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BSMA 1-10

ANALYSIS: Philosophers After the Dark

PLATO (Platonic)

1. One example is the scenario where it is so idealistic and so perfect that Mr.Zimit just
wants them to decide based on what he believes and I think that is not realistic because
we all have our own opinions in everything. Also, the way they made the story and its
three scenarios are so incredibly unrealistic. We may think that it can happen today
because of the advancement of our technology but it won’t happen I our daily lives.

2. One example is about James when he became an example of Plato’s Allegory of the cave
where he thought that the world where he got stacked is the reality where it is actually
not but it also says that it is the matter of perspective to say what is our world.

ARISTOTLE (Aristotelian)

1. The way Petra thinks were Aristotelian. When she was the one to decide who will stay in
the bunker, she chose the people who will make them happy where happiness will come
through us if we live a good life. Basically they will live a good life with the people Petra
picked. Also, it covers Aristotle’s debunk against Plato because it is so realistic for us to
pick what would make us happy the most.


1. The way Petra picked the people who will stay is showing the Universalism where
everyone lived a happy life even though they part ways and lived separately starting when
Chips decided to exchange situations with Petra and live outside with the other students.
2. One example of this is when Mr. Zimit was shown 3 times at the same scenario in the last
part. At first, he is just eating his food. The second attempt of this scene was Mr. Zimit
holds his gun and then we heard the gun shot. But at last, memory of Petra smiling was
shown presumed that he didn’t committed suicide and just cherish his life without her.
This shown the perfect duties of a person and one of it is to preserve life. By not
committing suicide, you can preserve your life and we can also apply the principle of
universalism that I every action that we do, we must do it for the good of all. In that
principle, we can consider other people’s emotion if we commit suicide.

3. Another example is in the second scenario when no one gets pregnant and Mr. Zimit
wants them to change partners for sex. Bonnie, the soldier resisted to it because she
doesn’t want anyone to force her who to have sex with. It applies to the principle of
humanity where we should treat a person a person and not just like a simple thing
because what they would do is like forcing women to have sex even though their intention
was good.

4. Another example is not complying with the idea of perfect duties. It is where Mr. Zimit
always shot the published poet (in the first scene and in the second) without even him
giving a chance to defend what he can do and tell them his side trait of being a champion
Chinese poker player. Mr. Zimit hides the truth about it thinking that he is not necessary
and making that decision not complied with the perfect duties where we should not tell
a lie and show the truth.

JOHN STUART MILL (Utilitarianism)

1. It is obvious that UTILITARIANISM was shown and used mostly when the students are
deciding who to pick and be safe in the bunker for a year. They decided to pick people
who they think are necessary with their professions to survive in that bunker and
recreate population. So obviously they have to sacrifice 10 students for the other 10
students to survive. As utilitarianism is the good for the greater number.

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