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Short for Information and Communications Technology, it is the study or business of developing and using

technology to process information and aid communications. (eg: voice conversation, email, Processing
Business data via computer applications, etc). Recent years have seen a complete revolution in how
information is gathered, archived and used in both business and government around the world. Throughout
much of the world, the workplace has been transformed from one based on paper documents, fraught with
errors and delays, to one based on information technology (IT).


refers to an entire industry that uses computers, networking, software and other equipment to manage
information, whereas ICT can be seen as an integration of IT with media broadcasting technologies, audio/
video processing and transmission and telephony. Therefore, ICT can be seen as an extended acronym for IT.
The term ICT is widely used in the context of education, whereas IT is a term widely used in the industry. In
addition, recently, ICT is also used to refer to the integration of telephone and audio/ visual networks with
computer networks. In simplest terms, ICT can be seen as the integration of information technology with
communication technology.

Let’s focus on the three words behind ICT: - INFORMATION - COMMUNICATIONS - TECHNOLOGY A
good way to think about ICT is to consider all the uses of digital technology that already exist to help
individuals, businesses and organizations use information. ICT covers any product that will store, retrieve,
manipulate, transmit or receive information electronically in a digital form. For example, personal computers,
digital television, email, robots.

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