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Assignment 3

I. Grammar:
Choose the correct verbs to complete the sentences.
1. "Do you know Rocco's date of birth?"
"No, I'll ask ."
2. It's a beautiful day. Will we go to the beach?
3. What are you doing next weekend?
4. I failed my driving test. Will you help me practice?
5. Are we going to invite Sara to their wedding?
6. "I can't do my homework”. " I'll help you, if you'd like.
7. Max is coming back from Australia on Friday.
8. I'm going to a concert tomorrow. Should I going to get you a ticket?

II. Vocabulary:
Match the people with the adjectives to describe them in the box. There are two extra adjectives.
unsociable dishonest insensitive easygoing
disorganized confident impolite impatient
1. Robert would be very happy to make a speech in front of 1,000 people. confident

2. Kira knows I don't have much money, but she keeps telling me about expensive things
she's bought. impolite
3. Andrew's always missing meetings because he doesn't write them in his diary.
4. On the weekends, Adam's usually happy to do whatever his friends suggest.
5. Gloria doesn't like parties - she'd rather stay at home and read a book. unsociable

6. Chuck hates having to wait for other people - he just wants to get moving with things.

III. Reading:

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