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Assalamualaikum and hi everyone!

I am Muhammad Aqasha bin Sahriyal , I am

year 5 student from SK Seri Saujana. Today, I would like to share the book
review entitled “The Mighty Magnet” written by Tan Chiew Ven.
This book is so interesting to me because of the three main characters
who are Professor Liu, Jimmy, and Tommy the robots. This cute and fun book
was published in 2007 with 22 pages. The story has kindly brought us to visit a
futuristic world of science and technology.
Let me bring you to the story of The Mighty Magnet. It’s begun with two
yelling and fighting robots who make Professor Liu headache and dizzy. As we
are thinking that more assistants will be easier, but it’s not happened to
Professor Liu. So as a solution Professor Liu goes to his lab and finds two pieces
of magnets. He attaches each of the magnets to Jimmy and Tommy the robots.
The two robots start curiously and not long afterwards, something
strange starts to happen. Every time the robots are getting closer something
funny happen. Their magnets are in same position which in north pole. Yeah!
That’s why they can’t get closer anymore! Just the thought of being apart
makes them sad. If they are a human being, must the tears be rolling down on
their cheeks.
So, both plead to his master to keep away the magnets from their body.
They promise and nod to be a good robot, no more fighting and yelling. The
Professor feel sorry for them. Finally, he agrees to take off the magnets with
one condition. That both robots must do a good deed.
They took the condition and started leaving the house. They look for
opportunities to do good deeds. One goes to the east while the other one
heads west. The climax of the story is when Jimmy and Tommy are helping
other people. Jimmy helps the little girl find her small needle while Tommy
teaches the old man to make a temporary magnet. The old man has dropped
his pin on the ground. As an old man, he can’t bend down and collect the pins.
Tommy then helps the old man to settle down his problems.
These two robots happily go back home to tell their master their stories.
The wise professor is satisfied and takes magnets off the robots. I strongly
learnt from this story that we must need to respect and obey to the eldest
especial our mom and dad and our teacher. We also must appreciate each

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