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After a night of passion, Petra and James wake 

up together early in the morning.

Petra rushes   out to go to class, but James decides to stay in  bed a little
longer. This causes him to oversleep,   and by the time he wakes up again, he’s
already  late. He runs through the city as fast as he can   until he makes it to
his Philosophy class, where  the teacher Mister Zimit at first considers not  
letting him, but eventually he opens the door.  Today is the last school day, and
Mister Zimit   wants the students to tell them about their  favorite thought
exercise they’ve gone through.   Chips mentions the infinite monkey theorem, which 
says that if you give a monkey a typewriter and an   infinite amount of time, it
will eventually type  out the entire Hamlet. Jack mentions the trolley   problem,
which says you have a lever to choose  if a train will kill one or four people.
Just   for fun, they change that riddle into the obese  man problem, where you have
to option to push a   fat man on the tracks to stop the trolley.  Georgina likes
the ignorant bliss paradox:   in this one, someone is hanging off the highest 
tower in the city on purpose to test if their   friends will help them. However the
friends are  afraid if they try to pull them up, they might be   yanked over
themselves, so they step back. The  person falls and lives, but now they wonder
if   it truly is better knowing that their friends  wouldn’t save them or if
ignorance is bliss.   Zimit decides that they will do one last thought  exercise to
finish the school year: the class must   assume there is an impending atomic
apocalypse and  imagine a bunker that will give them shelter for   a year. Zimit
begins narrating the scene to make  everyone use their imaginations, picturing an
area   surrounded by nuclear explosions. As Zimit takes  them through an imaginary
tour of the bunker,   he points out the problem: there are only supplies  for ten
people. The class has twenty students in   it, so they have to decide which of them
to let in  and who stays out, on top of that there isn't much   time to decide
before the atomic radiation reaches  them. Georgina refuses to participate because
she   thinks it’s just like discussing eugenics, but  when Zimit describes how
gruesome and painful   it is to die under radiation, she accepts to  play. Petra
also refuses to participate and even   stands up to leave, knowing that she’s
always  had perfect grades and Zimit can’t hurt her by   lowering them a bit.
However Zimit threatens to  lower James’ grades instead, which would make him  
fail the class, and Petra has no choice but to  stay. Next, Zimit distributes cards
containing   the random profession each student will have in  the exercise. He
opens the box for James first,   and after he takes a card, Zimit goes to the desk 
to cough before handing a card to Petra. Then he   coughs against at the desk
before giving cards  to everyone else. Now the students can look at   the
professions they got: all these jobs vary  in themes, from harpist and wine
auctioneer   to astronaut and chemist. Toby reveals he’s a  published poet, but he
barely gets to finish   talking before Zimit shoots him, revealing he  took the gun
from the bunker. Zimit explains   that this is more humane than letting him die by 
radiation, since he wouldn't get into the bunker   anyway because a poet isn’t
useful when humanity  must be rebuilt. Zimit also explains he’s part   of the
exercise, but his profession is hidden so  he should be seen as a wild card.
Afterward each   student defends their right to enter the bunker  and they proceed
to vote. The first nine choices   are those who they consider useful for survival: 
Petra the structural engineer, James the farmer,   Georgina the orthopedic surgeon,
Chips the  carpenter, Jack the chemist, Bonnie the soldier,   Andy the electrician,
Poppie the psychotherapist,  and Omosedé the senator. There are also nine that  
quickly get voted out for not being useful: Vivian  the zoologist, Beatrice the
fashion designer,   Parker the gelato maker, Kavi the real estate  agent, Russell
the harpist, Plum the hedge-fund   manager, Nelson the house-keeper, Mitzie the
wine  auctioneer, and Yoshiko the astronaut. The last   place must be chosen
between Zimit and Utami the  opera singer. Petra thinks a wild card is a risk,  
but Jack points out that an opera singer is  a luxury and he’d rather risk it with
Zimit,   who may have a useful secret. Zimit wins,  and now that the groups are
completed,   they take five minutes to say goodbye, so  they move the desks around
to pretend they’re   having their final words. Suddenly they hear  some gunshots
and discover Zimit has killed   everyone who didn’t get a spot, again saying it 
was the humane thing to do. The group is shocked,   and Petra whispers to James
that she doesn’t  want Zimit in the bunker anymore. James makes   a plan and asks
everyone to gather some plants  before going into the bunker, claiming they’re  
keeping them for replanting when they come out.  While everyone is separated to do
the gathering,   James goes to each of them in turn and tells them  of his plan.
When the time comes, the group enters   the bunker and disables the external keypad
before  closing the door while Zimit is left outside. Then   they take a look at
the different rooms: there’s  an artificial garden, a day bed, a gym, books,   and
other things to supposedly avoid depression.  In the evening while everyone sleeps
on the cots,   James meets Petra on the big bed and tells her  he can get through
anything with her. Once James   falls asleep, Petra goes to check on Zimit and 
finds him slowly burning under the radiation.   Suddenly Zimit holds up a piece of
paper that says  only he has the exit code. Petra immediately calls   the group and
they begin arguing over what to do,  unsure if believing Zimit or not. In the end
they   decide to ignore him, and they begin to live  through the year in the
bunker. It’s incredibly   boring, and they barely can keep themselves  busy with
mundane tasks. Every day Petra checks   on Zimit's body, which is slowly rotting,
and  occasionally a dog comes to munch on it. Once   the year passes, the group
gets ready to come  out, only to discover Zimit had been right: the   lock asks for
an exit code. The students proceed  to use different methods to try to break the
door,   to no avail. They try to survive a few more days  with the few supplies
they have left, but soon   they run out, so they decide to end things for 
themselves for a more humane ending. In class,   Zimit announces they failed the
experiment and  reveals his profession is a bunker builder,   in fact he was the
one that built that particular  bunker and therefore the only one who has the  
code. The students want to try again, and this  time they imagine a new location,
choosing Mont   Bromo. Once again Zimit runs to grab a gun, which  Petra notices.
Then it’s revealed that the cards   hide a second characteristic that may
influence  the votes. James’ characteristic is being gay, but   he still gets
accepted for his farming knowledge,  although with fewer votes. Georgina the
surgeon   was exposed to the ebola virus, so this time  she’s left out. Plum the
hedge fund manager always   travels with a bag of gold, so she is accepted.  Chips
the carpenter is infertile, but he’s also   accepted again because of his skills.
Petra  the structural engineer is also an electrical   engineer, so she is saved.
Andy the electrician  reveals he has a very rare disease that may kill   him at any
second, so he’s rejected. Poppie the  psychotherapist can’t have children, so she’s
left   out. Vivian the zoologist reveals she supports  PETA, so she is left out
again. Jack the chemist   won the genetic lottery, meaning he’ll live long  and
healthy, so he’s accepted again. Kavi the real   estate agent is also a midwife,
and since they’ve  lost Georgina as their doctor, he gets to stay   this time.
Parker the gelato maker has no extra  characteristic, which means someone else has
two,   and he’s left out. Utami the opera singer has two:  she can speak seven
languages but she will develop   a throat tumor in three years that won’t let her 
talk anymore, so she’s left out. Mitzie the wine   auctioneer has an IQ of 200 yet
she’s left out  again. Beatrice the fashion designer created a   popular brand of
women's clothing out of bamboo,  but she’s also left out again, and the same  
happens to Russell the harpist who is autistic.  Omosedé the senator will be the
first female   chief justice of the supreme court, therefore she  is saved again.
Bonnie the soldier has eidetic   memory and gets saved once more. Nelson the 
housekeeper is an “exceptionally kind person”,   which at first doesn’t help him,
but he ends up  staying when Petra says that they need more boys   and Omosedé
argues that they need more hard and  strong workers from the middle class. When
Toby   the poet is about to mention his characteristic,  Zimit shoots him again,
saying this spot is for   him because the group still doesn’t know the code.  Then
Zimit gives Georgina the keys to a truck,   and the people that were left outside
immediately  try to run away to save themselves. Unfortunately,   the vehicle is
hit by the explosion. The chosen  ones also begin running to reach the bunker
just   in time, and the boring everyday life begins once  again. Later in the
evening, Petra wakes up and   sees James isn’t on his bed, so she goes looking  for
him only to find him getting frisky with Jack,   who turns out to be gay in real
life. Petra  is hurt and rushes out to tell the rest of the   group what she saw,
now they decide it’s time to  discuss how they will get together to procreate.  
Since Chips is infertile, he doesn’t need to help,  while Jack and James refuse to
participate because   they can’t
even fake it with a woman for the sake  of babies. Bonnie and Kavi are paired
together,   and so are Omosedé and Nelson. As revenge for  her boyfriend, Petra
accepts to do it with Zimit,   ignoring James when he says she still loves her. 
While the explosions outside ravage the planet,   the three couples get frisky at
the same  time. After ten weeks of no pregnancies,   Zimit points out that they
must change couples,  saying the girls should have multiple partners.   Bonnie
refuses, saying they are taking logic  too far to solve things and that shouldn’t  
override her consent. Zimit walks away only to  return with a gun in hand,
threatening everyone   but Bonnie to leave the room. The group runs  out but Jack
manages to hide behind a corner,   and once Zimit is distracted, Jack tackles him
and  makes him drop the gun. Bonnie quickly picks it up   and holds Zimit at
gunpoint, but the guys continue  to fight until Zimit overpowers Jack. However
Jack   retaliates by stabbing Zimit in the ear with a  pen. Devastated, Zimit goes
to the front door   and puts in the code to open it, bringing everyone  down with
him. The class has failed the exercise   again. James is more suspicious now and
questions  Zimit's motives for the exercise, mentioning the   strange cough he had
when he assigned him and  Petra the roles and pointing out that Zimit has   not
coughed since. Suddenly James goes to the desk  and grabs the box, running out of
Zimit’s reach   to open it and discover the secret. It turns  out the the box has
hidden compartments and   James’ and Petra's cards have been tampered with, 
meaning they would always get the same results:   gay farmer and double engineer.
James wants  to know why Zimit hates him in particular,   so Zimit brings up the
allegory of Plato's cave.  In this allegory, a man lives his whole life   chained
to a wall and only ever sees shadows and  hears echoes, assuming that’s how reality
truly   looks and sounds. One day the man is unchained  and finds that the shadows
are caused by bodies   and the echoes are caused by voices, discovering  that the
whole idea of what was real was just   an illusion. Zimit says that this allegory 
is something like James, claiming that the   exercise is meant to confront James
about how his  privilege has ill-prepared him for the real world,   but James
doesn’t believe him. Zimit could’ve  made him something useless like a florist so  
he could be voted out since the beginning, but  a gay farmer means Zimit wanted him
to prolong   his suffering on purpose. At that moment Petra  interrupts the
argument and insists that the   exercise should be done a third time, this time 
with James as a florist. Now their imaginations   take them to an island and the
apocalypse hasn’t  happened yet. Zimit goes to the bunker to grab   a weapon as
usual, and he hears a noise but  thinks nothing of it. When he goes back outside,  
Petra joins him and offers him a hug, saying  that she knows it's been hard on him.
Afterward,   Petra asks everyone to trust her to choose who  gets to enter the
bunker because she has a plan.   When everyone agrees, Petra makes her choices and 
explains her reasoning. Mitzie is saved because a   genius wine auctioneer would be
smart enough  to bring both red and white wine on a trip,   ensuring everyone has a
good time. Beatrice is  saved because dressing well boosts self-esteem,   which
promotes productivity and could save  civilization. Toby’s second skill turns out
to   be champion poker player, so he’s saved because  he brought cards with him and
he’ll provide   entertainment. Russell is also saved because many  people consider
autism a gift. Georgina was only   exposed to ebola but they don’t have proof she 
has it, so Petra brings her in while promising   to pray for her. Utami the opera
singer may be  mute in three years, but now everyone could fall   asleep to her
singing so she also gets saved.  Jack is taken in because of his perfect genes,  
but he is upset because he’ll be without a partner  because of his orientation. At
that moment Parker   comes out of the closet, so he’s saved as well.  With only two
spots left, Petra chooses James. As   the chosen ones enter the bunker, in the
classroom  everyone sits together as a team. Zimit has been   complaining all along
and with each choice, he  lowers Petra’s grade to the point of failing, but  
seeing the useless people enter the bunker makes  him lose it and he reaches for
his gun. However he   doesn’t find it, it turns out Petra stole it when  she hugged
him earlier. She gives it back to him,   only to reveal it’s not loaded. Petra
hands Zimit  two bullets, saying she doesn't want him to suffer   like last time,
but at that moment James threatens  Zimit with a rifle, it turns out he had been
the   noise in the bunker. Desperate to survive, Zimit  says that nobody knows the
exit code except him,   but Bonnie used her perfect memory to memorize  it during
the last run. Feeling defeated, Zimit   leaves. Next Petra wants to give the last
slot  to Bonnie, but since she refuses, Chips takes the   spot. James is no longer
gay in this itineration  of the exercise and begs Petra to come with them,   but
she refuses, saying she’ll take the boat and  try to get out of the radiation zone,
only for   Chips to reveal he has the boat keys. Acting fast,  Chips pushes Petra
inside, switching places with   her before the door closes. While the rest of the 
group rushes to the boat to get off the island,   Petra continues to narrate the
thought exercise,  explaining that despite horrific circumstances,   somehow they
had fun during the year in the  bunker because they had cards, wine, Shakespeare  
performances, and original poems. James tells  Petra how much he loves her, but she
hesitates to   respond with the same phrase. When machines break  in the bunker,
they use the pieces to make a harp,   and Russell plays it while Utami sings to
make  their evenings magical. Once the year passes, the   group leaves the bunker
only to discover that the  bombs never fell. Zimit narrates that they will   die,
as none of them have the technical skills  to survive on an island, but Petra
responds that   their lives will be short but at least they’ll be  well and happy,
they’ll also be ready to welcome   death when it arrives. Suddenly a rocket falls 
on the beach and James gets ready to detonate it,   but at that moment Zimit shows
up and shoots  to stop him. It turns out he had found a cave   and went deep enough
to avoid the radiation, for  the past year he has been surviving with what he  
could find there. Zimit can’t let them commit an  act as unreasonable as ending the
human race and   threatens to shoot James with his last bullet,  but the rest of
the survivors move one by one to   stand in front of him as a shield. They use  the
chance to press the detonation button,   and the bomb blows up the entire island.
Back in  class, Zimit is ashamed of the latest exercise,   but Chips quickly cuts
in to offer his own  version as well. He says that the boat managed   to go far
enough to avoid the explosion, and  he became the only guy with six women all to  
himself. The group wonders what happened to the  three other males, and Chips says
Kavi drowned,   Nelson had a barracuda attack, and Andy had  a run-in with the palm
tree. Being infertile   doesn't mean the chance of procreation is zero, so  in this
ending, Chips taps a different girl each   day. Zimit finally finishes the class,
and all the  students leave except Petra, who accuses Zimit of   trying to use the
exercise to punish James. It  turns out Zimit has been having an affair with  
Petra, and he believes James is beneath her. Petra  explains that intelligence
isn't all that matters   and that she loves James, so he shouldn’t be  punished for
something he doesn’t know about   anyway. Petra gives Zimit a last kiss and
leaves.  Afterward Zimit is alone in the school and begins   running through many
variations of what happens if  he goes to his office. Sometimes he simply eats,  
but other times he finds his gun and  a shot can be heard in the building.

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