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¿what is it?
Swimming is the ability that allows the human
being to move in the water, thanks to the
propulsive action carried out by the rhythmic,
repetitive and coordination of the upper and
lower limbs and the body, and that will allow stay
on the surface and overcome the resistance
offered by the water to
scroll in it.

Its origin is in some Egyptian hieroglyphs
from 2500 BC, the importance of the art of
swimming in this civilization is reflected. In
the modern era comes competitive swimming
that starts in Great Britain at the end of the
18th century and in 1837 the National
Swimming Society is founded, the first
organization of its kind. Since then they
became popular in other European countries
and did not stop growing as a professional
IMPORTANCE sports discipline until in 1912 women's
swimming competitions were included in the
Olympic Games.
Swimming is much more than a sport

practice, it is also a skill and a technique

that in many occasions can represent the
difference between life and death. A
good swimmer is more likely to survive
certain maritime accidents. It is one of
the most popular sports practices in the
world. It provides many benefits to the
respiratory and circulatory system of the
human being.

• Maintain and improve general physical
• Improve basic physical conditions
• Improve coordination
• Improve joint mobility
•Improve autonomy in the aquatic
• Increase muscular endurance
• Re-educate breath control
• Reduce stress
• Have fun and socialize

Natación - Concepto, historia, estilos y beneficios. (s.
f.). Concepto. Recuperado 7 de octubre de 2022, de
Natación: el deporte con beneficios para el cuerpo y
el cerebro. (2020, 26 mayo). abc. Recuperado 7 de
octubre de 2022, de

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