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Information Technology

The study or use of systems ( especially computers and

telecommuations ) for storing , retrieving, and sending
information. The term is commonly used as synonym for
computers and computers networks, but it also encompasses
other information distribution technologies such as television
and telephone.

Based on the storage and processing technologies employed , it

is possible to distinguish four distinct phases of IT
development: pre-mechanical ( 3000 BC- 1450 AD ),
mechanical (1450- 1840) , and electronic ( 1940 to present ).
Information technology is also a branch of computer science ,
which can be defined as the overall study of producer ,
structure, and the processing of various types of data . As this
field continues to evolve across the world, the overall priority
and importance has also grown .
It involves many things. Take, for instance, an IT
department in a company. There are many people with
many jobs and varied responsibilities. These responsibilities
range from system and data secure to keeping networks up
and running.
The Harvard Business Review coined the term information
technology to make a distinction between purpose-built
machines designed to perform a limited scope of functions,
and general-purposes computing machines that could be
programmed for various tasks.
As the IT industry evolved from the mid 20th century,
computing capability increased, while device cost and energy
consumption decreased, a cycle that continues today when
new technologies emerge.
There are people who input data, people who manage
databases and people who do programming. There are also the
decision makers, such as Chief information Officers ( CIOs),
who decide how an IT department will operate and what
components will be purchased.
IT also includes the management of data, whether it is in the
form of text, voice, image, audio or some other form. It can
also involve things related to the Internet. This give s IT a
whole new meaning, since the Internet is its own realm.
IT involves the transfer of data, so it makes sence that the
Internet would be a part of IT. IT has become a part of our
everyday lives and continues to proliferate into new realms.
IT involves installing, organizing, and maintaining computer
systems. It also involves designing and operating databases
and networks. Computer Science Degree Hub says the
following regarding careers in IT and computer science.
IT professionals typically work in a business
environment installing internal networks and computer
systems and perhaps programming.

Computer scientists work in a wider range of

environment, ranging from business to universities
to video game design companies.

For those who want to combine business and IT

skills, there increasing demand for positions in the
management of information technology.
According to Maryville University, you can use a
degree in Management Information Systems to:
Qualify for jobs in major tech companies, software
publishers, government agencies, information security
firms, consulting forms.
If you want to became an IT professional, you
should enjoy using software, installing computer
systems, and maintaining databases and
If, on the other hand, you enjoy software
design and mathematics, computer science is
more up your street.
Regarding the similarities of the two fields ,
Computer Science Degree Hub says:
In general, relationship between information technology and
computer science is quite close and interdependent.

Submitted By: BIJEN PAUDEL

Grade: 4 Four ‘B’

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