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ith the Fourth Edition of BI-RADS®, calcifications are often due to fibrosis or fibroad-

W the committee includes this chapter on

guidance in response to user com-
ments. Many substantive changes have been in-
enomas and follow-up may be appropriate. These
tend to coalesce into typically benign calcifica-
tions. As an isolated cluster, “coarse heteroge-
corporated in this edition to improve the clinical neous” calcifications, however, have a small but
utility and to supply a unified base for research significant likelihood of malignancy, especially
involving breast imaging. This chapter will expand when occurring together with smaller pleomorphic
on these changes as they appear in each section of calcifications. Further data is needed on this is-
BI-RADS ® and provide explanations for the sue. As with any calcifications, distribution must
change. What follows is intended for guidance also be considered. Coarse heterogeneous calcifi-
and is not meant to imply required standards cations in a linear or segmental distribution may
of practice. be due to malignancy. To summarize, “coarse het-
erogeneous” was added and “fine pleomorphic”
Breast Imaging Lexicon should be used to describe calcifications smaller
Masses than 0.5 mm that are variable in shape and have a
A mass is a three-dimensional structure demon- higher probability of indicating malignancy.
strating convex outward borders, usually evident Special Cases
on two orthogonal views. Due to confusion with
Several questions were received by the BI-RADS®
the term “density,” which describes attenuation
committee reflecting confusion distinguishing the
characteristics of masses, the term “density” which
terms “mass,” “focal asymmetry” and “asymme-
describes a finding other than a mass has been re-
try.” A mass should demonstrate completely or
placed with “asymmetry.” An asymmetry lacks
partially visualized convex outward borders and
convex outward borders and the conspicuity of a
is usually depicted on orthogonal views.
mass as discussed below.
Asymmetries are planar, lack convex borders, usu-
ally contain interspersed fat and lack the
It is confusing to have both “round” and “punc- conspicuity of a three-dimensional mass. In order
tate” as separate descriptions unless each has char- to clarify asymmetry, the term “global asymme-
acteristic features. The difference relates to size, try” was introduced with this edition to underscore
with “punctate” defined as smaller than 0.5 mm the difference between generalized and focal
and “round” as greater than or equal to 0.5 mm. asymmetry. “Global asymmetry” involves a large
The phrase “coarse heterogeneous” was added to portion of the breast (at least a quadrant). In the
describe calcifications of intermediate concern absence of a palpable correlate, a “global asym-
which are larger than 0.5 mm and variable in size metry” is usually due to normal variations or hor-
and shape, but are smaller than those that usually monal influence. A “focal asymmetry” differs from
occur in response to injury. When present as a mass since it usually lacks convex outward bor-
multiple bilateral groupings, course heterogeneous ders and differs from “global asymmetry” only in

American College of Radiology 253

Fourth Edition – 2003

the size of the area of the breast involved. A focal The Mammography Quality Standards Act
asymmetry is of more concern than a global asym- (MQSA) requires that a single assessment be given
metry. Comparison to prior films is critical in to a mammographic study. Sites or individuals who
evaluating asymmetries. A developing density re- wish to provide a BI-RADS® assessment sepa-
quires additional evaluation in the absence of a rately for each breast may do so within the im-
history of surgery, trauma or infection at the site. pression text or body of the report, provided that
What appears to be a focal asymmetry seen on the single overall assessment for the study is clearly
screening, when further evaluated with spot com- coded at the end of the entire report. The overall
pression views and/or ultrasound, may prove to final assessment should, of course, be based on
be due to an indistinctly marginated mass. the most worrisome findings present. For example,
if probably benign findings are noted in one breast
Report Organization and suspicious abnormalities in the opposite breast,
Many of the suggestions and questions received the overall report should be coded BI-RADS®
by the BI-RADS® committee concerned the as- Category 4 suspicious abnormality. Similarly, if
sessment categories. We have responded and hope- immediate additional evaluation is still needed for
fully made changes that allow more flexibility and one breast, (as an example, the patient could not
mirror what occurs in clinical practice. wait for an ultrasound examination at the time),
and the opposite breast had probably benign find-
BI-RADS® was designed as a mammographic tool.
ings, the overall code would be BI-RADS ®
With the Fourth Edition, BI-RADS® for mammog-
Category 0, incomplete.
raphy has been combined with BI-RADS®–Ultra-
sound and BI-RADS®–MRI. Where appropriate, A great deal of confusion centers on the patient
these two new lexicons are arranged in a similar with a palpable finding and negative imaging.
manner. Both Ultrasound and MRI have features These reports should be coded with final assess-
that are unique to each modality but, wherever ments based on the imaging findings. When the
applicable, terms having been developed for mam- interpretation of imaging findings is influenced by
mography are used. Assessment categories are the the clinical findings, the final assessment should
same for all BI-RADS® lexicons. take both into consideration and the clinical find-
ings may be detailed in the report.
Assessment Categories
BI-RADS® assessments are divided into incom- Category 3
plete (Category 0) and final assessment categories The use of Category 3, probably benign, is reserved
(Categories 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). An incomplete for findings that are almost certainly benign. It
assessment requires further evaluation with addi- must be emphasized that this is NOT an indeter-
tional mammographic views, comparison films, minate category for malignancy, but one that, for
ultrasound or, less commonly, MRI. When addi- mammography, has a less than 2% chance of
tional imaging studies are completed, a final as- malignancy (i.e. is almost certainly benign). Such
sessment is rendered. Ideally, the report of diag- findings are generally identified on baseline
nostic mammographic views and ultrasound will screening or on screening for which previous
be included in the same report, with separate para- examinations are unavailable for comparison. Im-
graphs detailing each, and one integrated final as- mediate evaluation with additional mammographic
sessment that takes into consideration all breast views and/or ultrasound is required to render a
imaging findings.

254 American College of Radiology


Category 3, probably benign assessment. Lesions concern, or lack of confidence in the probably
appropriately placed in this category include a benign follow-up assessment (see Figure 1). In
nonpalpable, circumscribed mass on a baseline such instances the final assessment category
mammogram (unless it can be shown to be a cyst, should be based on risk of malignancy, rather than
an intramammary lymph node, or another benign management provided. Lesions appropriately clas-
finding), a focal asymmetry which partially thins sified as probably benign on ultrasound include
on spot compression, and a cluster of punctate nonpalpable incidental complicated cysts. Indi-
calcifications (1). The initial short-term follow-up vidual centers have shown < 2% rate of malig-
is usually a unilateral mammogram at 6 months nancy for nonpalpable, oval circumscribed
after the time of the initial screening examination. hypoechoic solid masses that may be indistinguish-
Assuming stability of the finding, the recommen- able from complicated cysts. Clustered microcysts
dation is then for a bilateral follow-up examina- without a discrete solid component may also be
tion in another 6 months (corresponding to 12 included in this category.
months after the initial examination). If no other
The proper use of a Category 3, probably benign,
features of concern are noted at this bilateral sec-
assessment requires auditing one’s practice. The
ond short-interval follow-up, the examination is
rate of malignancy for mammographic findings
again coded as Category 3 with recommendation
placed in this category should be < 2%. For ultra-
typically bilateral 12-month follow-up. If the
sound, the rate of malignancy also should be
feature(s) again shows no change in the next sub-
< 2%, but this has not been widely validated in
sequent 12-month examination (corresponding to
the literature. For MRI, the types of findings to be
24 months after the initial examination), the final
placed in short interval follow-up and expected
assessment may be Category 2, benign, or Cat-
rate of malignancy require further study. It is
egory 3, probably benign at the discretion of the
imperative that short interval follow-up does not
interpreting physician. According to the literature
alter the stage distribution or the prognosis of
(2), after 2 to 3 years of stability, the final assess-
the few patients with malignancies placed under
ment category may be changed to a Category 2,
surveillance: this information must be included in
benign, although diagnostic (rather than screen-
the audit.
ing) follow-up may be appropriate if, for example,
continued magnification views will be needed. Category 4
As with any interpretive examination, a less expe- Category 4 is used for the vast majority of find-
rienced reader may still perceive a minimal focal ings prompting breast interventional procedures
asymmetry that changes with workup to be a Cat- ranging from aspiration of complicated cysts to
egory 3 finding. A more experienced reader at 6, biopsy of pleomorphic calcifications. Many insti-
12 or 24 months may recognize this as a normal tutions have, on an individual basis, subdivided
variant and classify it as Category 1, negative. With Category 4 to account for the vast range of lesions
a properly worded report the assessment category subjected to interventional procedures and corre-
may be then changed to one that the current reader sponding broad range of risk of malignancy. This
feels is appropriate. allows a more meaningful practice audit, is useful
in research involving receiver-operating charac-
It is also possible that a Category 3 finding
teristic (ROC) curve analysis, and is an aid for
is biopsied as a result of patient and/or clinician
clinicians and pathologists. The optional division

American College of Radiology 255

Fourth Edition – 2003

of Category 4 into three subdivisions internally Category 5

at the facility level helps to accomplish these goals. Category 5 is used for lesions almost certainly rep-
Category 4A resenting breast carcinoma. In earlier editions of
BI-RADS® when histopathologic or cytologic di-
Category 4A may be used for a finding need-
agnoses obtained by needle biopsies were less
ing intervention but with a low suspicion for
common, this assessment category signified that
malignancy. A malignant pathology report not
a lesion might be treated definitively without prior
expected and a 6-month or routine follow-up
tissue sampling. This category must be reserved
after a benign biopsy or cytology is appro-
for findings that are classic breast cancers, with a
priate. Examples of findings placed in this
≥95% likelihood of malignancy. A spiculated,
category may be a palpable, partially circum-
irregular high-density mass, a segmental or linear
scribed solid mass with ultrasound features
arrangement of fine linear calcifications or an
suggestive of a fibroadenoma, a palpable
irregular spiculated mass with associated pleomor-
complicated cyst or probable abscess.
phic calcifications are examples of lesions that
Category 4B should be placed in Category 5. Findings that war-
Category 4B includes lesions with an inter- rant biopsy but are not classic for malignancy
mediate suspicion of malignancy. Findings in should be placed in Category 4, ideally in one of
this category warrant close radiologic and the three subdivisions mentioned above.
pathologic correlation. Follow-up with a
benign result, in this situation, depends on Category 6
concordance. A partially circumscribed, par- This category has been added for breast findings
tially indistinctly marginated mass yielding confirmed to be malignant by biopsy but prior
fibroadenoma or fat necrosis is acceptable, to definitive therapies such as surgical excision,
but a result of papilloma might warrant radiation therapy, chemotherapy or mastectomy.
excisional biopsy. Unlike BI-RADS® categories 4 and 5, there is no
associated intervention required to confirm ma-
Category 4C lignancy. This category is appropriate for second
Category 4C includes findings of moderate opinions on findings previously biopsied and
concern, but not classic (as in Category 5) shown to be malignant or for the monitoring of
for malignancy. Examples of findings placed responses to neoadjuvant chemotherapy prior to
in this category are an ill-defined, irregular surgical excision.
solid mass or a new cluster of fine pleomor-
phic calcifications. A malignant result in this There may be scenarios where patients with
category is expected. biopsy-proven malignancy are sent for further
imaging evaluation prior to therapeutic interven-
These internal divisions of Category 4 should
tion. For example, a patient with known malig-
encourage pathologists to initiate further
nancy in one breast may be sent for outside film
evaluation of benign results in a Category 4C,
consultation with resulting recommendation for
and should allow clinicians to better under-
additional evaluation of other abnormalities in the
stand follow-up recommendations after bi-
same or opposite breast (Category 0). As in any
opsy for findings placed in each subset of
situation, the final assessment should be based on
Category 4.
the most immediate action required. The additional

256 American College of Radiology


evaluation may show a cyst in the opposite breast, A major rationale for adding Category 6 is that
a benign finding that requires no action, and the examinations meriting this assessment should be
final assessment would then revert to Category 6 excluded from auditing. Auditing that includes
due to the known but as yet untreated cancer. If such examinations would inappropriately indicate
additional evaluation reveals a separate suspicious inflated cancer detection rates, positive predictive
finding requiring biopsy, the overall assessment values, and other outcomes parameters.
should be Category 4, suspicious, with biopsy rec-
ommended as that is the next action required. Category 0
Category 0 is utilized after a screening examina-
If additional work-up is performed only on the
tion. When further imaging evaluation (e.g. addi-
opposite breast, it should be coded appropriately
tional views or ultrasound) or retrieval of prior
for the findings in that breast alone, however, it
films is required. Comparison to old films de-
may be advisable to add a comment in the impres-
creases the need for recall. However, comparison
sion/recommendation that definitive treatment of
is not always required to interpret mammograms
the known cancer in the opposite breast is still
(3-4). In the absence of any findings of concern, it
was found that prior films will be helpful in only
Use of Category 6 is not appropriate following 35/1093 (3.2%) of cases (5). Only examinations
excision of a malignancy (lumpectomy). After sur- requiring prior films in order to make a valid as-
gery, there may be no residual evidence of tumor, sessment should be coded as Category 0. This
with final assessment of Category 3, probably be- would most often include cases with a focal asym-
nign, or Category 2, benign. There may, alterna- metry that could represent a normal variant or
tively, be calcifications suspicious for residual mammograms showing circumscribed mass(es)
tumor, with final assessment of Categoy 4, suspi- that may have been present previously. The rec-
cious, or Category 5, highly suggestive of malig- ommendations should detail the suggested workup
nancy, with recommendation for biopsy or (e.g., additional views and/or ultrasound) needed
additional surgery. if old films are not received.

American College of Radiology 257

Fourth Edition – 2003

Figure 1. Category 3 Algorithm

Screening Mammogram Category 0:

“Recall” for diagnostic imaging evaluation
(do not use Category 3 in interpreting screening examinations)

Category 3:
Probably bengin
6-month follow-up for the involved breast(s).

from original

Change Noted. No change in finding followed and no new

(Category 4 or 5, appropriate findings. Category 3 – bilateral mammogram
category-specific management) should be recommended in another 6 months
(This serves as a screening exam of the
contralateral breast and diagnostic follow-up
to probably benign finding)
from original

Change Noted. No change in finding followed and no new

(Category 4 or 5, appropriate findings. Category 3, recommend bilateral
category-specific management) mammogram in 12 months
(to further follow probably benign finding and
for screening purposes)

from original

Change Noted. No change in finding followed and no new

(Category 4 or 5, appropriate findings. Category 2, recommend routine
category-specific management) screening (if radiologist decides that 2-year
follow-up is sufficient to establish benignity).
One more annual follow-up if radiologist
prefers to have 3-year stability.

from original

258 American College of Radiology



1. Sickles EA. Periodic mammographic follow-up

of probably benign lesions: results in 3,184
consecutive cases. Radiology 1991;170:463-468.
2. Sickles EA. Management of probably benign
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3. Frankel SD, Sickles EA, Curpen BN, Sollitto
RA, Ominsky SH, Galvin HB. Initial versus
subsequent screening mammography: compari-
son of findings and their prognostic significance.
Am J Roentgenol 1995;164:1107-1109.
4. Thurfjell MG, Vitak B, Azavedo E, Svane G,
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of mammography screening with or without
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ing previous mammograms for comparison:
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