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Grafana data


Vision/INVOICE Insight Row count diff

code: exec usp_alerts 'XLP','Vision/INVOICE','Insight','RCntDiff';


{{ define "Vision_INVOICEInsightRowcountdiff_subject" }}
Vision/INVOICE Insight Row count diff
{{ end }}

CTS Staging Row Count Difference //name of the alert


{{ define "Vision_INVOICEInsightRowcountdiff_message" }}
{{ range .Alerts }}
{{ index .Labels "Message" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

EFP Staging Row Count Difference

In alert rules :
Delete Section B ,
in Section for input A , if it is above 0

Pending period: 15m // this is for RowcountDiff

Set evalution behaivour :

Folder: ADF_Alert_rule
Evaluation group: Alert_Evalution_group

Contactpointname: name shoul be _CP at the last

here add the email ID;;;Sreen;

in optional email setting

tick single email

provide the subject and message in JSON format

Subject : {{ template "Vision_BatchInsightRowcountdiff_subject". }}

Message: {{ template "Vision_BatchInsightRowcountdiff_message". }}

check box disable resolved message

In Notification policy : Click on new nested policy

provide : label as : alertname = eg it should be the name of the alert (ERP staging
row count difference)

add the contact point here for staging add staging CP

and choose mute timing :

here for staging row count difference use : Staging row count difference MT


Vision/INVOICE Insight PL Failed

code: exec usp_alerts 'XLP','Vision/INVOICE','Insight','PLFailed';


{{ define "Vision_INVOICEInsightPLFailed_subject" }}
Vision/INVOICE Insight PL Failed
{{ end }}

Compass Staging pipeline failure //name of the alert


{{ define "Vision_INVOICEInsightPLFailed_message" }}
{{ range .Alerts }}
{{ index .Labels "Message" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}


In alert rules :
Delete Section B ,
in Section for input A , if it is above 0

Pending period: 30m // this is for Pipeline failure

Set evalution behaivour :

Folder: ADF_Alert_rule
Evaluation group: Alert_Evalution_group

Contactpointname: name shoul be _CP at the last eg : compass Staging pipeline


here add the email ID;;;Sreen;
in optional email setting

tick single email

provide the subject and message in JSON format

Subject : {{ template "Vision_INVOICEInsightPLFailed_subject". }}

Message: {{ template "Vision_INVOICEInsightPLFailed_message". }}

check box disable resolved message

In Notification policy : Click on new nested policy

provide : label as : alertname = eg it should be the name of the alert (ERP staging
row count difference)

add the contact point here for staging add staging CP and for pipeline failure use

and choose mute timing :

here for staging row count difference use : Staging row count difference MT

for pipeline failure: Pipeline failure mute timings

Compass Staging Files Missing Delay


{{ define "CompassStagingFilesMissingDelay_subject" }}
JCompass Staging Files Missing Delay
{{ end }}


{{ define "CompassStagingFilesMissingDelay_message" }}
{{ range .Alerts }}
{{ index .Labels "Message" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

Subject : {{ template "CompassStagingFilesMissingDelay_subject". }}

Message: {{ template "CompassStagingFilesMissingDelay_message". }}

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