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According to the philosopher, David Hume, our expectation is irrational, and, as I’ve mentioned before,
irrationality is what we do best and goes to the heart of how we think. You’d probably be right to say “the
sun has risen every morning for millions of years, so there’s no reason to assume it won’t do the same
again tomorrow”. Well, yes probably, but we have no more reason to be certain that the sun will rise than
we have to say it won’t, or that a giant bunny will rise instead of it in the east. In fact, it’s only our belief
that the sun will rise and for that matter, the same applies to many other things too including all our
scientific theories.

Justification for Knowledge: Unlike true belief, which lacks a deeper understanding or justification for
why something is true, recollection ties knowledge to an innate source within us, providing a stronger
foundation for acquiring true knowledge.
Daryle Visperas Grade 12

Thesis Statement:Honesty is a characteristic that can refer to fostering trust,building Intimacy

and establishing respect.


Honesty allows individuals to be vulnerable with each other, knowing that they can trust the other
person to esteem their feelings and opinions. People are more likely to trust those who are honest because
they know that they can rely on them to tell the truth and act with integrity. One of the key reasons why
honesty is vital in relationships is that it builds trust. When someone is consistently truthful and
transparent in their interactions, it reassures the other person that they can rely on them. Trust is the
cornerstone of any successful relationship, whether it be romantic, platonic, or professional. Without
honesty, trust cannot fully develop, leading to doubts and insecurities that can strain the relationship.
(Felix M.,2024)Trust in honesty creates a positive environment where people feel comfortable sharing
their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or deceit. It is a quality that is highly valued in
personal, professional, and social settings. Trust in honesty leads to increased cooperation, collaboration,
and harmony among individuals. When trust in honesty is present, it enhances credibility and credibility
in relationships. People who trust each other’s honesty are more likely to work together effectively
towards common goals. Overall, trust in honesty is essential for building strong relationships based on
authenticity, integrity, and mutual understanding.(Anna F.,2015)

Felix M. (2003) Building Trust in Your Team: The Power of Transparency and Honesty.Linkedin

Anna F. (2015) Building Trust Through Honesty: The Power of Altruism, Compassion, and
Selflessness.Parenting human

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