SOc., our price SSc. bar. tude, wbiA' tt'iw DOl trrt-atcr than bis Kcief church, as basso.
etc., etc. In connection with J. E. Con- on goods for China, whereas today there tbis spring are very bright and pretty. At the First CeBgregational church Mr. upon receiving it. Throughout the ex- than is paid by any rojul in Michigan, ex-
.T ant A Co.'b regular Saturday aale, tomor- BOWERS' 214 Wlddlesei Street.
our that hs bud nothing but thunkH with which The new "Eminence" ia to be popular, Solon W. Stevens will add another year ercises the audience was much more re- cept the Michigan Central. Ninety per
Beet Va*eline, regular price lOe.,
to repay the del*. '
is not a loom running on these goods.
combined with corresponding sbadea of Run on a Bank.
row forenoon. This loss has been made up in a small de-
J. E. the travelling agent
price Sc. jk.ETER.IVOOI^ I>IlOOXl.-A.3i:iM[E. "Uiik'a.s," wild the young man
"you ftcald lie witlint; to accept pay-
gree by an increase in South American green. Straw and chips in large patterns
are the thing, and the display of msde-up
to his long and successful term as organ- sponsive thsn uaual.
ist. Mr. C. R. Thomas, wbu comes from Supt. A. K. Whitcomb was practical
the Worthen street Baptist, will lead the and interesting in the brief address be
cent of the engineers run freights. There
are only seven men engaged in the passen-
DtJNKiHK, N. Y., March 24.— A run was
whose handbag was stolen from St.
Charles hotel a short time ago, has recov- BICYCLE OPENING, Hood's Tooth Powder, regular price
V5c., our price ISc. PART
ment my way."
demand, although n<» looms are run ex-
clusively on that class of production. hats and bonnets is indescribably pleas-
ing. The trimmings sre mostly lace and
congregational singing that is a feature made, adding worda of advice to those al- ger service. Of these, two reniained with
started on the Merchanta' National bank
here yesterday, and depositors crowded
ered the contents. They were left in a
"What in your wny?" inquired the doc- Sheetings, shirtings, drills and cotton of tbe church ready spoken. The orchestra pUyed the the company and are still at work. They
flowers, with some feathers; little jet is Tbe choir at tbe John street ehnreh. High School march, composed by Walter exprvNs theinwlves as satistled. the teller's window until the bank closed.
room on Middlesex street which the thief Lubins Baby Powder, Ro*eor Violet, Schubert tor, with HOiiie amuseiueut. flannels still constitute the articles of
used but more small ornaments in bright
occupied for one day only. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd, 1. Overture. " Rosamunde." • • *
am a musician by profession," rej manufacture by this company. Mr. with tbe exception of the basso, is new: E. Owen, in closing. The diplomas were "The men on the^e runs e<im from ?130() The oflicials say that the run was mali-
regular price tSc, our price
For durability, style and comfori, it ha - Reeves Southwortn, the agent, has now been colors. Mre. Hallie Perry, aopranj; Mra. M. K. presented toth« following graduates: to ^14410 per ye:ir for s«Tvice of eight houn" ciously started by certain persona with
A freight car went off the track be- toe. 2 la. PatroL " The Passing Kegiment" plied the voiinK inaii. "I t«uch tbo fiut*-,
almost four years in that position, suc- One must csll on Mr. Chris Holmes and Tenney, contralto; Mr. Osmond Long, James Henry Carey^ president, hliza- per day or less on trains of two and three intent to injure the bank. They say they
tween Market and Middle streets this For sale by smd I shoiiid like to give you some lw«otu> his cloak and suit department to get any
morningonaccount of the slippery con-
no aqaal.
Moszkowski ceeding Mr. F. F. Battles, deceased. Tbis tenor; Mr. J. Hot>ert Beals, basso; E. K. beth Tbereaa Maguire, secretary, Mary cars schetluled at 'J4 iiiik's per hour. Thu are prepared to pay every dollar and have
Day and Evening. Michelson'a Be*t Bay Bum, lonr* lb. Spanish Dance. "Bolero." - - upon it." idea of its elegance and completeness. He Ellen Verecunda Sheehan, Mary Ellen
dition of the tracks. It strgck the rear lossof export trade has not affected the Bsldwin. organist. freight engineeif* all vkirn Ix'tween *I(KI and fl00,000 remaining. There is not much
Hartmann "Ab:" exclainii-d the doctorjtliou^tful company to any serious disadvantage, and is now at the Kirk street end of the store, Miss llefen Ward wiU again be the or- Adie, Alice Nannie ToWnsend, Jennie
of the Lynch building, damaging a fire site, half price, only SSc. 3. Cornet Solo. "Carmencita." ' - tM) a muiitb. This w hat Arthur calls t he alarm felt among the business men.
so his visitors hsve no stsirs to climb. Anne
escape and breaking a door. It was re- -: LEADING DEALERS. :- ly. "no you lire a flute player. MI tell you," it will doubtless seek to make up its loss ganiat at the Highland Congregational Margaret Mcliregor, Alice Puecll,
The public are cordiaUy and Rev. C. L. Merriam, who is proficient Jarai« l.«wrence Laueblin, Arthur Mc- grinding proc-ess. We have Ijetwecii KXXI
invit- the art and drapery departments
turned w ith some djflaculty. Beat Sachet Powder, all odor*, only Mr. R. McDANIEL. ho said whhr.iiaiUy, "I iiin t<K) ii man in new markets abroad, or by securing a In
Th«> Impeachment of Judge Dnnhar Want-
better domestic demand. Mr. Oarr abows a dainty assortment in music as well as several other things, Cann, Robert Stephen Ganley, John Ed- and 1:JIIU applicants for the pri^'ilege of be-
ed to inspect our newly fitted lOc.pttckage.
Beyer to take IcxKons on the (liitc-, but supiMMO
laces/ chenille and mualins. ward Mullen, Michael Henry Cullen, Wil- iuK ground at these -pricea."
Medley Overture. " The New and the Old."
of will lead the congregational singing.
I.OWCU Co-o^lrative Milk Aasociatlon. A. yon malvc yourself comfortable here in th« In the basement Mr. Clay manages his BOOTON, March 24.— A long petition waa
Mr. George J. Holmes, well and favora- salesroom. 39 Preseott Street, AUo WO dozen Colgate'* be*t and my
round* and blow out
go The Hamilton's New Mlli Ahnoat Beady There will t>e an entire change at the liam Herbert Stopherd.|
Introducine Prince Methusdah. La Cisrale, O'Grady's Goat, while enormous department devoted to china, CHILDiREN"MTsSING. presented in the House this afternoon
office I
to Htart. High street church. Miss Maud E. Para- Short- hand (two yeara)— Marietta Mar-
bly known throughout the city, has been and examine our fine line of most popular Fine Perfumed thf nmoitiit yoti think you owe lue." Manu- glass and silver ware, lamps, pictures and dls, the organist, comes from tbe John garet McGrade, Georgiana Augusta Ken- asking for the impeachment of Judge
Boccaccio, Ehner Waltz,. WiUiam TeU, Galop, Attack, Dream
The new mill of the Hamilton
chosen superintendent of the Lowell Soaps, as tihlte CaettU, White 'I'he youii}; nmn, wbo uppcars to hnxt
company— a kitchen furniture. This end of the big atreet church, and is one of the rising ney, Mary Agnes Cooney, Clara Edgeriy Stolen From Their Father By ths Woman
creamery. wheels for 1893.
facturing four-story struct-
store is the largest of its kind in New
Dunbar. It was signed by J. W. Stillman,
on the Ocean, Miss Helyett, Good-bye, Sweet Day, Alert, The voung musicians of the city. Mra. F. W. Marshall, Edward Marsden McKinley.
Clematis, Honey, Glycerine, been of u literal turn of iiiiud. actually took which two stories were added Who Deserted Him.
ure, to last a book agent, who complains- that Judge
England outside of Boston.
for S.reet Laborer*.
More Pay Oatmeal, Bay Rum and Old hia lK?loved fluVo from its bajj and was year-will be in full operation probably
So an extended tour through the store
Whitman, the soprano, formerly sang at
Veaper Toumaineat. Bknnihotox, Vt.. .March ai.— A ciwe of Dunbar acted unjustly towards petition-
The men in the street department work Fairy Doll. about to \)nt,\\i the payment when h« by the first or middle of May. The sto- the Fifth street church. Mrs. Joseph er in a case tried last January. The pe-
Broum Windsor, all regularly caught tbo (loot or'i;oxpp'--sii)n and saw that ries added will be devoted to carding and shows an enormous and carefully selected Peabody, contralto, has been favorably In tbe Vesper tournament last even-
abduction occurred in Montpelicr wbicti is
tothe judiciary com-
but nine hours a day, for which they re- sold at lUc. cake: we »Kall sell On Barley stock of just what the people of Lowell team creating much e.xciienjent. Three yearn
tition was referred
ceive fl.75. Councilman Noble bas intro- IF 5. Xylophone Solo. '* Time.'* -
tbo 8Ugi;e8tioa waa made in joke. spinning, the four lower stories being
used by other departments. The roof of waut at right prices.
heard in private musical circles. Waiter ing team four
without much
The ago tlie wife of William Blaiichard sud-
duced an order, which has passed the the entire lot at the unprece- B. Douglass, tenor, sang at the church two nine trouble.
HENRY DUFRESNE. "HoHct'ineil so oppressed with gratitude The American orchestra furnished de-
council and has been^bled-by the alder-
men, making the rate of pay f2 a day, and
dented lot*.' price of only 9 cents
Mr. and uii.xious to do something," wtys the the four-story mill— built quite a number
of years ego— was raised gradually while lightful
programmes afternoon and even-
that thronged the atore.
years ago, and was a memberof St. Anne's finish of the tournament is going to be ilenly left bis bed and IxMiril and later was
choir for a time last year. Arthur M. close, and the stsnding of the teams fol- discovered in MaawK-husetts. of the Denver,
Three Pfretnen Killed.
Col., March 24. -The building
ver cake. doctor, ill telling the story, "that I let him
the additional stories were being built, ing to the crowds Burtt, the basso, comes from tbe Firat lows the score:
the number of hours the same.
Ko Kind of a Freahet So Far.
Another decided bargain. 300 Bores
PART 11. play nt an entertainment for some poor
children not loiiy after, and if flute playing
so that there was no cessation of work and every
one declares tbis to be one of
while the enlargemrnt was in progress. the grandest "openings"
that this city
MErraODIBT. r"'
TRAM ruiB.
time since his wife's <lesertion UlancLard
TutaU. .Vvg.
has cared for his two little thildreii, now
agwl H and in years respectively, and re-
belonging to the Summit Fuel and Feed
company at the corner of Third and Lara-
Bicycle Department, fine Writing Paper, with En- The increased facilities for making yarn has ever seen. ButterfifM. ..1.'.7 164 ui4 171
ha»« any vnliic lie CfTtainly blew out the en- mie strecta burned this morning. Three
The Merrimack river is really low when
velope* to match, plain or ruled, 6. Grand Selection from " Mienoi."
- ThomM tirp ftinonut of his iudebtnesa on that occa- will be of much advantage.
Mrs. M. A. Hamilton will play the or- *l.rigbton..
gan in the Worthen streeS church. A tialinon.....
..13U 130 V.W< SM

]% sides on Court Htrevt.
firemen were killed.
the time of the year is considered; instead
..I«J 164 178
When he went home for dinner Thur*-
of being high, as many think. This morn-
Your carriage 39 PRESCOTT STREET. made by the Warwick and 7.
Clarinet Solo. Air Varie, The Rose." Thornton sion niid seetntl to be greatly relievetL"— Obitnary.
Indie Shaw, infant daughter of Harry
chorister for the chorus haa hot yet been Marren
..Ii! lao

1S1 day be missed his chihlreii. It was dlK-
ing only about 4 inches of water waa com- Monumental Mills. We shall St. Georgre
Youib'H Cimirf-nioa. Sttll Busy at the nic Shop.
died at the residence
covcM-d that Mrs. iilaiKhurd, who had Had Part of Redwine's Money.
»yf ing over the flash boards at the dam. repaired anid a. Morceau. " The Chinese Picnic." Work continues brisk at the Lowell E. and Cora J. Shaw, Miss Carrie Hird will still plav tbe or- T<iUl.. .ISl 741 -tx Jjei 7Jfl
Atlanta, March as.—A sensation was
This represents 2 feet 4 inches above the offer at !i boxes for 25c. 8.
CONTEMPORARY HUMOR. Machine shop. Orders are being filled for of the parents,-fi9
Third street, yesterday, gan in tbe Central church, and Mr. Harry been in tblH section for moiiio two weeks
b. La Traika. RuHsian Dance." - Braham two months. TBAM NINE. past, secretly watched as Blanchard went develo[>ed in tbe Redwine defalcation case
different sections of tbeconntry. A con- aged Stocks will again direct the chorus choir.

dam. The ice has not really begun to

break up. It is still thick and Arm, but
A sudden rise in the
want good What boys anS children will wear this
9. Euphonium Solo. Fantasia. " Longinfif.
Lob Doctor—The fear about being buried
by most people, is •
siderable amount of machinery is
Priscilla A. Lee, formerly of this
died in Moline, III., last week, at the
Miss Christina Gillard will he the leading It<>an
soprano. I'e«rM>ii.
, 152
!•« ea***!!*!
I7» 14<) 1&>
to his shop in the morning, entered tbe by tbe arrest of Mrs. Marie Hammond, aa
house and took the children away. A »he waa fleeing from the city. The police
is slowly melting. alive, entertained made for local concerns. All years and 6 months. She was \Vi«bl... LSI its LSI 4M4 Kil
river would break it up fast, but other-
wise it well go out very slowly.
work go where season is determined. The collection of
Mr. 0. R. PARK. foolish ode.
Piltient— You think so?
room machinery is being made for the
in Bow, N. H., in 1828, her maiden
new mill of the Hamilton, and some name being Heath. She was married at At the Firat UniVersalist the organist
IIS ITH 4.^ • IM
letter j^ the pOHtoflici- said she had taken department have absolute proof that sha
them to Waterhury, hut would return .soon. has secureid some of the money, possibly
spring things in our boys' department Lovenberg Doctor— Yes. The doctors do not per-
tliey know 10. Medley Overture. "A Royal Flush." looms and slashers besides.
A linciy gotten up catalogue of the im- the age of 20 years to James Sanborn of
will be the same as lastyear, Mr. Barrill of
Total 0W» 712 75S 2160 Latest developments show that she about 135,000. Redvtine ntole $150,000.
Hint t« the Police.
Messrs. Editors : I notice in your issue
-: JUST OPENED :- will satisfy all cariosity on that point. Remember we carry in stock mit anybody to be buried alive.— [N. Y.
Press. proved fly frames manufactured by the
Manchester, and after living there and in
moved to Lowell. In 1866
L«wrence. Miss Jennie 1.. Lewis will
t>e the soprano. Mrs. Ctias. H. Mcf ntire •ITASOINU or THE < LCS".
hcMrded the 8:15 a. m. train Thursday,
aitke<I the conductor for a ticket to Bos- Steels Maokaye Lous.
today in the item of "Police News" that "LADY GREY" company, containing 28 pages, with dura- Nashua they was killed on the railroad in the contralto, Eklward E. Adams the Team. Won. I'er et.
The third case this week of the «> the celebrated Onions are healthy. Plumbers get fst pam- Mr. Sanborn tenor, and Mr. Charles Page, basso, the -h.n ton, obtained one to Wells River, and that .Vkw Yobk, March 35.— The long drawn
Chief Howard was Uklng care of the In the K. ...
go into Kilt ble covers, has been issued. •i

and 15 years later his widow


Children frop 3 to 6 years

tramps by sending them to the city farm nowned Lamson & Hubbard Hats in on leaks.- [Philadelphia Times. phlet are engravings showing all the this city, & • »
71.4 Hhe ia now without doubt in Bostou with out litigation Ixitween Steele Mackaye and
to spend their leiwure hours in amusing oiir own special proportions for youn Fauntlaroy
Soaps and Perfumery and other ea^:ei^itvg i»ti^og:r^[3i:e. Talk is cbeap. If you don't believe it cbangea lor gcflnng for different numbers mo%-ed tothe west. She was married to
latter the only change from the quartette
of last year.
•Li 4he children^ Shook A Palmer over r.<(l,ll<)i) royalties on
Superintendent Collins and keeping him
out of mischief. Now if Chief Howard
How To Do It. men. Three hei^j^ht^ of crown an
brims to match.
Snits or Zoasve, Junior oi

Baits with short trousers. These little

makes, also .Toilet Waters,
rXmr r.
Me how rooch you can get tor the price of
a ahave.— [i!)lmlra Qazette.
of roving. The demand for the new kind
of frames keeps th<^ company busy.
William Lee in 1887. They made their
boms in Cambridge, 111., » here she was
an active member in the Baptist church
At the Bhattuck street church WillUm
T. Sateliffe will again be tbe organiat, and
ww9*m SOWS mm

W.l TTie Uly Plot In It HZ"
the play of "Hose Michel" was bronght to
sn end in the court of appeals by '^tt oiKr~
will kindly have the loafers and bummers Face there will this A-ear be a mixed quartette ...» .17 !• London, March2.'>.— A caveat has been tion in favor of Shook & Palmer.
Coloffnes, Toilet Cream, Upson Downes. "Parveneer believes In and president of the W. C. T. U. At the
who can be seen every day, and more par- Boits io fanoy Cheviots, Light Cessi-
pruninK his genealogical tree." A New Industry. time of her death deceased was visiting
as follows: Miss Minnie Clifford, so- -.UJt entered against the proljate of any will
ticularly in the evening, loafing on the prano; Miss Sylvia Bambam, contralto; 4...
which may have been made by the late
-ibeNS and Velvets are the quainteat con- Cream, Baby Powder, Saeliet
March. '*
The Gladiator." S<hiia Rowne de Bout. ''How U that?" A new industry thnt has started here her son in. Moline. She had been in ill ...» |t.3 Mrs. Corso Comes Out In Prinl
aidewaik from the post office to Bridge
Blreet and from there around on Bridge
THE SAWYER howa-h-d sc CO.,
Powder, Dentifrices for the

Overture. " Maritana." • -

- Wallace

ITpson Downes. "He cuts his poor rela-

tions when he meets them.— [Fuck.
recently bids fair to be a great success. It health for aeveral months. The inter-
is a company which nianufnctures spa- ment was at Riverside.
Mr. George H.Taylor, tenor and director;
Mr. Walter Knapp, basso.

Thia Week** Market Flarere*-

Abingdon Daird. It is signed by David P.
Clark, acting for |Mtrties having an inter-
Chicaqo, March 25.— Mrs. Corse of the
brought out in child's dress. 2. ...
Women's 'Temple boaixl of trustees occu-
Paige street, requested to find some other 46 Merrimack Streek
Mobr "I'd like tent compound called Candidum, and Mrs. Ida C. Horn died thia morning at u»rr ASIAN. The market j>riocs this week are but est in the projierty. The statement that pies several oolumus of space in a paper
place to spit their tobacco juice, and do tlMm,'tS.60 Teeth, Hair Brushes, Tooth 3. Solo for Clarinet. " Second Air Varie." Barnes (Uying sside a letter).
which is located on Congress street. 3.30 o'clock at her home on Fletcher

There will be no change st the l^nita little different from those of last week. Mrs. Langtry would have derived large
their swearing, I think he will be doing a
good work, which many will appreciate.
CARRIAGE CO. We've* a bewildering lot of

Brooms, Hand JAMES P. LARKIN.

t' set this 'ere feller for
Mrs. Bamss. "Why. Josh?
a hired man."
" This product ia on sale in our 60 grocery street from consumption, aged 36 years.] rian church, both cboir and con Provisions remain the same, snd the
tion being aatisfled. Mr. Uenrv 'TTi-. prospect of a fall in beef or pork seems
benefit has no foundation.
this nforning in refuation of the cbargsa
of mismanagement made against bar ts
and np<vard. Brushes, Brush Mr. Barnes. " 'Cause he signs himself 'Youf stores in Lowell, and the demand for it is She was a native of Waltham, in which
good. Proparntlons are now going on for city she had spent a greater ptirt of her
ton is organiat and director. Miss till far in the future. There is an sban- eonne<'tion with t he Templa.
Lowell, March 22, 18M^ 85 MIDDLE ST. Fanntleroy Blouses in plain lewn or Mirrors, Combs and Hair
Pins in 4. Grand Medley. " Scanlan'g Sonies." - Loeioh obedient tervaat.' "—[Pack.
extending the business to other dities, life. She wss an employe of A. Joitephine CObnm is soprano. Mrs. D. A. dance of good vegetables in the nuurket
Woman Suffrage Klllsd.
AUOCSTA, Me. March —The suspenoe
'Si. Wants llOMOO For Dexter Prinoo.
" LauKhing Eyes." Bendix "Yoa sent for me, I believe, sir," said and all efforts so far are meeting with G. Pollard 4 Co. The deceased Floyd contralto, Mr. Edward Wir*. tenor,' at fair pricea. The aUple, poUtoes, still

question was re-

Fine dressmaking by a Boston modiste, Real - on the
with white or colored embroldariee com- Metal, Bone, Celluloid and and Mr. (ieorge Bams besao. Xkw York, .March Al.— Dan McCarthy
Concert Polka. stiff rage

now with Mrs. J. 6. Bixby, 20 Osgooti

Easter salts at reduced rates.
6. theoaller to Mr. Cleveland.
"Are you the walking delegate I asked
success. wss s member of the Pawtncketville Con-
Sregationai church, and a teacher in the PISST PRBSBTTBBIAX.
remain high, snd fl.20 a bnahel is the
price. Greens, such ss dsndelions,'^kale
lieved by the action of the house in refus- haA announced his retirement from the
street. plete the eostume. fortoise and other requis-
Shell, PART II. •fter?" The llarker Company^ Had a Good Wlater. unday school. She is survived by her The choir bss been re-engaged as fol- and spinach, are cheap when the seaaon ing to ooncur with the senate in passing tiiifand la reviy t-o dispose of his 510 head
"Yes, Can do auythlng for vouT" The H. R. Barker company has done a mother, Mrs. M. "3. Reed, one brother. Eggs are still the bill. The bill was defeated by a vote
lows: Soprano, Miss Jeanie Burns; con- of the year is consldsred.
sir. I
of trotterrf and ruimers, including the
Boo Marche.
That last coffee ? WeU, try We've fl(ty*new things in stylish Cher- ites of the toilet apartment at . «My dear sir," replied the President- remarkably good winter's business, Bird C. Reed, driver of engine 3, snd one tralto, Mies Hannah Dickey tenor, Mr. on the toboggsn, and sre now
onoted at 4<< I'd 7.5. There is no doubt that the senate stallion Dexter Prime. Mr. .McC4irthy
Saturdav's bargain 80 sets Potts nickel elect, "I wiihed to see if you could order though orders are not roshing now. daughter, Addie, aged 16. Her illness fresh, and 20 snd
- • BoMini M
John oir; beseo, Mr. Alexander Greig, 25 eenta for strictlyeggs. will recede and concur.

Overture. "Cinderella." - - - wants $100,0(10 cAsh for that animal.

sad irons, worth f 1.60, «t 96
cents a set
who wear the 6. a strlki of the Cabinet mskers."- [De- During the IaU. the huay season, the oom- hes been one of considerable dura- for railroad Sugar and
boys from 5 to 18 years jr.; organist, Mn. Don F. Hunt. 22
This price for Saturday only.
Basement BUTTRICK & CO.'S speciaL lots, for
Piece Characteristic. " Tender and True."
• MOSM troit Free Press. peny waa crowded with orders, and tlieM tion, bat she bore her pain and other staple groceries aw flrm, FffMl From Franeo.
department. F. Q. Mitchel l A Co.
short Trousers; either doable breast PRICES. As the above articles
• Paudert Bhadbolt (in the crowded car). "Me- was no let-up until February. The Bbr- sntfering with great fortitude. Of a FBOTBarAlfT BPISOOPAL. batter being Urmer this week than lost. Paris, March 2.V—The minister of the
It suits others, it will «uit
house- Solo for Trombone. " Recti ation and Aria.' Stab, this is the first time I oversaw yoa kcr beating apparatus is the afieaalty ehoerfuland pleasing disposition, she bad Newell W. Mansfield will remain ss or- The fruit niarket ia very oalet. Oranges interior sent an order of expulsion against
The Coining Opening. "Knickerbockers" or three piece Suits, are accessary in every and give your seat to a woman." with wbiob it nss bad great f*eai^. end a wide chrcle of friends who were deeply ganist and moaioal directoc st St. Anne's are plenty and cheap, while atrawberriea Cloist/er the grand steeplechase at
The spring nearly upon us.
season is
you. LOW Mr. NATE H. LEWIS. rise
McStab (of the anbnrbs, in an awe< which has kept it rushed. In UMfbosy attached to her, snd will mourn her nn- church. With few changes in the boy sell for but 40 cenU. Fish remalna the Otto Urantes, the oorreHpoudent of the Liverpool.
Next week Thursday, Friday and Head &
Satur- witk VeeU. hold, and as the SPECIAL Doniiettf fltrlokan whisper. "Hhl That's our hired eeaon the oompany erapl<9Ml ipr aea, timely end. Her fnneral will take place choir. same as laat week, with the exception Berliner Tagblatt, for having seit;^ t^ his
•Three new planets hjwe been (Usoovered
day occurs the spring opening of FAUNTLEitOy Selection, " Lucia de Lammermoor." Monday from PawtuckettiUe church. At St. Jobn'i church Fltnd O. Blunt wUl that cod bea dropped to 12 centa. Grain paper a statement of the Panama Affairs,
Shaw, the popular milliners in the Pol-
LORD A few Knickerbocker SniU from Ust PRICES quoted mean quick 9. Grand
»» • Sooia
girl I "—[Chicago Tribune. and needed every one. '
^ ,

oontlnoeto direot tlie cbolr, with Mise is quiet, and baled hay la firm at |22 and in which Preaident Caraot was satirised
Ay the aid uf photography.
There is a fexr that. the United Slalaa
Finale. " National Fenciblei.'

Urd block on Palmer street. This event 10. Mrs. New Lee Wed. " You are a fallort, MeKlnley Prosperity on •Ti(*' I.owetl Athletes at Andaver. Hattie Oreen aa organist. •23. It went up tl JB s ton the past week. as "Monsienr X."
18 swaited with genuine
interest by this
firm's many customers, who have
WiU still continue as the
leader of
20 Market Street. season, et half Ust ssasoa's prices, now sales, customers wiU do well to John. You've never had any luck.',
Mr. New lise Wed. "Yss, once; I wae The amount of goods menitfleiiiugii by The annnal indoor tournament of Phil-
lips scademy at Andover took place Wed-
sr a Helaaes Crime.
Loose hay is beld for tZS, and none can tw
aeoared u nder this price. 9MiU aa Mas.
bas been overreached in the Behriag aea^

by experience; to expect an unexcelled |2.00 end |3.00. caU early. born single,"— [Brooklyn Life. the Lowell company has mMfcWpilHi^ Ins Hajas aad Laflamme ar- ViKKNA, March a.').—.\ Manthelm tailor The .MaaBR«!huMtts naral brigade ta
nesday, and was witneaeed by abont 910 A tJeefai Drvlee.
display of everything new and stylish
in within a few ysara, wH*0«t ia^4o«M- an Inhnaoaa brate named George named Duwe ha« invented a bullet pntot making elabonte pre|tarations for aftliad-
fancy C. "What treating yourself to a bot-
Increase in the boiuMrcf Em-
speotiton, a number of wliom were from
millinery at these times. In this the oub-
lic will not be
disappointed. FIVE CENT OIOARS. The newest end prettleet lot of
tle of wino the^e hard times?"
ployes. Thia resalt hM kMll.i> tnis city. Several prises were won by O. Wilaon.altes Ham, laat night. The Mr. Z. B. Chaae of Bangor, la tlw
wamnt waa tasned by Jadge Hadl^, eity this week taking orden for sn origi-
uniform. Tlie invention consists of a Ing the navnl n?rlew. ,

suirered frum uciite Inflamroation In my

no«e Bscanse. notwiihstandinK the increase^
Medford MUk
Otpe for chUdren that's imaginable.
L I. mS&, DIRW^ O. Oh, I can afford ft now. yon
know, abont thia time of year my lists la- largely by the introdu^ion of
mented wife generally got a new winter looms and other macbiiMnr.
Lowell students as follows: rope climb-
ing, W. 8. Cobam, flret, and J. M. Ab- charging hioa with sn aanatnrat setae nal oombinntloa blina- hinge and ftwtener
npon hiselevea-yaar-old Jsnghter. The that ia mneta more of a sneeess than tlie
corapositioii that is spread up a tunic,
only Increasing its weight a few |>ouiidj«,
their new
hail in
I. U. K. M., dedlaiti|>
Ilaverbni. Mass, hy !
Light bott, second ; horisontel bar, W. B. Co-

Cnme from New York within the week. Lyon became the agent Of tbn' man is a watehnMU s mp tspi d by tbe Law- oidbiary taatener put nnontbst the BMrkat. (be effect being tu ahal ter tbe bullet. banquet and entertainment.
prices of material, it is hand -made, with
bat "— [Blumennlejc.
weekaVi. lime could
ml head— for a I I
burn, second; high kick, Charles Bank,
aboot ten years sinne, "' tbe blind

Kly'* Cream Ualni and in. a few

day. I via. Kun three years, ell Msnafaeiarlag oompauf is 38 yeara The hinge iaso oonstraewd George O. Ham, sIko known aa Oeerpf
u*ed Sumatraclear Havana filler and fine Wagon. A Chicago man who had been appointed names of IMO emplMrei tie for second plsce, S feet, 3 inoboe; Hy-
old and a widower.

Hk Stares children liangs indcfiendent of the boose, seeurely Mp Is Fell Swiav. 0. Wlhion, is under sm-st at Lowell, T
cured. It I. wonderful hrrw
quick helped me.— ing rings, W. B. Cobom parallel ban, J.
have been plaeed at a loeal taaiitation for faalened wnetberopen or abut. A build-
reoaiver went to a lawyer and asked—

This cannot be said of any If and there arelnow 2201 eaple;

wrapper. cost $265, price $135. M. Abbott; tumbling, W.B. Oobam. In New YoitK. .March X-S.-The enormour un tbe charge of incest with his 1I-;
Un. Ueorgle 8. Jndnon. Ila^fnnl. Conn. "Got of |20,000 paaslng through bis same tine the prodMtiotft
the pralimuiary events held Saturday Ab- Uttle onea aad ka iMa bad a toosn In tbe ing with forty blinds Ukes over JM
i«Kre»caU> of nearly :.''M)*«> cAHW of grip is
.evere other Five Ceni Brand. dauKhl<-r.
For thi*e waek* w*» nufforlng from a bands how much ought a recelrer to ny bns doubled. AMboiif mUI, Uking kia ebtldrea there to see nieoee of barderare in tbe slispe of Mind
not sold by April 1, goes

bott best his opponent, bat wee then The K

fold In my htU, accompanied
temple.. Kly'. Cream
b> a |>alu In tb«
Ilalin waa recommended to
back to makers in place Putnam&Son profttT".
"WelKabont llfl.OO"!." w»* tha reply.
competition in the
grain carpeting la .
"Only flt^lOI" be exclaimed: "who is manntsoturen of tkll
beaten in tarn. Messn. Abbott, Oobnm
and Banks deserve credit for their 0ne.
bim. Hia ertma can send klm to prieon Bztnres. not one of which Is reqairad by
for a long tarn ct yearn, aad tbe police the nee of this hinge. Mr. Cnaaahoaa
eey that be ds—lies the fall extent ol the good thing, aad be iateada to dlsaoM of
the o»ti.ii»i<^ rMx>rd in thin city.
iiAciaU of t he board of health do not- fear
tkat the disMMe wU} prerail more thaa •
liortlett, one ef Ha«
(Masa. oHMl prolBlaeac bustoei

>\fter onb •!» api'llcatlon* of the
of tar eo'd
«»« temrved— Henry
Ilalm every

C. Clark,

WAITT & BOND, of new one.

ON14>aiCB CU>THIXR8, Terrimaok. Palmer
Fi G. MiTCHEU & Co I

to cet tJM oshor thousand, I'd like to poorer material |at

knoirr*-ri^au« aittlags. derwUing H, 'ttl
showing, and it is to be regtetted tbet
inch ezkiblUone ue not held iMre. law. atate rwirai to nannlactare and •olL lew days lower; S.
stricken wl|k i#agloiy, aad ia i4i<

Children Cr> /or as MLACKiTOWK «w BOTtifH,

WM. J. BURBECK, and lioadle Sts.
MiddkMS aai (MkMS Streets. Central Street, Cor. Wanen«
and StlDmanSts,^ Cor.
.^< r's Castorlae Factory, Cor. Endlcott

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