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cheques sauce

How do you know cheques will clear?

The majority of world population are unaware of MICR security precision.

For your consideration 👍

Live log information, correct account, institution and cheque numbers can be valid.
The account drawn from can be flush with millions.
Great history and flawless traffic in and out of account holder. You are green lit,
done your homework and set to drop.📚

Cheque digits, blanks and proper symbols/format are crucial in the MICR line and
even if printed in compliant magnetic ink.
If the sequence and positioning of these numbers do not align to the millimetre.
It may get lucky but will eventually be identified as fraudulent.
This is the reason some are able to cash out by waiting out on bank specific
holding policies,
and clear bad cheques out of nothing more than luck. It’s a gamble.

Insider secret 🤫
Different institutions have different check digit and blank spaces (BLs) to ensure
solitude and security.
If you have all correct information but are a millimetre off alignment, check will
not clear.
These are inside factors almost always unknown by other and a small view in to the
world of centralized process we call modern,
everyday banking.

Nearly all banks use MAGTEK or Epson readers to verify these details. Never deal
with a 412, clipped or oversold log again.
Simply send in your personal log information and receive physical pape (or scan for
mobile) at the drop address of your choice. 📬

Most major banks available. 🌎

Magtek triple passed (proof on purchase) ✅

@laughwithjeser for inquiries, will supply complete guide with any order over 5
papes (CAD $500 min.) 💵

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