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What does it mean?

The word "acrosport" comes from the Greek word "acrobateo," meaning to climb or ascend. This
discipline has ancient origins, with evidence of acrobatic exercises dating back thousands of
Security and con dence among participants. Roles.
When it comes to staying safe in acrosport, the main thing is to make sure everyone doesn't get
hurt. This is super important because acrosport involves doing tricky moves and balancing on
each other. People need to pay attention and not mess around when they're making shapes and
doing stunts. It's also really important for everyone to work together and talk to each other so they
don't fall over and get hurt. This is very important as communication is crucial as well as trust,
because if you don’t trust someone that’s preventing you from getting hurt, it is a problem.
Warm up gymnastics
Acrosport is a sport where multiple people perform acrobatic and choreographed routines. It has
as activities forming gures or pyramids, making stunts, strength, exibility, and balance, but
most importantly trust in your teammates. The teammates work together as a group, using their
bodies to hold and move each other. Acrosport activities are a mix of teamwork and individual
movements, synchronised with instrumental music.
Stretching at the activity
In acrosport, stretching is really important for keeping your muscles exible, strong, and healthy. It
helps your body move e ectively when performing acrobatic moves and routines. Regular
stretching prevents muscles from tightening up and becoming weak, which reduces the risk of
injuries during performances. So, it's a good idea to make stretching a regular part of your routine
to stay exible and avoid getting hurt.
Wikipedia contributors. (2023, August 1). Acrobatic gymnastics. Wikipedia. https://
Wikipedia contributors. (2024, March 12). Warming up. Wikipedia.

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