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Isian Substansi Proposal


Pengusul hanya diperkenankan mengisi di tempat yang telah disediakan sesuai dengan petunjuk
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Tuliskan judul usulan penelitian maksimal 20 kata
Developing Digital English Vocabulary Book for Deaf Students at Indonesian Junior High
Isian ringkasan penelitian tidak lebih dari 300 kata yang berisi urgensi, tujuan, metode, dan luaran
yang ditargetkan

The urgency of developing digital English vocabulary books for deaf students is
critical in addressing the unique learning needs of this underserved community. Deaf
students faced special challenges in language acquisition, and traditional educational
materials may not effectively meet their needs. Digital vocabulary books tailored to their
needs can revolutionize their language learning experience. Without access to specialized
digital resources, deaf students risk falling behind their peers in language proficiency,
creating a significant barrier to their overall educational and professional success. Therefore,
the development of a digital English vocabulary book for deaf students is expected to not
just a matter of convenience but a critical step towards fostering inclusivity, equal
opportunity, and empowering the deaf community to thrive in the digital age. Digital
vocabulary books offer a dynamic solution to overcome these challenges. By combining
multimedia elements such as sign language, interactive exercises, and lots of interesting
images, this digital platform can specifically cater to the diverse learning styles of deaf
students. Feedback and adaptive learning features can further enhance the effectiveness of
these tools, ensuring a personalized and engaging learning experience. Digital book has
many benefits in the process of deaf classroom learners accessibility, flexibility,
interactivity, individual adjustment, portability, collaboration possibilities, multisensory
support and update easily (Ingram, 2020). In this research, the researcher will Developing
Digital English Vocabulary Book for Deaf Students by using the ADDIE model. This
research procedure adapts the ADDIE development model which consisted of five stages
which include analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation (Sugiono,
2015). The findings of this study will be published in National accredited journal (Sinta 2)
and International reputable journal
Isian 5 kata kunci yang dipisahkan dengan tanda titik koma (;)
[Vocabulary; Digital Book; Deaf Students]
Pendahuluan penelitian tidak lebih dari 1000 kata yang terdiri dari:
• Latar belakang dan rumusan permasalahan yang akan diteliti
• Pendekatan pemecahan masalah
• State of the art dan kebaruan
• Peta jalan (road map) penelitian 5 tahun
Sitasi disusun dan ditulis berdasarkan sistem nomor sesuai dengan urutan pengutipan.
Tuliskan latar belakang penelitian dan rumusan permasalahan yang akan diteliti, serta urgensi dari
dilakukannya penelitian ini

Based on the observation by the researcher on August 2023, Sekolah Luar Biasa
(SLB) Negeri 1 Makassar is one of the disabilities school provides English language learning
for deaf students based on the implementation of a special curriculum for schools with
disabilities. There are thirty deaf students and has the ability to understand different learning.
Teaching deaf students teacher requires a unique approach that takes into account their
unique communication needs, such as use sign language, provide written materials, oral
method and technology by using smartphone. According to Cihat (2021), learning English
has become relatively easier via the widespread use of the internet, smartphones, and
applications for deaf students. The learning process in the classroom the teacher allowed
students to bring and open smartphone because the teacher did not have a patent book, after
the teacher gave the topic of learning, the teacher asked students to find vocabulary that
matches the material. But the problem was students open various other features found on
their smartphone applications such as search social media, scroll Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube
and other applications that are not in accordance with the learning material. Existence of
smartphones in class only made students not focus on learning.

The urgency of developing digital English vocabulary books for deaf students is
critical in addressing the unique learning needs of this underserved community. Deaf
students faced special challenges in language acquisition, and traditional educational
materials may not effectively meet their needs. Digital vocabulary books tailored to their
needs can revolutionize their language learning experience. Without access to specialized
digital resources, deaf students risk falling behind their peers in language proficiency,
creating a significant barrier to their overall educational and professional success. Therefore,
the development of a digital English vocabulary book for deaf students was not just a matter
of convenience but a critical step towards fostering inclusivity, equal opportunity, and
empowering the deaf community to thrive in the digital age.

Digital vocabulary books offer a dynamic solution to overcome these challenges. By

combining multimedia elements such as sign language, interactive exercises, and lots of
interesting images, this digital platform can specifically cater to the diverse learning styles
of deaf students. Feedback and adaptive learning features can further enhance the
effectiveness of these tools, ensuring a personalized and engaging learning experience.
Digital book has many benefits in the process of deaf classroom learners accessibility,
flexibility, interactivity, individual adjustment, portability, collaboration possibilities,
multisensory support and update easily (Ingram, 2020).

Deaf students faced a number of unique challenges in English language learning that
require special attention. These challenges included the lack of accessibility of learning
materials suited to their needs, communication skills gaps, and limited ability to understand
and master English vocabulary (Powell et al., 2013). In this digital age, we have a great
opportunity to utilize technology to address these issues and provide relevant and effective
solutions for deaf students. Therefore, this research aimed to fill this gap and develop a
digital English vocabulary book that can help deaf students better develop their English
skills, enabling them to compete equally in education and in the world of work. In this digital
book, will be included sign language vocabulary (Zadghorban & Nahvi, 2018), academic
vocabulary (Hrastinski & Wilbur, 2016), and vocabulary related to social skills (Gallion,
2016). This digital book wil include sign language picture that will visually engange students
and allow them to practice their English skills (Vanderplank, 2016). Sign language
BISINDO will be used in this digital book because it is more commonly used by deaf people
in Indonesia for daily activities and for a community (Herdianty et al., 2019). Visual
materials such as pictures will also include in this digital book, it would be make it easier for
students to understand and remember them (Birinci et al., 2021). English learning materials
have a vocabulary crucial part in the teaching and learning processes in the classrooms. The
school needs English materials based on the recent curriculum also researchers who were
related to materials and media processes. According to Martins et al. (2015), learning
materials for deaf students should be made simple and equipped with multi representation.
According to Riza (2018), the deaf students’ wants Learning English use media images
because images make it easier for them to remember English vocabulary, and they were able
to describe facial expressions and gestures. Digital book of English vocabulary as a learning
media, students can learn independently. Self-regulated learning refers to one's ability to
understand and control one's learning environment. Self-regulation abilities include goal
setting, self-monitoring, self-instruction, and self-reinforcement (Winne et al., 2017).

Research Questions
Based on the background of the research above, the researcher would formulate
in the form of questions were:
1. What are the learning needs of deaf students in learning English vocabulary using
digital book at SLB Negeri 1 Makassar?
2. How to develop digital English vocabulary book for deaf students at SLB Negeri 1
3. Is the use of digital English vocabulary book effective to improve vocabulary
mastery for deaf students at SLB Negeri 1 Makassar?]


Tuliskan pendekatan dan strategi pemecahan masalah yang telah dirumuskan
[Regarding the case above that Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB) Negeri 1 Makassar does not
have a patent book therefore the researcher to conduct this research with the title
“Developing Digital English Vocabulary Book for Deaf Students at SLB Negeri 1 Makassar”
by applying the Research and Development ADDIE model. The materials to be developed
in the form of an e-book which consists of material for English vocabulary supported with
images and sign language include finger spell to facilitate students in understanding new
English vocabulary]
Tuliskan keunggulan dari pemecahan masalah yang ditawarkan pengusul dibandingkan dengan
penelitian pengusul sebelumnya atau peneliti lainnya dalam konteks permasalahan yang sama,
serta kebaruan usulan dari aspek pendekatan, metode, dsb

[There were some previous studies that suitable with this research. Fefti et al (2020)
has conducted research focused on development vocabulary book for deaf students. The
aimed of this study were to find out how schematic was model of the designed English
vocabulary book. The result of the expert and user validation showed that the designed
Vocabulary English book for deaf students was good and considered as practical as a whole.
The students were interested in and motivated to learn English with the course book since it
is learnable and useful.

Suarsana (2021) has developed an Interactive Digital Mathematics Book. The purpose
of this study was to develop an interactive digital book with multi representation approach
for deaf students. By meeting validity, practicality, and effectiveness criteria, it can be
concluded that the digital book met the feasibility criteria as mathematical learning materials
for VII-grade deaf students

Pratama and Mulyani (2022) have conducted a research that focused on develop e-
Book as English Learning Media 10th grade students of hard of hearing. The aims of his
study were to find out how effective and practical the e-book English media was in learning
process for deaf students. Referring to these findings this research concluded that the English
e-book developed by the writers was valid, practical, and effective to be utilized as English
learning media for 10th grade students of hard of hearing.

From the previous studies above, there are several similarities and differences.
Similarities are kinds of the e-book, the learning materials and research subject deaf students.
There are several differences: the first researcher focused on develop vocabulary package
book for deaf students, the second researcher focused on develop an Interactive Digital
Mathematics Book for deaf students, while this research will focus on develop e-Book as
English Learning Media for 10th grade students of hard of hearing. ]
Tuliskan peta jalan penelitian dari tahapan yang telah dicapai, tahapan yang akan dilakukan selama
jangka waktu penelitian, dan tahapan yang direncanakan.

Figure 1: Road Map

Isian metode atau cara untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan tidak lebih dari 1000 kata.
Pada bagian metoda wajib dilengkapi dengan:
• Diagram alir penelitian yang menggambarkan apa yang sudah dilaksanakan dan yang akan
dikerjakan selama waktu yang diusulkan. Format diagram alir dapat berupa file JPG/PNG.
• Metode penelitian harus memuat, sekurang-kurangnya proses, luaran, indikator capaian yang
ditargetkan, serta anggota tim/mitra yang bertanggung jawab pada setiap tahapan
• Metode penelitian harus sejalan dengen Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB)
Figure 2: Research Design
In this research, the researcher used ADDIE model. The researcher will adopt ADDIE
model because this model has stages which are clearly defined and makes the
implementation of instructions effective (Branch, 2009). The ADDIE model was a widely
used instructional design framework that consists of five main phases:
1. Analysis
English for deaf students refers to the use of materials and methods of instruction
in the English language that are specifically adapted to the needs and abilities of deaf
students (Adi, 2017). In this phase, the researcher conducted field observations to see the
needs of the student, this was done to find out the information about target needs (needs,
lacks, and wants) and learning needs (activities and setting) by using questionnaire. The
researcher also gave vocabulary test to the students to know their weaknesses in
vocabulary. The researcher done by interview English teacher of SLB Negeri 1 Makassar
for additional information about the learners’ needs. Besides, the researcher interviewed
the teacher about the students’ learning needs and preference, as well as the English
vocabulary materials, teaching and learning media and then activities she used. This
analysis used by the research to determine the digital English vocabulary book for deaf
students at SLB Negeri 1 Makassar.
2. Design
In this phase, researchers has designed product which refer to digital English
vocabulary book based on the data and the results of the analysis of student needs that
have been carried out previously in the form of questionnaire and interview. It included
design the first prototype draft including the learning objective, learning methods and
kinds of vocabulary activities.
3. Developing

In this phase, the researcher developed the material. The researcher has gave the
product to the material expert and digital book development expert to validity and get
suggestions for product improvement and then revise according to expert advice. Expert
judgment was expected to make learning tools more precise, effective, tested, and highly
technical. It aimed to get feedback revise digital book based on them. At this stage,
materials designed and developed, and revised back into a final product draft. Finally, the
final product was ready to be implemented.
4. Implementation

In this phase fixed with trying-out the product, In this case, the digital English
vocabulary book implemented in the real learning / teaching situation in the class. It
implemented to look whether the product fulfilled the objectives of the course or not and
whether the materials were effective for the target learners in real situation or not.
It covered the delivery of course overview, learning materials, and exercises.
Preparation of the learners included training them in downloading the digital English
Vocabulary book and operating it. The researcher explained how to apply, explain all the
kinds of vocabulary and explain about how to fix the exercises The implementation was
in 4 meetings that each meeting spent in 90 minutes. Before the application taught to the
students, the students have given pre-test by the researcher to know their vocabulary
mastery before the product would be used. Then, after implementing the product in 4
meetings, the students have given post-test to know their vocabulary mastery
improvement. Besides, the researcher distributed questionnaires to the students and
interviews the teacher to investigate their responses or feedback toward the product.
5. Evaluation

This phase was designed to measure the level of quality of the applied materials.
It measured the suitability of the developed materials. In this evaluation, formative
evaluation was conducted by the supervisor to evaluate the product section by section.
Next, an expert was engaged to check the quality of the product through summative
evaluation. In this step, the expert measures the feasibility of the product. This included
layout, material organization, teaching objectives, examples, activities, material content,
language use, and presentation. The final product are expected to reach “appropriate”
label to be used in classroom to teach deaf students.

Figure 3: Research diagram

In order to maximize the researcher and output targets, the division of tasks and
can be detailed as follows:
No Name Institution Role Task in Research
1 Dr. Nur Aeni, English Team Leader 1. Decide the task for
M.Pd Department. researcher
Universitas 2. Design and control
Negeri the research
Makassar 3. Design and
develop research
4. Design an
instrument of the
5. Collecting and
Analysis data
6. Designing
7. Prepare an article
8. Apply for the
property right
2 Prof. Dr. English Team member 1. Assisting in
Nurdin Noni, Department. designing and
M.Hum Universitas develop proposal
Negeri 2. Assisting in
Makassar collecting and
analysis data
3. Assist in Designing
4. Assist in complete
the report
5. Assist in prepare an
3 Nur Aisyah, Postgraduate Team member 1. Assist in collecting
S.Pd Student, data and analysis
English data
Department, 2. Assist in designing
Universitas book
Negeri 3. Assist in preparing
Makassar article
4. Assist in making
research report

Jadwal penelitian disusun berdasarkan pelaksanaan penelitian, harap disesuaikan berdasarkan
lama tahun pelaksanaan penelitian
Tahun ke-1
No Nama Kegiatan
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Pembuatan Proposal x
2 Persiapan pengumpul x
an data
3 Pengumpulan Data x x
4 Persiapan analisis data x
5 Analisis data x x
6 Interpretasi data x
7 Menulis hasil analisis data x
8 Menulis laporan penelitian x
9 Menulis draft artikel x
10 Publikasi artikel x

Sitasi disusun dan ditulis berdasarkan sistem nomor sesuai dengan urutan pengutipan. Hanya
pustaka yang disitasi pada usulan penelitian yang dicantumkan dalam Daftar Pustaka.
1. Ingram, N. B. (2020). DigitalCommons @ Kennesaw State University The Use of E-books ,
Computers , and Tablets To Enhance Reading Skills. Doctor of Education in Teacher Leadership
Dissertations, 4(9), 22–66.
2. Sugiono. (2015). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D. Bandung:
3. Cihat, A., Aslan, B. Ö., & Bagci, H. (2021). Deaf Individuals and English Language Teaching. Turkish
Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 20(4), 23–28.
4. Powell, D., Hyde, M., & Punch, R. (2013). Inclusion in Postsecondary Institutions With Small Numbers of
Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students : Highlights and Challenges. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf
Education, 19(1), 126–140.
5. Zadghorban, M., & Nahvi, M. (2018). An algorithm on sign words extraction and recognition of
continuous Persian sign language based on motion and shape features of hands. Pattern Analysis
and Applications, 21(3), 323–335.
6. Hrastinski, I., & Wilbur, R. B. (2016). Academic Achievement of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
Students in an ASL / English Bilingual Program. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education,
21(2), 156–170.
7. Gallion, T. (2016). Improving Vocabulary Comprehension for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Students.
Marshal Digital Scholar Scholarship, Publishing and Preservation, 22(2), 45–67.
8. Vanderplank, R. (2016). Captioned media in foreign language learning and teaching: Subtitles
for the deaf and hard-of-hearing as tools for language learning (1st ed.). Springer Nature.
9. Herdianty, R. S., Hufad, A., Tarsidi, D., & Aprilia, I. D. (2019). Bilingual / Bicultural Education
for Children with Hearing Impairment. International Conference on Educational Sciences,
214(Ices 2018), 152–154.
10. Birinci, Gulengul, F., & Saricoban, A. (2021). The effectiveness of visual materials in teaching
vocabulary to deaf students of EFL. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 17(1), 628–645.
11. Martins, P., Rodrigues, H., Rocha, T., & Francisco, M. (2015). Accessible options for Deaf people in e-
Learning platforms : technology solutions for Sign Language translation. Procedia Computer Science,
67(1), 263–272.
12. Riza, L. S., Firdaus, D. S., Junaeti, E., Bayu, A., Nandiyanto, D., & Abdullah, C. E. P. U. (2018). A Concept
And Implementation Of Instructional Inquiry-Based Learning Model. Journal of Engineering Science and
Technology, 13(7), 2016–2035.
13. Winne, P. H., Vh, D. J. H., Ode, R. U., Suhglfwv, J., & Riihuv, R. (2017). Learning Analytics for Self-
Regulated Learning. Handbook of Learning Analytics, 754(1), 241–249.
14. Fefti, N., Putri, A., Wulandri, F., & Kayyis, R. (2020). Vocabulary book for deaf students. Jurnal Smart,
6(2), 72–81.
15. Suarsana, I. M. (2021). Developing Interactive Digital Mathematics Book with Multi Representation
Approach for Deaf Students. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (Online), 16(13),
16. Pratama, P., & Mulyani, D. D. (2022). Developing e-Book as English Learning Media for Deaf Students.
English Language in Focus (ELIF), 5(1), 128.
17. Branch, R. M. (2009). Develop Instructional Design: The ADDIE Approach. In Springer
LinkSpringer Science & Business Media, LLC. Springer Science & Business Media, LLC.
18. Adi, S. S. (2017). Teaching Special Students : English Lessons for Deaf Students in Indonesian
Special Junior High Schools. International Journal of Education and Research, 5(12), 121–136.

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