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Anti Aging

Prevent Skin thinning – Dr Anil Rajani


1)estrogen loss

2)Normal aging

3)Photo damage-collagen and hyaluronic acid production diminishes

4)Chronic inflammation



1)Retinols-increses elasticity increases epidermal thickness increases collagen

2)Thereby reduces wrinkles

3)Takes 4 wks to show results

4)Avocado oil with retinoic acid


5)hormone replacement therapy- has side effects

estogen creams-cancer risks- shatavari/shatavari ghrut

6)LASER- improve dermal thickness

7)Alpha Hydroxy Acids-AHA

Glycolic acid

Citric acid

SCULptor injectables- collagen builder face lifts

8)EXERCISE-2 hrs per week- prevents and reverses


Organic oils-rosehip grapeseed

Massage-increases circulation , good for generating collagen

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