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Model Exam April 2024

Internet of Things

Part A (10X2= 20 Marks) MaxMark:75

Answer any Ten questions.

1. Write any two application of IOT?

2. What is Complex event Processing?
3. What is M2M?
4. What does Asset layers provide?
5. What is Reference Model?
6. Define Virtual Entity?
7. What is Smart Object?
8. Write the use of Digital Twin in oil and gas Industry?
9. Write the features of CapBAC features
10. Define Spins?
11. Define Security Threats?
12. List out various IOT sensor devices?

Part B (5X5=25 Marks)

Answer any Five questions.

13. Explain the properties of Autonomic IOT System?

14. Explain various trends in information and communication technologies and its impact on
15. Discuss about IOT architecture with suitable example?
16. Explain various IOT Applications for Industry? Discuss
17. Explain about Privacy, Security concepts of IOT?
18. Discuss about various security issues of IOT?
19. Explain about Data Aggregation for the IOT?

Part C (3X10=30 Marks)

Answer any Three questions.

20. Explain the various Infrastructure of IOT with suitable example?

21. Discuss about Global chain value in IOT with examples
22. Explain various Architecture and reference Module in IOT?
23. Explain various applications of Home Management, Gas Industry, Retain Industry in IOT with
24. Explain about various security privacy and governance issues in IOT with examples.

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